Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

I am finally going to relax my hair at the weekend, went out and got all of my supplies in the week.

This brings me to 17 weeks post; I didn't mean to go that long but it is what it is. I'm going to do a very gentle wash and DC today, and do a protein treatment. I did a hair detox on Monday as I like to ensure that my hair is completely stripped of any product before relaxing. I find relaxing on super clean hair really works for me.
I never did wash my hair as I planned to (pain) but I'm still planning on touching up today. Better start getting it ready cause this is going to take me hours to finish.

ETA: I’m only just getting under the dryer to condition, at 11:00am! I still need to blow dry, flat iron and trim! :look: :lol:
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1 Week Post yesterday after a 15-16 week stretch.
Of course she said I waited too long to come in......blah, blah, blah:ignore:

I'll continue to treat my Hair at Home the way I've been doing and tune out all that other foolishness and chatter.:bye:

Just do the service I'm paying you for and keep all the other "commentary" to yourself:yawn:
1 day post!
Relaxed yesterday at 23 weeks, 5 days.
I think it went well, considering..
STILL not a fan of Affirm Fiberguard. I applied it undiluted. I slathered condish and a ceramide oil mix onto my hair and NG instead. I'm gonna have to go against my nature and throw the rest of this tub out. It makes my hair feel way too weird.
Going back to Motions lye.
I LOVE doing the mid-step moisturizing condish (Motions) AND the post neutralizing amino acid/baking soda tx.
I'm forever keeping the ACV with my last neutralizing poo, it works so well and I feel safer using something that acidic. I might try regular white vinegar next time (I've done it before) because my son could not stand the smell of the ACV alone and even after it began reacting on my hair. He asked to go outside for some "fresh air." LOL
I'm very happy with the ends being straight because I don't have the SSKs that I had the first time I texlaxed. So I don't see myself having to cut my hair in a few years.
Planning to keep my hair covered for the next week and then install mini twists/braids on this blown out hair.
I still feel so weird having hair this short. I can't even pull it down myself for a length check in the back. :(
VERY interested to see my EOTY progress since that's the only time I flat iron.

On the pix:

Before (almost 6 months of new growth)


After (lots of texture); I'm hoping to get my Isis hair once it gets longer with lots of texture



And light blow dry ponytail bun (didn't last long)

1 Week Post yesterday after a 15-16 week stretch.
Of course she said I waited too long to come in......blah, blah, blah:ignore:

I'll continue to treat my Hair at Home the way I've been doing and tune out all that other foolishness and chatter.:bye:

Just do the service I'm paying you for and keep all the other "commentary" to yourself:yawn:

Dead :rofl:

We've been doing this too long to put up and be dealing with foolishness from 'professionals!'

Your hair looks lovely @MzSwift nice and thick :love: I tried Fibreguard once and didn't like it; the original Affirm is my jam!
@IDareT'sHair I know that's right! We know what we're doing. They just mad that relaxers like us aren't in their chairs every week like back in the day. I still can't believe how often I used to go to the salon only to be stuck in perpetual SL land for years!

And I'm sorry, stretching relaxers is what keeps our hair healthy. The proof is all over this site!