Regular conditioners as leave-ins


New Member
I know that many on here like to use regular conditioners as leave-ins. How do you use it (mixed with something else or straight from the bottle)? How long have you been using it this way and do you ever get build up? What kind do you use? Do you ever worry about the cetyl alcohol that most conditioners contain drying your hair out? I know, I know, so many questions!

I've been using regular conditioners as leave-ins off and on and I wonder if it's something that will really benefit my hair in the long run. I just want some more opinions. Thanks!
I do this a lot. After rinsing the conditioner out of my hair, I rub some between the palms of my hands and applying it directly to my hair. My hair loves it.
Thanks for the response, Allandra.
How long have you been using conditioner this way and what kind do you use?
Cindy, cetyl alcohol is actually a moisturizer, and is not drying like SD alcohol(commonly used in hair spray). Many conditoners use cetyl alcohol for its moisturizing properties.
cleo2377, I've heard that before about cetyl alcohol, that it is considered a fatty, conditioning alcohol rather than a drying one. It's just that when I see the word "alcohol" on any product, I always immediately think that it's drying. One of my weird hair product phobias.
Years ago, I never used to think about what kind of alcohol hair products contained, until I had one hairdresser tell me that a certain oil moisturizer contained alcohol that would "eat up" my hair. I guess I was traumatized by that or something.
I use VO5 conditioner as a leave in. I put it in a spray bottle with some distilled water and spray a little on my hair. I comes out so soft!