Reasons to not wear a wedding ring even though

Working with/being around the public so often, I've felt self-conscious about any nice jewelry, so I haven't worn my rings for fear of having them stolen or becoming the target of otherwise unwanted attention.
For a minute, I wore a cheap replica, but that drew an abnormal amount of attention that I would rather avoid: either nosy people whose radar I would otherwise not register on or people flirting with me.

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My dad doesn't wear his ring because he's a surgeon and would have to take it on and off all the time which isn't good because he's always losing things. My mom wears hers though.
My dad doesn't wear his ring because he's a surgeon and would have to take it on and off all the time which isn't good because he's always losing things. My mom wears hers though.
Yea I figure people in healthcare have to deal with constantly taking gloves off and on, or bacteria breeding on the ring because of things you are constantly touching.