Realistically, our hair growth rate will slow down as we age

I too have seen changes with many older woman-their hair tends to thin out a little.
However, that is obviously not the case with everyone.
Perimenapause affects everyone differantly. At 52 I never have had flashes, night sweats or axe murder tendancies. However my cycle comes and goes (TMI) and the hair growth has slowed and thinned. Even with LHFC care. Its just an individual thing.:yep:
Chlorrella and maca root capsules have helped btw with all of the above.

You are on point with my thoughts on this. I am 49 and my growth seem to have slowed down and my hair has definitely gotten thinner. But at the same token I do blame stretching for part of this. I take a mild pressure pill so this could be the culprit as well. Seeing women with long thick heathy hair in the late 40's and up is a rarety in my neck of the woods.
I don't know how true that is. My mom is in her early 50s and is past mbl now. Her hair seems to be growing just fine. And as thick as ever.
i'm tired of folks believing these lies about once we get older we sag, bag, and fall apart....IMO the media places alot of these foolish ideas our head and we fall for them hook,line and sinker.
many of my relatives have healthy hair and grows fast or at a norm rate and if it doesn't its due to health issues and meds taken for them (diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.) or flat out abuse.
people collectively need to eat more whole unprocessed foods (especially raw veggies/fruits, nuts and healthy fats), manage stress levels( also release past issues from childhoods and past relationships with SO's and family members), meditate and/or pray, cleanse/detox (with the seasons like their ancestors), exercise (walking is not enough yoga, weights and cardio are a must as well), and reduce our exposure to environmental toxins ( chemicals like perfume cleaning products, etc.).
it is my plan to have beautiful hair that grows at the same rate or faster with a smoking hot body and it will happen :) (steps off soapbox)
I have browsed several sites: medical, etc. and it has been confirmed that hair tends to lose it volume and growth rate may be shortened as we age. I am not saying that our hair will not grow as we age. Just for many of us it may take longer and our hair will be prone to thinning. I cannot speak for every person on this planet, but typically, aging may effect our hair growth rate and thinning. The same way it is inevitable that our metabolism slows down as we age, we tend to grey, etc.

The excerpt below came from this website.

Hair loss does not occur all at once, nor in a steady, straight-line progression. People who are losing their hair experience alternating periods of slow and rapid hair loss and even stability. Many of the factors that cause the rate of loss to speed up or slow down are unknown, but we do know that with age, a person's total hair volume will decrease.

Even when there is no predisposition to genetic balding, as a patient ages, some hairs randomly begin to miniaturize (shrink in length and width) in each follicular unit. As a result, each group will contain both of full terminal hairs and miniaturized hairs (similar to the very fine hairs that occur on the rest of the body and are clinically insignificant) making the area look less full. Eventually, the miniaturized hairs are lost, and the actual follicular units are reduced in number. In all adult patients, the entire scalp undergoes this aging process so that even the donor zone is not truly permanent, but will gradually thin, to some degree, over time. Fortunately, in most people, the donor zone retains enough permanent hair that hair transplantation is a viable procedure even for a patient well into his 70's.
I agree with that article in that thinning as we age is common. Most people lose some density.

Growth rate, however does not have to change and can even be improved if you are taking care of your health.
I don't know how true this is, but I certainly don't buy into it :nono:

I did a 3rd BC back in August of 2008 at the age of 44 and as of this date my hair is longer than it's ever been. I'm 47 and It's taken my less than 3 years to grow my hair to MBL (current length straightened) and I am pushing for WL by the beginning of next year or by this time next year.

My hair is also thicker than it's ever been (my strands are thin, but I have a lot of hair, esp. in the crown area).

I think it's possible for lots of women past the age of 40 to have even healthier hair than they may have had in their former years.

I agree and your hair is absolutely drool worthy.
I think the OP may have a point and that some of you may just be in denial. Hopefully this doesn't offend anyone, as that is not my intention. It is also the reason why I write this in white.

Empirical evidence from LHCF doesn't mean much in this instance. However, what will make a difference is if we had a randomized group of women all controlled* for everything except age - that includes healthier hair practices. If the younger women still have longer, thicker hair than the older women even when everything else is accounted for, then the OP may have a case in her hand. I just think that using the ladies of LHCF as examples skews everything. I mean, how many of you 40+ took care of your hair when you were younger the same way as you do now? I assume that many of you LHCF 40+ didn't have LHCF or practiced healthy hair tactics at younger ages the same way as you do now, right?

So for those of you experiencing better hair growth as older women than you did as younger women, congrats. It may just mean that your healthy hair practices are powerful tools against aging or aging-related phenomena.

*controlled means everything is made the same. So if hair practices are controlled that means we use a method (like a statistical formula) to make hair practices similar between both groups even though realistically speaking they had different practices. Haha, the power of math!
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I think the OP may have a point and that some of you may just be in denial. Hopefully this doesn't offend anyone, as that is not my intention. It is also the reason why I write this in white.

Empirical evidence from LHCF doesn't mean much in this instance. However, what will make a difference is if we had a randomized group of women all controlled* for everything except age - that includes healthier hair practices. If the younger women still have longer, thicker hair than the older women even when everything else is accounted for, then the OP may have a case in her hand. I just think that using the ladies of LHCF as examples skew everything. I mean, how many of you 40+ took care of your hair the same way as you did when you were considerably younger? I assume that many of you LHCF 40+ didn't have LHCF or practiced healthy hair tactics at younger ages the same way as you do now, right?

So for those of you experiencing better hair growth as older women than you did as younger women, congrats. It may just mean that your healthy hair practices are powerful tools against aging or aging-related occurrences.

*controlled means everything is made the same. So if hair practices are controlled that means we use a method (like a statistical formula) to make hair practices similar between both groups even though realistically speaking they had different practices. Haha, the power of math!

I agree with your post, especially the part in white. I suppose that next we will be debating whether children heal faster than older people. Our bodies simply change, period. We can balance those changes out with healthy practices. [Insert human to automobile analogy here]

Off topic: lots of ladies on this board are looking good for any age!

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Perimenapause affects everyone differantly. At 52 I never have had flashes, night sweats or axe murder tendancies. However my cycle comes and goes (TMI) and the hair growth has slowed and thinned. Even with LHFC care. Its just an individual thing.:yep:
Chlorrella and maca root capsules have helped btw with all of the above.

Thank you. :yep:
This will be my last post on this topic as I think it has taken a negative connation. I wish I could say that I have found the fountain of youth, etc. But I know for a fact that when I see older relatives or visit nursing homes. I do not see a lot of women with thick or fastgrowing hair. It is just a part of life imo. Just like, most women stop having children once they have menopause. Does it mean all women-- or course not. Enough said... we shouldn't get so offended when something is mentioned about hair.
Nah...I'm 43 and my hair still grows at the average rate of a half inch per month. Some months (like summer) even more. Of course I still consider myself kind of young. I don't know what to expect in my 50s, 60s, and so on. Hmmm... Oprah is in her 50s and her hair still thrives.
I wish I could say my growth rate is comparable to the rate it was when I was younger but it's not. My rate has definitely slowed and slowed a lot. I'm past 50 years.

I think it's common for growth rate to slow down as you age. Not everyone will experience a slower rate but it's common. I think sistaslick mentioned this in one of her articles I think.
Checking in.... I am over 50 and my hair is at it's longest and healthiest it's ever been... Still growing strong...