Really Miss Jessie's !?!?!?


Well-Known Member
So I'm on Miss Jessie's website trying to look at this new product when I come across this product description for Quick Curls.

Quick Curls

Description Ingredients Key Benefits
ITS HERE! Quick Curls weightless spiraling crème was formulated as a fast acting no fuss light weight styler that gives you the results you want fast. This fresh scented conditioning formula exclusively blended with essence of ginger flower and lime fruit activates a quick, light weight, frizz free smooth curl. Excellent for fingerstyling relaxed hair; no rods necessary, a rescue remedy for botched overprocessed texturizers, and great for our beautiful white gals. :nono:

Instructions for use: Apply to damp hair based on length and density. Air dry or diffuse dry. Enjoy! THIS PRODUCT IS NOT CHEMICALLY ALTERING.


8 oz$32.00
2 oz$9.00
1 oz Packet$3.00

Like WTH Miss Jessie??? You couldn't just say something like, "works well with Caucasian hair"?? Am I the only one who finds this odd or am I just being overly sensitive?? I prefer to lurk, but this just took me over the edge.
I don't really find it odd. I look at it as them trying to get white girls to buy the product. I don't know, it could be that I am still sleepy, but I got a no1curr reaction.
I feel it's a little too politically incorrect. A lot of products will read something along the lines of "Formulated for natural, kinky, or curly hair." That's the PC way of saying "For black or ethnic hair". If they are trying to get "white gals" to purchase the product they could have simply phrased it along the lines of "For all hair types and ethnicities".
I feel it's a little too politically incorrect. A lot of products will read something along the lines of "Formulated for natural, kinky, or curly hair." That's the PC way of saying "For black or ethnic hair". If they are trying to get "white gals" to purchase the product they could have simply phrased it along the lines of "For all hair types and ethnicities".

I agree. I wouldn't want to buy a product that says, "Great for black chicks too!" That just makes me go
I agree. I wouldn't want to buy a product that says, "Great for black chicks too!" That just makes me go

What if it said black gals?:look::lachen::lachen:I don't want to ever be called a gal. Lol Why do I feel offended by that. Must be Color Purple. I was looking at some of these products in Target. Way to expensive for me. I'm glad my hair loves cheap stuff.
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The tag line is silly for a professional hair company. Do they have a teenage intern in charge of product descriptions on their site? What about the Asian gals? They can't use the product? :lol:
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"Gals" is so country sounding. If I hear "black gals" I think "colored girls" that wrong of me? lol So I don't want to hear a product for "white gals" either.
:perplexed How tacky.

They could've also just mentioned the hair type. Black people can have type 2/3 hair as well, MissJessies. :rolleyes:
The tag line is silly for a professional hair company. Do they have a teenage intern in charge of product descriptions on their site? What about the Asian gals? They can't use the product? :lol:

Apparently Hispanic gals aren't suppose to touch Miss Jessie's either :lol:. But seriously in a marketing meeting, no one could come up with a better way to promote the inclusiveness of the product to non-black people :perplexed?