Relaxed heads: Is there any way to achiebe the wet head fresh-out-shower" look?


Well-Known Member
I like how my hair looks and feels when wet- bouncy, full,a little curlier. But it dries poofy. I was wondering if anyone has had success with getting the wet hair look for everyday wear.

If so what products work? How long did the style last? Was it messy, tangly and dry or did it have "swang" ? Was your hair damaged afterwards?
Co-wash your hair, air-dry them in two or more braids (with a roller on each end), cover overnight, and take out the braids the next day. You can add some moisturizer and oil for sheen! Enjoy.

The style should last a few days. For me, it wasn't messy, tangly or dry (but your mileage will vary). It's a great low manipulation style.
I'm texlaxed and get this look, but after the first couple days i end up rockin a ponytail or bun w/ curly ends because i end up losing definition in the rest of my hair. I usually cowash then leave in tresemme moisture rich or aussie moist, finger comb and scrunch, add evoo and mousse (sometimes) and let it air dry in the style i want.

When I first started trying to get the 'wet-curl' look, i tried the tightly curly method, but only leaving conditioner in made my hair feel dry by the next day. After i started adding an oil to seal i was surprised that my air-dried hair had the same silkiness and swang that it does after a flat iron. A good serum might have the same effect.

HTH :)
I've found that the keys to creating this look are:
  • To be freshly relaxed. This style doesn't work well if i'm more than 2-3 weeks post
  • To have heavy, moisturizing cream. I use Qhemet Biologics Amla and Olive Heavy Cream.

My hair doesn't respond well to air drying, so I detangle and comb it down straight and then sit under my hood dyer. After about 30-45 minutes, it's mostly dry so I then run a wide tooth comb through it to make sure it's still tangle free. Afterwards, I add a generous amount of the Amla and Olive HC throughout my hair and make about 6 - 8 braids and put a roller at the end of each plait. I get back under the dryer until it's mostly dry then go to sleep.

In the morning, I take the rollers out and undo the braids and have the look that you described. My hair looks wet when it's down and very wavy. I can't use the cream on a normal day (because it's too heavy), but it works great for this style. To preserve the style, every night I add a little more of the cream, rebraid it in the 6-8 plaits with rollers on the end and put on a satin cap. The style lasts me 5-7 days before I need to rewash.

The only caution is that you may have to clarify on your next wash day. The cream leaves a lot of buildup in my hair, so I always clarify if I use it (I wash weekly).

Good luck!
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