Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

I relax at 12-14 weeks post with about 2.5 inches of new growth. Some months I have growth spurts and I'll relax at 10 weeks. That's usually once or twice a year.

For me touch ups depend on the state of my new growth and hair, not the number of weeks post.

If my growth is faster I relax sooner and if it's normal growth I relax on my typical schedule.
Thank you!
OK, that makes sense. So 2-3 inches is what I look for too but mainly bc of the way that I smooth my relaxers, I want to avoid too much overlap.
I always feel at home in the relaxer thread because my relaxed years still outnumber my natural years currently. Relaxer runoff is something that I struggled with, especially when I was getting my hair relaxed at a salon. Make sure you protect the length of your hair. Ok, back in lurk mode I go. :wave:
When you all are assessing new growth for retouches, are you referring to the inches of new growth in the stretched or unstretched state?
Because we know shrinkage in our hair is real :lol: So, the growth may be more than what is seen?

Lol, true! And good question!
I've been thinking in terms of unstretched ng but maybe...
I remember reading that some ladies blow dry or even flat iron to prep for a touchup -- and I may have even tried it once (I need to check my notes) -- bc it's supposed to make the results better to relax already stretched ng.
4 days post!! FINALLY!!! After 18 weeks lol (unintentional stretch) I went ahead and tried Hawaiian Silky lye (normal) since ORS lye kept leaving me underprocessed. I like that HS left me with some texture and not flat and my hair was shiny whereas my hair was dull with ORS. My scalp didn't burn even though I spent hours detangling my hair right before I got it done.

Now that I know I can go 18 weeks, I'll make 14 weeks my new touchup instead of 10.

So, I ended up not doing it. lol. One reason is because all the new growth is making me lazy. But, the main reason is I'm afraid of another setback. Something in me keeps saying, if I leave my hair alone (i.e. no chemicals), I will finally be able to retain the hair I've grown.
Plus, even though it takes forever to detangle and blow dry my hair now, after I finished, my hair looked and felt great. And, I forget about the bush of new growth I'll have to deal with next wash. smh lol

As it stands, I may be unintentionally doing a long transition to natural, or setting myself up for a super long relaxer process, when I finally re-touch.
So, I ended up not doing it. lol. One reason is because all the new growth is making me lazy. But, the main reason is I'm afraid of another setback. Something in me keeps saying, if I leave my hair alone (i.e. no chemicals), I will finally be able to retain the hair I've grown.
Plus, even though it takes forever to detangle and blow dry my hair now, after I finished, my hair looked and felt great. And, I forget about the bush of new growth I'll have to deal with next wash. smh lol

As it stands, I may be unintentionally doing a long transition to natural, or setting myself up for a super long relaxer process, when I finally re-touch.

I also do really long stretches and am dealing with ng most of the time. You can definitely grow your hair longer by doing long stretches. In fact, I would say that's probably why I have been able to retain as I have in the past. I usually only relax twice a year and I try to make it the least cumbersome process possible so if you want any pointers I'm here :)

I dunno if you remember a lady named Sylver (I think?) around here but she only relaxed once a year and I believe she was a resident HLer.

Also, I found no difference in my relaxing time or process the few times I've relaxed earlier than 12 weeks or 33 weeks. The only thing that might take longer is the prep. But even that depends on how I've been wearing my hair.

One last thing, I promise :blush2:, have you ever tried the Amino Acid tx? It's pretty much adding a few tbsp of Amino Acids (I use Braggs from the grocery store cooking aisle) to your DC and then adding a few tsp of baking soda. DC with heat and rinse. That tx makes my new growth much softer. It's still 4b but it's more pliable (if that makes sense). And if I flat iron afterwards, the new growth gets silky straight.
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I also do really long stretches and am dealing with ng most of the time. You can definitely grow your hair longer by doing long stretches. In fact, I would say that's probably why I have been able to retain as I have in the past. I usually only relax twice a year and I try to make it the least cumbersome process possible so if you want any pointers I'm here :)

I dunno if you remember a lady named Sylver (I think?) around here but she only relaxed once a year and I believe she was a resident HLer.

Also, I found no difference in my relaxing time or process the few times I've relaxed earlier than 12 weeks or 33 weeks. The only thing that might take longer is the prep. But even that depends on how I've been wearing my hair.

One last thing, I promise :blush2:, have you ever tried the Amino Acid tx. It's pretty much adding a few tbsp of Amino Acids (I use Braggs from the grocery store cooking aisle) to your DC and then adding a few tsp of baking soda. DC with heat and rinse. That tx makes my new growth much softer. It's still 4b but it's more pliable (if that makes sense). And if I flat iron afterwards, the new growth gets silky straight.
Okay I have a few questions about the amino acid tx lol. How much is a few? What kind of deep conditioner are we talking? Is it a moisturizing deep conditioner or more of a strengthening one? Or does it even matter what conditioner it is? How long do you sit under the heat? Is your hair covered or no? I think that's it for the questions :laugh:
Okay I have a few questions about the amino acid tx lol. How much is a few? What kind of deep conditioner are we talking? Is it a moisturizing deep conditioner or more of a strengthening one? Or does it even matter what conditioner it is? How long do you sit under the heat? Is your hair covered or no? I think that's it for the questions :laugh:

You're right! These things matter!

I use Queen Helene cholesterol as my base DC. I start with about 1/3 - 1/2 of the 15 oz jar, so about 5-7.5 oz. I add in about 3 squeezes of whatever cheap moisturizing conditioner I have on hand. Then I add 2-3 tbsp of Braggs to that and stir. At this point, I personally add about 5-10 drops of sweet orange oil for scent bc I don't wanna bake soy sauce smell into my hair, lol. Then I add 2-3 tsp of baking soda to the mix. Once you stir in the baking soda, the mix turns into a froth and expands. Sometimes, if I start with too much condish, it will over flow the little 15 oz jar, lol. I part my hair and apply that froth to each section like a relaxer. Bantu knot into 1 or 2 sections and then cover with two grocery bags. I use a conditioning cap or a soft bonnet dryer for 20-30 mins and then rinse.
I also do really long stretches and am dealing with ng most of the time. You can definitely grow your hair longer by doing long stretches. In fact, I would say that's probably why I have been able to retain as I have in the past. I usually only relax twice a year and I try to make it the least cumbersome process possible so if you want any pointers I'm here :)

I dunno if you remember a lady named Sylver (I think?) around here but she only relaxed once a year and I believe she was a resident HLer.

Also, I found no difference in my relaxing time or process the few times I've relaxed earlier than 12 weeks or 33 weeks. The only thing that might take longer is the prep. But even that depends on how I've been wearing my hair.

One last thing, I promise :blush2:, have you ever tried the Amino Acid tx? It's pretty much adding a few tbsp of Amino Acids (I use Braggs from the grocery store cooking aisle) to your DC and then adding a few tsp of baking soda. DC with heat and rinse. That tx makes my new growth much softer. It's still 4b but it's more pliable (if that makes sense). And if I flat iron afterwards, the new growth gets silky straight.

Thank you!! I've been doing twice a year since being relaxed again. I actually remember Sylver and had no idea she was relaxing only once a year!!! I LOVED her hair, and she was one of my first inspirations here. Makes so much sense now why her hair was so long and healthy. She's the reason I've been hooked on the NTM leave in! :lol:
I've actually been contemplating pushing out to a year to relax, if I can make it. Your post just gave me the push I needed to try!
Thank you!! I've been doing twice a year since being relaxed again. I actually remember Sylver and had no idea she was relaxing only once a year!!! I LOVED her hair, and she was one of my first inspirations here. Makes so much sense now why her hair was so long and healthy. She's the reason I've been hooked on the NTM leave in! :lol:
I've actually been contemplating pushing out to a year to relax, if I can make it. Your post just gave me the push I needed to try!

Yay!! So happy to have helped! :D I admired her hair too - even though I was a natural. And since I was natural for about 5 years and I PS 99% of the time, it feels easy for me to stretch relaxers. I tried to push it to one year but the most I've made it was 9 months. lol

I primarily do a May and Nov schedule. That's only bc May is a big month for us (Birthdays for DH and I and our wedding anniversary. Not to mention Mother's Day and Memorial Day are usually gathering holidays). And then in Nov for the holidays and EOTY progress pix. Otherwise, I would probably just do one relaxer at the EOTY.
@demlew glad you liked Hawaiian Silky. I may try it in the future. ORS changed their formula and left me under-processed too! What a shame that they ruined a good product.

@MzSwift I think I have Sylver2's photo album committed to memory! :supergrin: She almost had me willing to try a one year stretch.... almost. She was one of the ladies here who truly inspired me to do what I need to do to retain every inch I grow. I miss those days.

I'm 6 weeks post today. Still planning to go to 14 weeks.