Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

16 weeks post. Hair feels so manageable so I will attempt another 4 weeks (don't know if I'll make it though). I daren't go past 20 weeks though as the new growth is too dense for me to get through quickly I will likely under process as a result. Prepping my hair now for the final few weeks anyway.

I am going to have to remember repurchase my Affirm kit as I'm running running out.
I got my first relaxer after 10 years of natural hair back in April. I didn't want to wait this long, but I didn't want to relax it before we went on vacation, and then I came home and have been running around trying to get my kids ready for school. So, tomorrow is my "touch up". I can't wait.
I did my relaxer last night so 8 hours post? Honestly it’s hard for me to say when my next relaxer is going to be simply because I get lazy and don’t want to do them :lachen: I love my hair when it’s relaxed, I just don’t wanna do them, and I don’t want anyone else to do them either. I just stretch until I feel like relaxing. Maybe 3 months? 9 months of unrelaxed hair was easier for me to relax because I didn’t have to worry about overlapping. My whole head was basically natural lmao. I did have to do the half and half method which is the only reason why I don’t want to wait that long again. Not saying that I probably won’t do it again:rofl:
How many weeks post relaxer are you right now?
6 months

When is your next touch up?
9 month mark around december 20-something

What relaxer will you use?
Mizani butter blends fine strength mixed with olaplex
Are you going to a salon or will you self-relax
Self relax then I’ll go to the salon to get a trim
Newbie and long time lurker.
I relaxed 9/22/21 and was 14 weeks post and the reason I am now a member here. I had a horrid experience at the salon with my touch up and will now go back to self relaxing again.

Welcome to the forum and this thread. Sorry to hear about your bad experience, I'm sure you'll make a fast recovery. Yes I decided long ago that I will no longer let stylists relax my hair; as my hair always stayed the same length with the stylists and they are far too rough. So I can take as long as I need with my touch up and be incredibly gentle.
@BurntSugar so sorry this happened to you and glad you posted.

I found this site back in 2008 and left my stylist for good a short time later. I can remember I finally started retaining some length and she tried to take credit by telling the shop that she had "growing hands". :look: Soooo, you're just gon' forget all those years I was stuck at SL with you?

I've been self relaxing ever since! :)
I'm about 5 weeks post. I'm going to touch up in January.

I am so impressed by you 8/9 month stretchers. :love: The results must be insanely good! I tend to relax every 20 weeks or so (but I don't think I will next time). The only reason why I can't go any longer is I just find it hard to relax hair that has so much new growth. I think my max limit would be six months.
I'm 8 weeks post. Because the Covid situation seems to be getting worse here (particularly so as we move into winter) I'm simply not going to go out that much - just the necessary, as I'm trying to avoid people as much as possible. So WFH means my hair stays covered so I'm not relaxing anytime soon. I'm going to go at least to the end of January maybe February.

I haven't washed my hair in over a week :eek: but the lovely thing is, I no longer need to moisturise every day, I used to. My wash day process gives me enough moisture until my next wash. I used to read other people saying this on here and I would think that just wouldn't be possible for me. However this is because at 8 weeks post, while I do have a lot of new growth, it's still very soft and manageable. As I go into 10 weeks post and beyond I will have to step up my post wash moisturising if I don't want snap, crackle and pop.
Welcome to the forum and this thread. Sorry to hear about your bad experience, I'm sure you'll make a fast recovery. Yes I decided long ago that I will no longer let stylists relax my hair; as my hair always stayed the same length with the stylists and they are far too rough. So I can take as long as I need with my touch up and be incredibly gentle.
Yes I've had one or 2 so called stylists that didn't wash out the relaxer thoroughly so was still burning my head after I left.