Relaxed Hair Thread

Best relaxer experience ever! Between working with extremely manageable hair and Olaplex #3 mid-step, the outcome is superb. I wasn't expecting the "fullness" I am experiencing!
One more question: did you do the relaxer on wet hair or did you do it on air dried hair?
I did my relaxer last night and I realized I basically SHREDDED my hair when I thought I should put conditioner on my hair to take my braids down. :cry3: :lachen:I have got to stop doing my hair when I’m tired. Honestly I was losing waaaay less hair when I dry detangled my hair. Now it’s time for recovery mode. I haven’t measured but I think I have anywhere from 1/2 inch to maybe 3 or 4 inches all over my head. I have enough to make a tiny ponytail, but I have to give my ends some type of trim lol
One good thing I have to give up to my new relaxer is that I lost like 5 hairs through out the entire process from relaxer application to deep condition. Although it probably also attributed to my Aphogee 2-step/deep condition (I mix them both together for “efficiency”) two days prior lol
My hair’s like “Oh no ma’am, what you not about to do is just slap some moisturizer and go on your merry way. Bring that tail HERE (points dramatically as hair can)and actually part and apply the moisturizer. The nerve of you thinking you can just squeeze some moisturizer in your hair and go. RESPECT MY DENSITY :pyro:
Me: :oops: :ohsnap: :duck:
Sorry Sybil lol
My hair’s like “Oh no ma’am, what you not about to do is just slap some moisturizer and go on your merry way. Bring that tail HERE (points dramatically as hair can)and actually part and apply the moisturizer. The nerve of you thinking you can just squeeze some moisturizer in your hair and go. RESPECT MY DENSITY :pyro:
Me: :oops: :ohsnap: :duck:
Sorry Sybil lol
Thanks for that. I think my hair is suffering from doing that. I pledge to moisturize the right way this week!
I asked 2 of my relatives and they said my bald spot is not really a bald spot, it just looks like I over-parted in that spot.
Me: it’s a bald spot :cry3: :lol:

Meanwhile I’m feeling my roots and it feels like these suckers reverted. I already miss the shampoo and deep conditioning after a fresh relaxer.
I really just have my edges and a good 10% of the left side of my head relaxed the way I want it. I was trying to be careful and use a lesser time and I’m feeling WHOLE COILS in parts of my head whew Lawd :perplexed::lol:. Next time I’m going for the whole shebang and using the highest time allowed. And instead of me doing left and right halves (half’s? Idk girl I feel like I’m getting dumb. I need to read some books), I’m gonna do top and bottoms. I guess I got something wet doing it left and right:confused: I feel like since I don’t really use heat, and my hair is more on the coarse side, I can go for the bone-straighter(? Jesus be some English lessons) look.
Many weeks post relaxer here, but England went into a month long lockdown again and if we're lucky salons and everything else will open on December 2nd.

Right now the only things open are fast food (takeout/takeaway only), supermarkets and garden centres.
One more question: did you do the relaxer on wet hair or did you do it on air dried hair?
NEVER ever do relaxer on wet hair it needs to be dry. Please never tell anyone else to put relaxer on wet hair.

When I was young and stupid I washed my hair previous day, relaxed it the next IT BURNED THE HELL OUT MY SCALP big lesions.
NEVER ever do relaxer on wet hair it needs to be dry. Please never tell anyone else to put relaxer on wet hair.

When I was young and stupid I washed my hair previous day, relaxed it the next IT BURNED THE HELL OUT MY SCALP big lesions.
Where in my sentence did you read me saying to put relaxer on wet hair? I know not to tell people to put it on their wet hair. What kind of person do you think I am? :lachen: