Did a honey treatment tonight on unwashed hair and it was heaven for my hair!
I can also tell that the top portion is starting to show a hint of light brown.
For real? Honey? The honey you eat? So it doesn't make your strands stick together & if you pull it apart your strands wont break?
I have used honey in my hair in the past. My hair was soft but I mixed it in with my dc so I cannot say that my hair was noticeably softer because of the honey but after reading these benefits I will start adding honey to my weekly dc.
My hair came out soft & it was a breeze to detangle in the shower! I swear the comb just glided through!
Last night I prepooed with olive oil and this morning shampooed put honey on the ends and put ORS replenishing conditioner over my entire length. Steamed for 20 mins and stepped back into the shower. Oh how easy de-tangling was. I only lost a couple of hairs and they were shed. Haven't seen any change in hair colour yet but I will continue to do this even if my hair doesn't lighten
I am right there with you sunnieb on adding honey to my deep conditioners and I am using the cheap honey. I can't to get my hands on some organic raw honey.
Do you still get the softness @ Lisa0821
SUNSHINE BABY, why dont you use it on natural hair