Any Texlaxed Ladies Wear Their Rollersets W/O Flat-ironing?


Thank you for the compliments ladies:) . It took me a few tries to get my roller sets just right so I have several types of rollers (velcro, magnetic, mesh). The one above is 1 &1/2 inches in diameter. I dont know if they are called mesh rollers too but they give me very good results as you can see in the picture.

All I do is wash and deep condition my hair. After rinsing out the conditioner, I pat my hair with a towel to remove excess water. I hate water from my hair dripping onto me. I then put in some Blue Magic conditioning coconut oil. (Mineral oil has always been a friend to me)

Next I section my hair to put in the rollers. I dont make straight rows because I dont like how the lines from parting the hair can show. I prefer my rollers to be 'scattered' on my head. I feel it looks better and more natural for me. Each hair section is no longer than the roller its self and no wider than the diameter of the roller I am using.

I then roll the hair on the roller and secure using a white roller pin. When Im done, I sit under the dryer on high heat for an hour then stay about 3 more hours watching TV or doing whatever. When I take them out, I just finger come and viola! My hair has never been crunchy when I use Blue magic. Its always so soft.

Sorry my details are so lengthy but I hope I covered it all. If you have any more questions let me know:) .
Lkaysgirl said:

Thank you for the compliments ladies:) . It took me a few tries to get my roller sets just right so I have several types of rollers (velcro, magnetic, mesh). The one above is 1 &1/2 inches in diameter. I dont know if they are called mesh rollers too but they give me very good results as you can see in the picture.

All I do is wash and deep condition my hair. After rinsing out the conditioner, I pat my hair with a towel to remove excess water. I hate water from my hair dripping onto me. I then put in some Blue Magic conditioning coconut oil. (Mineral oil has always been a friend to me)

Next I section my hair to put in the rollers. I dont make straight rows because I dont like how the lines from parting the hair can show. I prefer my rollers to be 'scattered' on my head. I feel it looks better and more natural for me. Each hair section is no longer than the roller its self and no wider than the diameter of the roller I am using.

I then roll the hair on the roller and secure using a white roller pin. When Im done, I sit under the dryer on high heat for an hour then stay about 3 more hours watching TV or doing whatever. When I take them out, I just finger come and viola! My hair has never been crunchy when I use Blue magic. Its always so soft.

Sorry my details are so lengthy but I hope I covered it all. If you have any more questions let me know:) .
Ok forgive me but I am not understanding this part. Does that mean that you would need a 16 inch roller for a 16 inch (length) of hair? I saw that in another post about rollers and it really confused me. I apologize for my cluelessness. TIA
Whimsy said:
I'd suggest pin-curling at night to keep the curls. If you want to wear it straight w/o a flat iron you can just wrap your hair around your head after it's all dry. it'll be flat/smooth but with great body.

That's what I am thinking about doing! Thank you.

Everyone thank you so much for replying in this thread. I really appreciate it, I have been kinda busy lately so sorry if I deserted this thread.

LKay :love: , I have a crush on your hair lol. I def. got to buy some of those rollers.
LocksOfLuV said:
That's what I am thinking about doing! Thank you.

Everyone thank you so much for replying in this thread. I really appreciate it, I have been kinda busy lately so sorry if I deserted this thread.

LKay :love: , I have a crush on your hair lol. I def. got to buy some of those rollers.

Im glad you like it. Most of the time Im mad at it because I can never get it to look just the way I want it to:lol:.

Thanks for explaining the section size Crlsweetie912.
KiniKakes said:
L.O.L, are u texlaxed now girl???

Girl yeah, I just came to the conclusion that my hair won't take relaxer like it used to (probably since I was doing them every 5-6 weeks and overlapping).:ohwell:

The last 5 relaxers I have have been verrrry texlaxed. It's cool though because I like the extra thickness.
Lkaysgirl said:

Thank you for the compliments ladies:) . It took me a few tries to get my roller sets just right so I have several types of rollers (velcro, magnetic, mesh). The one above is 1 &1/2 inches in diameter. I dont know if they are called mesh rollers too but they give me very good results as you can see in the picture.

All I do is wash and deep condition my hair. After rinsing out the conditioner, I pat my hair with a towel to remove excess water. I hate water from my hair dripping onto me. I then put in some Blue Magic conditioning coconut oil. (Mineral oil has always been a friend to me)

Next I section my hair to put in the rollers. I dont make straight rows because I dont like how the lines from parting the hair can show. I prefer my rollers to be 'scattered' on my head. I feel it looks better and more natural for me. Each hair section is no longer than the roller its self and no wider than the diameter of the roller I am using.

I then roll the hair on the roller and secure using a white roller pin. When Im done, I sit under the dryer on high heat for an hour then stay about 3 more hours watching TV or doing whatever. When I take them out, I just finger come and viola! My hair has never been crunchy when I use Blue magic. Its always so soft.

Sorry my details are so lengthy but I hope I covered it all. If you have any more questions let me know:) .

So, Lkaysgirl let me get this right? You only use Blue Majic to roll your hair?

You dont use any type of setting lotion for hold? And when you say Blue

majic oil. What type of bottle is this found in? Where did you purchase?

Sorry for so many questions. :look:
vaqtea said:
So, Lkaysgirl let me get this right? You only use Blue Majic to roll your hair?

You dont use any type of setting lotion for hold? And when you say Blue

majic oil. What type of bottle is this found in? Where did you purchase?

Sorry for so many questions. :look:

I dont mind the questions at all.

I dont use any type of serum, setting lotion etc. I just use the blue magic coconut oil. It comes in a jar and its mostly petroleum/mineral oil but it works well for me. I love my grease lol. I think you can find it most beauty supply stores. I bought mine from the asian beauty supply store.

ETA: Here you go
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O ....Duh! I get it! Grease! LOL! :lol:

I thought you were speaking of some type of special rollersetting creme. :lachen:

I've never thought to rollerset my hair with just GREASE but I will try this next time.

Just wanted to add that your hair turned out beautiful!

O and one more question how long do the curls last with this method?
I'm doing my first roller set today.

I haven't used heat on my hair since I relaxed (texlaxed) on saturday, and I don't plan on using heat (direct) for a while.

I'll take pictures to show you how it turns out.
vaqtea said:
O ....Duh! I get it! Grease! LOL! :lol:

I thought you were speaking of some type of special rollersetting creme. :lachen:

I've never thought to rollerset my hair with just GREASE but I will try this next time.

Just wanted to add that your hair turned out beautiful!

O and one more question how long do the curls last with this method?

Thank you.
I usually rollerset on Saturday and I still have beautiful waves on Wed. if I pincurl every night. Im not sure how much longer it would last because I wash my hair every Wednesday.