reeling them in....?


Well-Known Member
soooo, i am learning all sorts of new tricks/tips today. maybe i know nothing because i went to catholic school for middle school and an all girls high school and a girly/gay college... i know nothing about flirting with men.

i think it might be a good idea to keep a running list in the thread of things that we have found useful in catching a man's eye.

supposedly.... i have soft arms. so therefore, i am supposed to rub up against a guy like i'm a cat when i meet a cute one. like, find some kind of excuse that doesn't seem awkward. hmm. i never knew that having soft arms meant anything but apparently i am blessed in this area and i am not hairy. i just have soft skin. so i should use it. hmm.

good old eye contact tends to do the trick, i think. i have managed to get a guy to approach me just by making eye contact a few times. it doesn't always garner great results but at least i am able to eliminate the weaker of the species by making them approach me for inspection.

anything else? i am feminine wiles and have no idea how to use them.
rub up against a man like you're a cat... wtf? lol.

All you need to get a man's attention is high heels, a tight a$$.. cute face, and a nice smile. Come across as innocent. I sometimes bite my lip without noticing and apparently that turns on lots of guys. It has to come natural though, I just do it quickly in the middle of convo (don't even notice it) but if he thinks it's forced, you might come across as a call girl/prostitute/amateur pornster, you get the picture. Just have him concentrating on your lips... I did this naturally and didn't realise how powerful it is till men pointed it out. They'd be like ''you were driving me craazy when I saw your bite your lip'' and I'd be like huh.. my lips were dry :lol:

How is your walk? Swing that butt girl. That's what draws them in. Make sure you dress classy though. You don't want to be raped, which could be the case if you're swining a half naked a$$. Anyway if you see a man dressed in a suit and you like... you like. Just look, smile.. then look away. Give it 5 seconds, and look again. If he's still looking at you, smile again. Look away,... give it another 5 seconds and look again. This time giggle and flatter your eyelashes. He will come over. That has never failed me. :grin:

Hope that helped. Good luck!
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if you want a man that is worth having, loving, and trusting, invest in being the best person you can be and then be your self
Wow you and I have the same history but I went to a Catholic College too..... I need to subscribe to this thread.... and there should be a thread on how to turn a man down politely and permanently and also a thread about how to tell when a man is flirting with you. That would be great!
bumping for flirting tips. seriously, this is for those who are clueless about body language and all of that. none of this "the secret" type of advice about "working on yourself".

fess up, master flirts!
You have to figure out what works for you. Meaning trial and error. Every woman has her own strengths and charms. Figure out what works for you and then use them.

That being said, here is what works for me:

Eye contact. It doesn't have to be when you first meet, but you can do it multiple times during the conversation to build a connection. Develop some good timing. Catch his eye when something funny/weird just happened, or when there's a bit of a lull in the conversation, etc. It makes it feel like you're sharing a private moment, even when you're in a group. I also like the quick glances/smiles that Living Dol1 posted in the OP.

Touching. Touching works wonders. It sounds invasive, but people respond very well. No matter who you're speaking to, touch is a good way to breed comfort/familiarity in a short amount of time.

Nothing invasive, but if you rest your hand on his leg for a moment, or touch his arm briefly when you first begin a sentence, or "accidentally" brush your hand against his when you walk past. Things like that a very subtle, and very effective. Drives them crazy b/c they can't figure out if you're into them and doing it on purpose or if you're just a friendly person. It can breed uncertainty and little bit of excitement. Or even a little bit of anxiety! Either way these are very non-specific feelings that they will experience and interpret a million different ways, i.e., love, primal attraction, a deep connection, the thrill of the hunt, etc.

Smiles, smiles, smile! Shy smiles, sly smiles, big smiles, small smiles... be express yourself in other ways than just by talking! Be animated. Facial expressions are always fun, and guys will notice them and try to read them. They want to know what you're thinking.

Also, always leave the conversation a little bit early... leave them wanting more. If the want to know more, they will have to get your phone number and call you.

All these things are very subtle, and are good ways to flirt in a crowd with no one being the wiser. You know that friend that you go out with who always leaves with a number or something and you can't figure out how or when she managed to make it happen? This is the kind of stuff you pull. It comes naturally to some women, other women have to think about it. Either way, do it enough, you'll form a habit, and you'll be pulling them in without even realizing it.
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