Reconsidering blowdriers and curling irons!

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Everybody remember me? LOL. I remember in the past I accredited my healthy hair to not using curling irons and blowdriers. /images/graemlins/smile.gif, Hmmmmm, I'm actually EATING MY WORDS right now. I am still against extreme heat on the hair, and I think that used incorrectly, I still believe that curling irons and blowdriers CAN be bad for the hair (just like a hot hood dryer can be bad for the hair too!). But they also CAN be okay if used properly. I've been using curling irons and blowdriers since 11/2002 and my hair has never felt better, looked better, behaved better! Less hair is coming out when I detangle my wet hair and it's very bouncy and full looking! Here are my tips for using curling irons and blowdriers properly :

#1 You cannot use a blowdryer or curling iron everyday, or even every other day. They must be used sparingly. I use them once a week, or at the very very very most, 2x a week.

# You can't use these devices on their highest setting. Use them on as low a setting as possible. You should never see steam or smoke rising from your hair, nor should you ever smell your hair burning!!!

#3 Don't dry your hair until it's totally dry or totally straight. I think that's what causes some of the damage. I get my hair 90% dry and let it finish air drying. It won't be straight, it'll actually be kinda fluffy and full when it dries, but the curling iron acts like a pressing comb and smooths it out really well.

#4 Use some type of lubrication, some oil or hair polisher so you are buffering the effect of the iron. I like to use this Tea tree hair dress by ORS. It's lite and wonderful, and it smells really clean. And it's also very moisturizing.

#5 You need to pay special attention to the ends of your hair, oiling them daily and keep them trimmed as needed. It's also still important to cover the head at nite. I've found that using a bonnet is much better for the hair than wrapping it.

I've learned that it isn't the device that's the culprit. It's the manner in which it's used! Hope this helps put things in perspective.

I recall someone recently having their hair done by Marvin and him saying something about air drying the hair makeing it dry, rough and more prone to break. He told her that some form of heat is necessary for our hair because it smooths out the cuticle and reduces breakage.

However I think that this depends on your hair type. My hair while thick is not course and does not like to be blow dried. The curling iron and the blow dryer cause me to develop spilt ends too fast /images/graemlins/frown.gif and that will slow down me down from retaining length.

Since I have take these tools out of my weekly hair regime, my hair has just flourished. It has never looked better and I have virtually no split ends. Since my hair dries pretty smooth and straight, I think air drying works for me.

Sometimes I want to cheat and use the heat, but I try to restrain myself. /images/graemlins/cool.gif

It is good that you discovered this. This proves that everyone's hair responds differently to different things.

/images/graemlins/shocked.gif <THUD>....somebody help me off tha flo cause I just fainted . LOL

I think you may have something there and it sounds reasonable. I don't think I can do that as I can't blow dry my hair without an attachment and I know that was breaking my hair cause I was using it wrong. What works for you gurlie keep doing it as long as you KNOW now the correct way to use em. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
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&lt;THUD&gt;....somebody help me off tha flo cause I just fainted . LOL

[/ QUOTE ] /images/graemlins/rofl.gif Yes, I can see how that would happen. Well, I guess Caramela does have a point. Used properly, these tools should not cause damage. /images/graemlins/look.gif
Well, I used a blowdryer for about a year and my hair got totally damaged /images/graemlins/mad.gif
But one thing I know that I was doing wrong was I was blow drying my hair when it was dripping wet /images/graemlins/blush.gif hair became so thin and dull /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Kia, I know what you mean. I suffered a lot of damage from blowdriers also, and for now, I'm staying away from them. /images/graemlins/look.gif
Caramela I'm totally feeling you on this. I think used in moderation, the blowdryer is not all that bad. For me personally, I have very thin hair and rollersetting and wrapping tends to flatten my hair out. Most of the time when I wash my hair I let it air dry dry. When I want that special look and plan on wearing my hair out (very rare) I use the blowdryer.

I always use a heat protectant of some sort. The only problem I have is that I do use the comb attachment and I go for the highest heat. It's faster and gets the job done. I'd like to do this a better way though. How do u blowdry? And how long does it take using the lowest setting? Let me know cause I'm probably gonna try this today. I'm itching to use my caruso steam rollers. LOL. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I'm feeling you on the bouncy and full hair thing. Using a blowdryer is the only way I can achieve this look.

BTW, when are you going to post some pics? /images/graemlins/smile.gif
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The curling iron and the blow dryer cause me to develop spilt ends too fast and that will slow down me down from retaining length.

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I agree Julia /images/graemlins/cool.gif.

I used my curling iron twice since the beginning of September and my hair is growing with few split ends.
All of that makes sense. When I blow dry my hair it is much, much smoother and doe'snt break when I comb it.

Maybe, I have not mastered this air drying thing yet I think it helps somewhat casue after weeks like 6 of air drying when I did blow dry my hair boy I could see I had some GROWTH...

I'm really trying but I don't think this air drying method is right for my hair. I did do a twist set sittin under the dryer just til the crown was dry and it was great!! But like i said, you can't comb it.

I don't think I ever be free from the blow dryer and I do think if used in moderation it's ok.
I can totally understand what you're saying on this. When I blowdryed my hair less hair shed/fell out when I combed it thru. If I had left it to airdry I wouldn't be able to comb thru my hair comfortably.

Like they say less is more.
And too much of a "good" thing is a bad thing.

You have to get the balance just right. Good for you girl. If it's working then continue with your program. Some people can't even look at a blowdryer without their hair seizing up.
Caramela, if using blow dryers and curling irons occasionally works for you, I say go for it! /images/graemlins/smile.gif Unfortunately, I know my hair wouldn't respond well to this. I have a lot of no lye hair that needs to be trimmed gradually, and in the meantime it tends to be very dry. Your tips about using them in moderation do make sense, for those of you whose hair can tolerate them. Maybe one day I'll be at the point when I can use these items every now &amp; then.

Back in the day...before hair care...I used my blowdryer and curling iron faithfully. Once a week, I would shampoo, condition, blowdry (after partially air drying) and used my curling iron on medimum heat. I kept my hair trimmed and I had no hair problems.

All my problems came from me improperly relaxing and using a no-lye relaxer.

So, I don't think it's all that bad if used properly. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
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But they also CAN be okay if used properly.

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I agree Caramela,

This is the only way that I do my natural hair and it comes out looking just like a relaxer. I blowdry on cold and use the setting on my ceremic curling iron and PRESTO...straight hair. I have not had any damage from my technique and my hair breaks less which allows it to grow! /images/graemlins/smile.gif I also believe that the products you use on your hair also makes a BIG difference in whether your tools will damage your hair. I believe in using the tools that have settings because you can CONTROL the heat. With the professional tools you risk damaging your hair.
I love this thread...
I agree 100% w/ what Caramela has said, I for one am still dependent on the blowdryer and flat iron to get that smooth, sleek and bouncy look and I have yet to experience any significant damage from this ( When planning to wear my hair down I wait until my hair is 90% dry and blowdry on a low setting followed by a quick run through w/ the flat iron). As mentioned before, used correctly(meaning blowdrying on a low setting and NOT letting the curling/flat iron sit on your hair for more than a couple of seconds) and sparingly most people should not experience tremendous damage.
Caramela, /images/graemlins/wave.gif

I think you have a good thread going on here. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

When using a blow dryer and a curling iron properly AND in moderation, I don't think the hair will suffer. BTW, are you using a ceramic curling iron? I always thought a ceramic curling iron would work great since my Jilbere ceramic flat iron works so well. Girl, I haven't owned or used a curling iron in ages. I gave mine away years ago.

Keep up the good work girl. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Well, I've got a Jilbere Ceramic curling iron and I also picked up one of those ionic blow dryers. Both are supposed to be better (less damaging) to the hair. I have not used either. The PJ in me wanted to have them in the house for the next time I do decide to blow dry and/or curl...
after i over-processed my hair wit a no-lye relaxer (Designer's Touch sensitive scalp formular) in july 02 i've decided to lay low on the dryer and hot comb, so i gave mine away coz i was usin my hot comb everyday of the 6weeks that we had off school for summer /images/graemlins/blush.gif &amp; by not usin no moisturisers on my hair i was frying my hair coz i thot the curl wud last longer if i kept the hot comb on hair 4 longer than advised /images/graemlins/blush.gif and as if that hadnt been bad enuff, i'd over-processed my hair coz i thot i'd b able to get bone-straight hair by leavin the relaxer in 4 longer which only aided in dryin myhair even more /images/graemlins/blush.gif and then i NEVER conditioned my hair durin that time, n here i was complainin that my hair dont grow!

ngaa /images/graemlins/drunk.gif

p.s. since joinin hair care boards i've learnt the error of my ways and have decided not to use any heat on my hair (except 4 deep conditionin) till next summer and by then hopefully my hair shud b in good condition and i shud have more length too /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I also agree that using the blowdryer &amp; curling iron in moderation is okay, if your hair is strong enough to survive them. I just recently had a relaxer added to my hair, but for the last 6 months I dried my hair w/ a blowdryer once a month using the lowest setting and the comb attachment. Then I sectioned my hair in four sections. I use my small hot curlers on my new growth on each section w/o pulling the curlers to my ends. Then I spray my hair w/ dew &amp; let it dry. Then I used my big hot curlers to give me a finished look w/ my ends being included. My hair turned out w/ full of body and moisturized.
**Some people can't even look at a blowdryer without their hair seizing up. **

thank you caramela,

that has been my theory all along. anything used in moderation and of course with the right tools/products is okay. it has been working for me and i just think that if it is not really necessary then i won't use heat and save it for a special occasion.
caramela, i agree that both of these can be used in moderation. it's also important to have the right tools. i definitely prefer my ceramic flat iron over a standard curling iron. i'm thinking of investing in an ionic blow dryer, but that might give me the excuse i need to use it more often.

anyway, for me, wearing my hair down is actually more damaging than how i got it there. i have a real problem with static and dry ends. i don't like weighing it down with oils. so i use lighter products mostly for static and sheen. tara recently got me some monoi oil, which is working, but i think i'll still stick with the protective styles 90% of the time until i reach my goal. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Caramela, those are Cathy Howse's points exactly, and Carolyn Gray also to an extent. Personally i dont trust myself to limit usage and i might slip into nearly daily use so i still keep them tucked away! in anycase, i SAVE more time without them. blow drying leaves my hair so so dry and brittle that i gotta work hard to create the right moisture balance afterwards. and when i use the curling tong a low setting takes so so long that i automatically turn it up to high /images/graemlins/blush.gif just to get it over and done with!
i will probably only use a blow dryer when i am away on holiday or in a real hurry

Can somebody tell me why it is bad to blowdry on wet haír??? i never understood that. /images/graemlins/confused.gif
When I stop wearing protective styles in the spring, I'll be air drying and flat ironing once a week for straightness. I think as long as you protect your hair somewhat from the heat, you'll be okay.

Caramella, if you find that using heat does your hair no harm, do your thing girl.
I agree that heat can be used in moderation, when my new growth sets in I use a ceramic flat iron to press my hair after it has air dried (whether in rollers, pony tail or 4 large braids), I only have to run the flatiron over each section once and I tend to think it's less drying than sitting under my dryer for an hour and half. I use wild growth on the new growth before doing each section and my hair comes out really soft and shiny. I have yet to find a good heat protectant that doesn't have alcohol in it.
Now I use no heat, at all, but Prior to my recent "chemical hair damage" incident, my idea of moderation for heat was once per month, max, mainly because I don't have the TIME to blowdry/curl my hair---I'd like to learn how to do a wrap style and/or roller set, tho. My hair seems to get straight enough when I pull it back/air dry, without heat &amp; after my hair recovers, I'll go to my stylist once per month for HER to blow-dry &amp; hot curl it.
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EmeraldSky said:
I have yet to find a good heat protectant that doesn't have alcohol in it.

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Try African Pride Heat Protectant Spray (alhtough it smells a tad funky).
Well......I remember I used to blowdry my hair weekly. I used to use Frizz-Ease Extra Strength serum and maybe some grease. I really don't remember. My hair wasn't breaking off terribly that I can remember. I think my biggest problem was that it wasn't soft like I can get it now but then again I didn't know what I do now.

I have a picture of my hair in 1997 and my hair looked healthy and long and that was when I was blow-drying.

I only stopped using the blow dryer because of the hair boards. I suppose I will use it if I go away on vacation somewhere because a dryer would be inconvenient to take with me.

I think everything needs to be done in moderation as many people said. You know Marvin's theory on air drying. He aslo recommended sitting under the dryer till slightly damp, and then blow drying the rest. I didn't understand that but to me it's just easier to do everything in moderation ---including this dang blasted wetsetting!!!!!
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I have yet to find a good heat protectant that doesn't have alcohol in it.

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I used to use Vitale Body-Bounce Moisturizing Creme back in the day. This was when I was blow frying and hot curling every day. Of course my hair was a dried up mess, but if the word 'moderation' had been in my vocabulary back then, the Vitale may have been a good product...
I stopped using it when I started frequenting hair boards because the ingredients aren't listed on the jar. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
Just recently I pressed my hair using Vitale and a ceramic flat iron. It looked nice, but my press didn't last very long...
A good friend of mine swears by Ionic-type blow dryers. I'm not sure how they work, but she says since she got one, she can dry her hair and not smell it burning. She has a routine similar to Caramela's: she blow dries with the dryer and a paddle brush it until her hair is about 90% dry and then she wraps it. She has the Igia Ionic dryer. I bought a Pantene Ionic dryer and I've never even used it. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif But I have it just in case!
(The sign of a true PJ... /images/graemlins/grin.gif)
Try African Pride Heat Protectant Spray (alhtough it smells a tad funky).

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<font color="purple">Thanks for the tip Robin. /images/graemlins/smile.gif </font>