Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

I’m only 6 weeks out but I’m getting a touch up on Thursday smh. Plus color. I need the color more than I need a perm but I definitely have enough new growth. I went 12 weeks during quarantine and never again. Grateful I have an awesome stylist who knows what he’s doing. (He’s been doing my hair for 17 years...most of his customers are at minimum BSL. Alot are MBL and longer) Six weeks is about all I can handle, 7 weeks TOPS. I’m going to try and wear my hair down more often but I’m going through menopause and it’s a little past BSL and it’s just too hot! Now I see why menopausal women cut their hair.
3 weeks post, 18 more weeks to go! 21 week stretch is very manageable for me, the touch up however is more challenging though due to the pure density of that new growth.

I’m really trying to baby my ends as I’ve been cutting off too much of my progress lately.

I am loving Affirm, I can’t see myself switching relaxer any time soon.
I'm newly relaxed again. I'm sure I posted in this thread a couple of years ago. I tend to go back and forth with my hair. but I find it easier to grow my hair longer while relaxed. I'm currently 10 weeks post. I want to relax at 16 weeks so that would be three relaxers per year.
I still follow this thread, but forgot to say "goodbye." I decided to forgo relaxing (lye/no-lye) due to all the issues I was having for the past few years. Kept trying different relaxers, different strengths, texlaxing, texturizing, olaplex, etc, until I realized it was the relaxing itself causing my issues.

I didn't want to transition, so I finally ended up buzzing it all off last year with clippers. Learned about "scab" hair (don't like the word cause my hair really felt more like "baby hair" and looser curls), and have buzzed it off a time or 2 since because my texture didn't feel "right." I think it was from long term follicle issues from relaxing for so many years. My texture is finally "right," meaning the strands are stronger, kinkier, tightly coiled 4b that bounces back. Don't have to cut it anymore, and now I can grow it all back!

Anyway, I still feel more at home here. Won't relax again because of how long it has taken for my hair "recover," but not against chemically straightening again in the future.
I relaxed at 12 weeks post yesterday; I just wasn’t up to stretching for longer this time round. However I’m going to try and go for my 20/21 week stretch next as those results were very good.
I never keep up anymore. I relax when my hair says to do so

Totally understand! Sometimes I can go 10 weeks before extra shedding and other signs start. Other times, my hair starts this around 6 weeks!

You just never know. That's exactly why I'm considering relaxing tonight at 8 weeks. My hair has been asking for it. Last relaxer cycle, I was still in chill mode at 8 weeks post.
Retouched my relaxer for the first time last Thursday at 11 weeks. I was trying for 12-14 but my growth was a pinch short of an inch and edges were too coily. When I was previously relaxed years ago I used to flat iron my roots to make new growth blend better. I discarded my CHI years ago. The only heat I’m using this time around is my blowdryer. I’ll push again for 12 weeks next time.