Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

1 day post relaxer with Mizani BB after a14 week stretch. I found out that I was having way too much texture because I wasn’t washing the week before and had too much product on my hair. Also, happy to find my Mizani BB again.

Yes this is critical for me. And also because I stretch quite deeply, I wash and DC my hair (very gently) around 48 hours before I touch up. I know there is a risk in that method, but it’s the best way for me to efficiently work through dense the NG; this way I’m never under processed.

I’m about 7 weeks post, so another 9 weeks to go.
Finished relaxing and I'm doing a dc now. I must enjoy relaxing my hair late on Sundays. No matter how I plan to relax earlier in the day, I always end up relaxing at night!

ORS changed their box relaxer! The relaxer base supposedly has the oil already in it. I didn't mind the extra step of adding the oil. The texture/consistency of the relaxer cream was too watery for me. I used the entire container.

They also made the packet of conditioner half of what it used to be. I use it for my mid-relaxer protein step. It was NOT enough to cover my hair.

The shampoo used to be green, now it's orange. I'm used to that since I've mostly used an orange neutralizing all the time.

Overall, my hair feels relaxed like I like it, but I won't truly know for sure until it's dry and I style it. Stay tuned.
Alright. I'm on the lookout for a new relaxer.

Found some underprocessed areas and I'm not happy. My hair looks good overall, but this isn't going to work. Plus, I'm not leaving relaxer in my hair for an extended period of time trying to get my new growth straight.

I process for 15 minutes and that's it. The old ORS relaxer would straighten my roots perfectly in that time. Oh well. I research and see what y'all are using nowadays.
Alright. I'm on the lookout for a new relaxer.

Found some underprocessed areas and I'm not happy. My hair looks good overall, but this isn't going to work. Plus, I'm not leaving relaxer in my hair for an extended period of time trying to get my new growth straight.

I process for 15 minutes and that's it. The old ORS relaxer would straighten my roots perfectly in that time. Oh well. I research and see what y'all are using nowadays.
Try Affirm Fiberguard. I think they have a no lye version.
2.5 weeks post!

Still not sold on this Affirm Fiberguard. My hair feels extra thin but again, this is my first virgin relaxer since 2014 so it's likely a matter of perspective. I still have 3/4 of the 4 lb container left.

I plan to do my touch up in 5-6 months. Plenty of time to see how my hair does and make a decision.
2.5 weeks post!

Still not sold on this Affirm Fiberguard. My hair feels extra thin but again, this is my first virgin relaxer since 2014 so it's likely a matter of perspective. I still have 3/4 of the 4 lb container left.

I plan to do my touch up in 5-6 months. Plenty of time to see how my hair does and make a decision.
I wish they sold smaller containers of the lye version. I’m thinking about switching to Affirm, but that’s a big investment considering I don’t personally know anyone else who uses it locally. I’m tired of ORS underprocessing me :-(
Welcome @Fashionista922 I'm hope you enjoy it here. I am trying to get to MBL by next year as well. Looking at my current trajectory I should get there by next summer, with full MBL by the end of the year. I am planning to trim just a little bit more regularly for the next few trims so that will slow my progress down just a bit.

I'm 12 weeks post, hair is really manageable at the moment and it feels great; so I'll be touching up at 16 weeks. I don't think I will stretch any longer than that anymore. If I'm struggling a bit over the next 4 weeks I will just increase my wash and DC to twice a week, as that always does the trick.
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Oooh, lots of MBL 2023 goals up in here! Add me to the club!!
I'm only SL now but I'll keep KISSING and visualizing my way to MBL!
I plan to relax April/May 2023 and Nov/Dec 2023 next year. Looking forward to those relaxer day surprises :)
6 weeks post, 4 to go.

@MzSwift ohh, i remember those relaxer day surprises! Especially when I was stretching 16 weeks! My friends swore I was natural! Even when I eventually relaxed, they just assumed I got it heat-straightened. :lol: