Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

From December 2020. :cry3:I had no choice because the salons were closed in England. Last time it was from December 2019 - JUNE 2020 lol.

Wow so you’re used to stretching for long periods then! I last touched up in December too, I think my hair is okay there isn’t any breakage or anything but I guess we’ll see.

I’m in the UK too but I self relax so the salon closures weren’t an issue. She didn’t drag through your hair did she? Because some of those hairdressers don’t have the patience for dealing with thick NG.
Wow so you’re used to stretching for long periods then! I last touched up in December too, I think my hair is okay there isn’t any breakage or anything but I guess we’ll see.

I’m in the UK too but I self relax so the salon closures weren’t an issue. She didn’t drag through your hair did she? Because some of those hairdressers don’t have the patience for dealing with thick NG.

No, she didn't drag through my hair or anything, she's very gentle. I honestly didn't take very good care of my hair during this stretch compared to last one, so that was on me! I'm going to do better now though.
Hello Everyone!
Long time since I've been around. I relaxed on Saturday after I don't know how long , haha!
I could probably use this thread to find out.

It was long enough to the point my hair was hard to manage. I was wearing a lot of buns and braid outs and ponytails and my edges are thinning pretty bad.

I used Mizani Butter Blends this go around, and I love it.

I think Ive been going so long because with heat , my hair does good throughout stretches. Definitely need my ends clipped though. Its been since around the beginning of Covid since Ive seen a stylist for a trim. Since Im vaccinated now, I might go see one now.

I hope everyone is doing well and being safe <3
7 weeks post. Not sure how long I'll go this time. Last time was 7 months, which was far too long. In braids now. Hiding my hair has been good for me mentally.

ETA: Decided this stretch will be 5 months/22weeks. :yep:
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