Relaxed and using henna

I love henna/indigo and the results I get. My hair definitely seems stronger after every treatment.

I usually add a couple of drops of the lemon juice, oil, and water to help prevent dryness. So far so good.
My hair is stronger from the henna, but the first few weeks after the henna, no conditioner in my stash seemed to work no matter how long I kept it on.
I want to henna because everyone's hair looks so good that does but I'm sure I'd be the anomaly. Does henna's color wash out like a rinse does over time?
My hair is stronger from the henna, but the first few weeks after the henna, no conditioner in my stash seemed to work no matter how long I kept it on.

You should try a henna gloss, which is a small amt of henna mixed with conditioner. It's a "lighter" effect than straight henna.
I want to henna because everyone's hair looks so good that does but I'm sure I'd be the anomaly. Does henna's color wash out like a rinse does over time?

No, henna is permanent. It will fade somewhat over time, but it has to grow out.
Ordered my second batch of henna on Sunday, so I will be doing a full application some time this weekend (probably Sunday). I loved the results I got the first 2 times I did it, and have been itching to do it again. I just relaxed yesterday, so I'm waiting at least a full week before applying the henna. So henna and a slight trim will be a good way to start my new year.
I'm really scared about henna! I'm natural and would like to try it but I have a few questions..

1) if u stop henna-ING are there consequences? Is it a MUST to henna multiple times?
2) does this replace a hard protein such as aphogee two step?
3) if not how often do u apply protein?
4) how often can u henna without overdrying?

Ok that wasba wee bit long winded... but I'd like to try this this weekend so your answers are greatly appreciated!!

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You should try a henna gloss, which is a small amt of henna mixed with conditioner. It's a "lighter" effect than straight henna.

I did. I was scared to use plain henna without a conditioner. It rinsed out very easily, I was impressed. But my hair was hard and had tangles, even after I steamed for an hour. My hair never tangles.

I finally got it back to normal but I will need to tweak what I do or how I prepare it.
Over the weekend I bought the Lush Caca Noir ; Yeah it took me a while to get to the mall sorry for that. I won't be doing this until March and will give a full update on it then. :) I will be looking forward to reading any more updates. Thanks ladies I hope to get this down and color my hair with hair color only once per year and henna for the rest of it. :)
I too used to Henna but like others have stated, it can be very time-consuming, but the results are great. I would recommend contacting HennaSooq - she is on the board and has her own site. She really helped me through the henna process as I had crazy reservations about applying "mud" to my hair. I would add conditioner (no cheapies) to my henna, let it sit for about 24 hours - apply to hair let it sit on my hair overnight - rinse with water and cheapies and use a very heavy moisturizing condish (Redken Heavy Cream -something like that) and let that sit for at least an hour...I know that I could have probably shortened the process but the results are phenomenal! Shine, Strength and Body!
The first week in March I will be trying it, I am already looking at lots of videos asking questions I have the product now waiting to try it. I am on a schedule so, I must wait.

I think I will try mixing it with Black Tea :look:
I hope it works well; I plan on leaving it on for 5 hours, and deep conditioning under the steamer for 1 hour. I am so excited but nervous, LOL
I am going to come back and leave a full review. :)
Thanks for this thread because I've been another chicken when it comes to this but I still want to try.

How is this one for relaxed hair? Volver, i see you mentioned Nupur as one of the good ones to use but this one does have the word Mehendi on the package.


Have any relaxed heads used this henna:


This is the one that I bought locally. My box is slightly different and says nothing about for hair use only. I believe this is BAQ henna because it states on the box, "Used as a decorative due on palms and feet".

It also says "gives a beautiful golden hue to dark hair". Is golden just their way of describing red/orange?

Also my box is only 200gms, while @Volver_Alma_Gitana stated that anything below 500gms was suspect...Although alot of people rave about Jamila henna, and that comes in even smaller boxes.

Someone let me know if this is safe to use on relaxed hair.

I just bought both of these henna's to use, just want to clarify: ARE THESE SPECIFIC PRODUCTS CONSIDERED TRUE BAQ HENNA AND SAFE TO USE ON (RELAXED) HAIR? Looks like question was never answered from last year...
Hello, I'm relaxed and I have used jamila, reshma, karishma with no problems at all. And yes they were all under 500 grams so I don't understand that previous comment.

I add oils and yogurt to mine and rinse out with V 05 moisture milks and the moisture is restored.

Hi I'm so confused by all of this.
I want my hair jetblack. How often should i henna and what are all the products I need? What are the steps? What type should i buy? Thanks!!
I am so in love with the results from using henna. I was hesitant about trying henna, but now I am so gald that I did. I was going to order from a popular internet websight... then decided to wait due to the price. I went into a middle eastern store to inquire about the henna. I had gotten really confused because there were several different brands.
I decided to go with a brand named Dulhan... it has pure henna, alma, shikakai, brahmi and reetha. And OMG... my hair is wonderful and the color is beautiful... my little grays are fully covered.
The cost was only $1.79
Hi I'm so confused by all of this.
I want my hair jetblack. How often should i henna and what are all the products I need? What are the steps? What type should i buy? Thanks!!

There are so many different brands of BAQ henna out there..I personally have only used Reshma or Karishma Henna...I prefer the Karishma because of the different herbs it contains.

These are the steps I took for my Henna and Indigo Treatment (copied from my blog) I am also adding before and after pics.
Before doing the indigo treatment, I would do henna glosses or full henna treatments monthly.

I did a full Henna Treatment first opposed to a Henna Gloss so:

  • I mixed about 100G of Henna Powder with about a table spoon of Castor Oil, tea spoon of Coconut Oil and water- Creating a Yogurt Consistency
  • I didn't let it sit, I applied it to my hair immediately, section by section
  • Covered my hair with a plastic conditioning cap, then a plastic bag for added protection, then my scarf
  • Then I let it stay in my hair overnight.There was no dripping, thank goodness. I had the Henna in my Hair for about 12 hours
Then I rinsed it out in my sink, the next morning with just water. There was still a little henna left in my hair after rinsing it but that doesn't matter. The indigo needs to cling to something which is why it's best to do a Henna treatment before applying Henna. If not, you will end up with Green hair.


  • I mixed 100G of Indigo, a teaspoon of salt(for better dye release) and water creating a yogurt consistency
  • Put my gloves on(didn't use it for the Henna, but should have)
  • Applied to my hair immediately in sections.(you HAVE to apply it right away and can't let it sit for no more than 15 minutes because once mixed, the dye releases and you want the dye to release on your hair)
  • Covered hair with a plastic cap, plastic bag, then scarf
  • Let it sit in my hair for exactly 2 hours
  • Rinsed out with water in my sink(best to do in sink unless you want a black stained shower)
  • Applied a Moisturizing Deep Conditioner let that sit in my hair for 2 hours
  • Then rinsed out(my hair still felt a little dry that day so I prepood then cowashed the next day)
My Hair feels great, it's jet black(which I love), it's permanent and I did it the all natural way.
They say that indigo may fade away a little, but for the most part it's permanent. Also beware of using a chemical dye before or after doing Henna and may end up with weird looking Greenish Hair.
I read that you should wait a few days before actually shampooing the hair, so I will continue on with my current regimen this weekend. I shampoo weekly, so missing one weekend isn't going to kill me.


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Pink Pearls & MsDee14 beautiful! Thick and shiny and luscious!

I made the mistake of stopping henna January this year and it showed. I had to do more trims and my hair thinned a bit. I realized the only thing I changed was henna.
I started back last month and even though it's messy my hair is turning back around already. I want to do it biweekly but we shall see. I'm an extreme neat freak so I have to figure out a way to do this without making a mess.

I only did indigo once last year and loved it but where do y'all buy your indigo besides mehandi online?
Thanks MsDee14

I have my henna I buy from a local Indian market so I don't mind getting the indigo online. The 500 g sounds good. I'll be ordering next month for sure.
I mix henna with plenty of water. Recently I mixed it with chia seeds to thicken it and blended the mix together so the seeds wouldn't get stuck in my hair. It was the best mix ever. I wash able to get it all out with one cowash and my hair was so happy afterwards. I texlax and the henna makes my hair strong, shiny, and the curls look great because they respond to products better. Henna just makes my hair behave. I've never had dryness so I keep it simple.