Regrowth: Front vs. back


Well-Known Member
I am 7.5 weeks post relaxer and I just measured the growth from hair at the back of the head and growth from hair at the front - the back has nearly an inch and a half of coils before the relaxed bit starts and the front has only 3/4 of an inch.

So the back feels like its very much due a relaxer, whereas with the front it seems like it could wait another month (I'm planning a 12 week stretch, but even still it's very different growth rates - never measured the two before.

Does anyonelse experience this?
I get that! The centre of my head grows fastest and the periphery slowest so while it looks like there is considerable growth in the back, the front looks like it's slowly going nowhere.
Yes, my hair grows at slightly different rates in different areas too. I've heard others say that their hair does that as well.