Relaxed heads-How do you know what is NG and what is relaxed hair?


New Member
When its time to relax, where do you know wear to put the cream? Alot of my relaxed hair are curled up like my NG:perplexed
I stretch for at least 12 weeks, so for me, it's pretty easy to tell the new growth is the kinky, coily stuff and the relaxed hair is the straight stuff. :rofl:

But the week before my relaxer, I don't do anything that will give my hair bantu knots, no braids, no night, I wear a ponytail on a roller, and in the daytime, I do pinned up buns. That way, when I relax, there are no extraneous waves or textures to confuse the person doing it.

Are you sure that you aren't really texlaxed? And what is your natural texture like? If you were relaxed straight, then it shouldn't be too hard to figure out, unless you have a very loose natural texture?
You may want to practice with some conditioner first. Also, do you have 3 inches of new growth all the way around or in just certain areas. If so, this may be why it is hard to tell.

When you relax, make sure you protect your previously relaxed hair. Do you self relax?
^^^ Im relaxed straight but I have almost 3 inches of NG and my hair shrinkes like crazy


Depending on how soon you plan on relaxing, you can take a mirror, a camera (optional), a good wide-tooth comb, a rattail comb, some moisturizer, and some oil and try to figure out what's going on up there.
Just part your hair into sections, put some oil for slip, gently comb through, and take pictures of the sections as you go. I do this about a week before I relax my hair, and it is helpful, because it stretches out the new growth a little bit and gives a kind of roadmap of the head. So you can tell exactly what's what.
I can't really think of anything else you can six months post, there should be a pretty clear distinction between the relaxed and natural hair. :perplexed
When i think relaxed, i think straight enough to remove a good portion of the kink and curl. so as long as you've stretched enough to get a half inch or so of new growth, it should be pretty easy to tell what's relaxed & what isn't, unless you're under-processed in some parts of your hair.

to make it easier, try saturating your hair in a creamy deep conditioner, & letting it sit for a while. that'll make your new growth's kinks / curls / waves / whatevers come to life :)

but if you're truly not sure, just go by the average growth rate of hair. if it's been 3 months since your last relaxer, you've got about an inch and a half of new growth. as long as you take precautions to protect your previously relaxed hair, then you'll be fine when you touch up. hope that helps!
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