Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

A little over 13 weeks. Tried knotless braids and now with a small patch of hair missing at the line of demarcation :mad: Had to take them out the same day, it was so tight. Thought I took them out in time--- guess not.....Never again. Will continue stretching without braids.
Only thing I used to do when growing my relaxer out was cornrowing and putting a wig on. Braids are not good it's extra hair strands weighing down on your scalp it's bound to thin out your hair all over the head
8 weeks post and doing well. We're under lockdown 3 and everything is closed (including salons and hair supply stores, plus we're having difficulty getting in supplies from the EU) again. Hoping we open back up in March because I do not want to go through another really long stretch.
Proper brushing/detangling is critical to retention. I fell for the wide-tooth comb craze which turned out to be a dilemma in the long run.

I'll rather lose some hair than deal to constant tangle due to improper removal of shed hairs
I feel for it too!

I still don't use a brush, but it's more out of habit than being scared of being bad for my hair.

I'm off Monday, so I'll be able to relax my hair during the day. :)
I feel for it too!

I still don't use a brush, but it's more out of habit than being scared of being bad for my hair.

I'm off Monday, so I'll be able to relax my hair during the day. :)

I brush my hair once a week and it feels amazing for me to be able to run my fingers through my hair from scalp to tips.

Not only that, but my hair feels soft and flowy instead of the stiff mess it was for the longest time.
I’ve always had a brush in my kit, but I don’t use it constantly; I’ll use it if I’m blow drying or brushing my hair to smooth into a bun. I will be using it today as it goes as I’m washing, DC’ing then blow drying to prep my hair for a trim.

It’s a key staple for me, the key is incorporating the correct technique and limit how often you’re brushing.
I’m almost 4 months post. Wanted to make it to 6 months, but I don’t know right now.

When I had my hair natural I always combed and brushed my hair daily, I hated doing it but my hair shrank up badly everyday, my hair is 4c naturally it's like sandpaper.

Today I'm relaxed and I use wide tooth comb when wet or a normal width one dry and use a natural bristle boar brush (this split when I had it natural last year - that's how tough my natural hair is) to neaten the hair daily. I don't get knots or anything so it's easy. I don't know how some people don't comb/brush daily, mine would look unkempt if I did that.
When I had my hair natural I always combed and brushed my hair daily, I hated doing it but my hair shrank up badly everyday, my hair is 4c naturally it's like sandpaper.

Today I'm relaxed and I use wide tooth comb when wet or a normal width one dry and use a natural bristle boar brush (this split when I had it natural last year - that's how tough my natural hair is) to neaten the hair daily. I don't get knots or anything so it's easy. I don't know how some people don't comb/brush daily, mine would look unkempt if I did that.

Minimising comb usage really is learned behaviour for me and I’ve had to force myself to think more strategically about my hair and how my hair will be set during the week.

If I’m going to be bunning in the week I’ll set my hair in that style for the week once I have washed, DC’d and air dried. This is the most I will be manipulating my hair with my comb and brush. I will set my hair in the bun, not even with a pony tail holder, I will just set the hair in place with pins and simply keep my scarf on until such time I need to remove it. The scarf keeps it neat all week and no need to comb until wash day.

Sometimes I’ll put my hair in pillow rollers or flexis, so after that initial comb through on wash day I don’t need to comb again as the curls are kind of set in place.

I’ve retained so much more hair with this change.
I got my retouch on 2/11. I’ve made some nice gains durng the pandemic. I want to do eveything I can to increase those between now and the next retouch, which should be around 6/11. I typically go 14-16 weeks. I already deep condition weekly and I’ve eliminated wrapping my hair. I’ve also added biotin(10,000 mcgs). I’m trying to decide if I should stop roller setting and opt instead for air drying? Just thoughts to get me to my next growth goal.
I got my retouch on 2/11. I’ve made some nice gains durng the pandemic. I want to do eveything I can to increase those between now and the next retouch, which should be around 6/11. I typically go 14-16 weeks. I already deep condition weekly and I’ve eliminated wrapping my hair. I’ve also added biotin(10,000 mcgs). I’m trying to decide if I should stop roller setting and opt instead for air drying? Just thoughts to get me to my next growth goal.
I love rollersetting and I used to be an avid fan of rollersetting, I did it weekly for a long time. It keeps the length smooth and soft but it’s a lot of manipulation. I mean I took my time with it and all but it’s a lot of wet hair and fine tooth combing and I just decided to not rollerset so much and just air dry instead which is the best really for my hair. I’ve just decided that apart from a little comb through on wash day I want to really minimise the manipulation.

I do rollerset now and again if I’m going somewhere nice and I want my hair to look a bit different.

You just need to assess whether your hair can withstand regular setting, it’s great if you can as I think rollersetting is really beneficial to keep the hair manageable during the week.
I love rollersetting and I used to be an avid fan of rollersetting, I did it weekly for a long time. It keeps the length smooth and soft but it’s a lot of manipulation. I mean I took my time with it and all but it’s a lot of wet hair and fine tooth combing and I just decided to not rollerset so much and just air dry instead which is the best really for my hair. I’ve just decided that apart from a little comb through on wash day I want to really minimise the manipulation.

I do rollerset now and again if I’m going somewhere nice and I want my hair to look a bit different.

You just need to assess whether your hair can withstand regular setting, it’s great if you can as I think rollersetting is really beneficial to keep the hair manageable during the week.
I've been roller setting for years. But I, too, think its a lot of manipulation. I'm wondering how much more my hair would thrive if I air dried? My thought is I would air dry most of the way, hit it with a blow dryer and then curl once per week with a curling iron. I can maintain the curls by pin curling or flexirodding.
I've been roller setting for years. But I, too, think its a lot of manipulation. I'm wondering how much more my hair would thrive if I air dried? My thought is I would air dry most of the way, hit it with a blow dryer and then curl once per week with a curling iron. I can maintain the curls by pin curling or flexirodding.

I air dry for the majority of the time but I don’t do it exclusively, now and again I will blow dry and flat iron, more so as I’m getting deep into a stretch. I like this method it seems to work.

I’m 11 weeks post currently I think I will go to 16 weeks.