Relaxed and Texlaxed Girls


Well-Known Member
At what week does it get hard to maintain?
State if your relaxed or texlaxed.

For texlaxed I start having problems at week 8! And it makes me feel like a punk when I see ladies stretching for 30 something weeks.

I'm thinking about going back to relaxing straight even though I hate the first week of the bone flat hair.

Also do you see more of your growth when you get it relaxed vs a fresh texlax?
Relaxed. 10 weeks is just too much for me. I can't style and I start to get breakage. These past 2 relaxers I've waited 12 weeks but I think I'm going to start relaxing at 10. I definitely see more growth after it's relaxed because it's stretched out I guess.
I'm relaxed. I start having issues from week 4 going on 5. I stretch anywhere from 16-20 weeks. Right now I need to get a heavy protein treatment because my breakage is insane. I get pretty good growth but my issues I believe stem from being under processed in so many areas along the length of my hair.
I'm relaxed. I start having issues from week 4 going on 5. I stretch anywhere from 16-20 weeks. Right now I need to get a heavy protein treatment because my breakage is insane. I get pretty good growth but my issues I believe stem from being under processed in so many areas along the length of my hair.

What are your intentions of stretching if it uploads hair problems? Hair health?
Relaxed/texlaxed. I've had a couple of underprocessed relaxers so it looks as if I'm heading down the texlax road.

I typically don't have problems until around week 10. I think that Chi Silk Infusion has been the best thing for my hair in terms of stretching. It allows me to untangle my hair every wash day.

I regularly stretch for three months. I did a six month stretch earlier this year, but ended up ruining my hair because of the number of SSKs, and resultant breakage. During the six month stretch, I found that things got really rocky around five months. I was persistent (or stupid) and held out till six months. I may try doing four instead of the usual three in the future.
I Relax bone stickity straight around 3 times a year.

I love relaxing super straight because I get to see my true length and enjoy swinging it back and forth for a while.

I don't use heat at all, so usually my hair gets a little tricky at about 15 weeks post. I've stretched 20 weeks with no problem and intend to always go 18-20 weeks each time.

The key for me is to fight being hair lazy. My dense newgrowth will act up if I don't treat her right.

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Last time I stretched to 16 weeks, and though I had a decent time styling my hair (mostly buns) until that point, I had a difficult time with the actual touch up process. There was too much new growth to do it in a timely manner but I ended up under processing my hair anyway.

I think I'll touch up at 12 weeks this time to see if I have a better experience.

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Im relaxed and it gets hard to maintain around week 6 for me. I cant go longer than 10wk without relaxing because my hair has a mind of its own and knows what it likes.
Honestly, I could stretch forever. My hair never mats, barely tangles, and the styling isn't too difficult as long as I stick to ponytail, braidouts, and buns. However any style close to straight (rollersets, Bantu knots, flexi rod sets, etc.) almost immediately reverts after about 5 weeks post. So I relax every 12-16 weeks.
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I would start to have problems around the 6mth mark. What i did to stop having issues, was that i really focused on maintaining my moisture, protein balance. If that was out of zinc i would start having problems. Another thing that i did was that i started experimenting with different products that worked for MY hair. Oh, i also stuck with a couple of hairstyles when i was deep in a stretch, like braidouts or navy buns. My hair didn't like alot manipulation when i was deep in a stretch.

Once i discovered this, it was easy peasy :)

& i was texlax
I am relaxed and I usually stretch 3-4 months (12-16 weeks). I'm not sure what exact week my hair starts to get annoying though. I do not use heat during my stretches (except on my bangs).

Are you having trouble managing the two textures (straight hair and new growth at the roots)? Cross wrapping at night has helped me a lot because it stretches out my new growth and makes it easier to style. I would recommend M&Sing and then crosswrapping at night, see if that helps.

Or is it something else that you need help with?
I am relaxed and I usually stretch 3-4 months (12-16 weeks). I'm not sure what exact week my hair starts to get annoying though. I do not use heat during my stretches (except on my bangs).

Are you having trouble managing the two textures (straight hair and new growth at the roots)? Cross wrapping at night has helped me a lot because it stretches out my new growth and makes it easier to style. I would recommend M&Sing and then crosswrapping at night, see if that helps.

Or is it something else that you need help with?

Hey, the only problem is, I hate when my hair is super thick. I like smooth hair and also my hair stops responding to products.
At the start of my journey, I would begin to have problems around the 14-week mark. However, once I began to incorporate shower detangling...stretching up to 20weeks started to become a breeze. I'm currently at my 22nd mark, trying to out until after I give birth to my daughter.
I'm Texlaxed and I don't really have trouble since my hair it pretty much trouble from relaxing because I apply then rinse. My goal right now is 3 times a year and anything over 14 weeks.

I couldn't pinpoint a week for you, but after texlaxing for 3 years, it gets easier to stretch and not really have problem hair, just big hair.