Real Queens Regi


New Member
I was sufing yt and came across a man talking about the fact that when he went to jail/prison to visit he would always see these women with short dry hair and the men would have long thick hair.:rolleyes: He said his mom and sisters had bl and beyond hair.

He went on to state that they used jbco on their hair. The regi is:
jbco or evo moisturize your hair with it
place a plastic cap on your hair
wrap with a scarf

He went on to say that the castor oil was a sealer and a moisturizer therefore you did not need any other product just the castor oil. then he says the men in prison/jail do not wash their hair except maybe once a month. He said when you co-wash or wash your hair you are stripping the natural oils. He said wash maybe once or twice a month but keep your hair wrapped. He did not specify dry or wet.

He said this would help the growth and health of your hair because it is moisturized and it is keeping it's natural oils? He said the more you wash the more the oils are being stripped away therfore not causing your hair to grow.:look:

Okay chime in yall!! I snickered at the men in prison/jail and the long thick hair comment:grin:
This is from the website
Most of this is what we already do and know!


wash hair once a month with jamaican black castor oil shampoo
you should also clarify every other month or as needed with Black Soap (liquid or raw) to get rid of any build up
deep condition after shampooing with jamaican black castor oil protein conditioner
blot hair dry with a t-shirt (it's more gentel on the hair than a towel)
do the green house effect at least twice a week or as often as you'd like (the more the better)
dust ends every 1-2 months (this is optional, but highly recommended)
for best results wear protective or low manipulation hairstyles
try to avoid using heat - air dry instead of blow drying
if you flat iron your hair, only do it once a month
be gentel with your hair - don't comb and brush so often
try to not use products with chemicals in them because they produce the wrong kind of build-up which will force you to shampoo more frequently - use natural products/oils
eat right and drink lots of water


On damp or dry hair apply a generous amount of JBCO throughout your hair (or how ever much you can tolerate) making sure to coat the ends in the oil to create a protective barrier against pollution, fabrics, dryness ect.
This regimen works well with various protective hairstyles such as bantu knot outs and braid outs, so once you’ve oiled your hair you can prep it accordingly depending on how you plan to style it the next day.
Place shower cap or plastic bag over your hair to lock in the moisture from your scalps natural oils and heat from your head. This creates a green house, steam effect during your sleep which is the best time for your hair growth in this case.
Or: for those who are relaxed or natural but flat ironed, you can apply a shower cap or plastic bag to ends only loosely securing it to your hair with a scrunchy or clip.
Place a head tie/scarf over your head & shower cap making sure that it’s nice and snug; for best results also wear a winter hat over your scarf to help produce more heat.
In the morning you may find that your hair is a bit damp from the moisture the steam effect created.
You can either blow dry it on cool setting, let it air dry a bit before styling, or go ahead and style it while it’s still damp and let it dry as the day progresses.
* if you don't really care for the JBCO smell, you should definitley try the Shea Oil with Mango & Papaya it will make your hair smell amazing!


Protein: liver, brewer's yeast, fish, eggs, beans, cottage cheese, yogurt, tofu.
Iron: liver, whole grain cereals, dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, dates, raisins.
B Vitamins: eggs, meat, poultry.
Essential Fatty Acids: walnuts, canola oil, fish, soy.
Vitamin E: avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil.
Sulfur: meats, fish, nuts, legumes, vegetables (especially onions).
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Unless JBCO is one of few oils that can actually penetrate the hair shaft and not just sit on top of the hair, it can not be a moisturizer. Oils that do not condition the hair by penetrating the shaft can not moisturize. Coconut and Evoo are 2 of the few that can. I've never heard of JBCO being able to do.
Unless JBCO is one of few oils that can actually penetrate the hair shaft and not just sit on top of the hair, it can not be a moisturizer. Oils that do not condition the hair by penetrating the shaft can not moisturize. Coconut and Evoo are 2 of the few that can. I've never heard of JBCO being able to do.

If you check her blog, she has had substantial growth. On her YT channel, her husband discusses the "real queens" reggie and why it works. Basically he says you can use any oil, just make sure you use the plastic baggy as it acts as a greenhouse effect. I think they push the JBCO because they are selling that on their page.

I do not seal my hair nightly, but I have been applying castor oil to my scalp and full baggy a few times per week. The sections where the oil were applied are extremely soaked from the heat coming from my scalp. In one of the responses, RQueens hubby mentioned his wife started out doing the full baggy w/JBCO nightly and now is in maintenance mode of 2-3x a week.
I was interested in this because I've been experimenting with something similar using a different oil though.
She has great progress if this is true. I will just save this thread for future reference when I've got my hair care under control and decide to venture out and try other things.
I only do the "greenhouse effect" (Interesting, as they call it.) once a week on thursday to friday nights because friday is my wash day. The rest of the week, I keep my hair pin straight because I like it that way. And so I dont use my flat iron more than once a week I can't do the greenhouse effect unfortunately. but yea, I do want some jbco. I usually seal with grapeseed oil and sweet almond oil and ive seen growth in just 2 weeks. so yea. im actually "greenhouse effecting" right now. lol.
She has great progress if this is true. I will just save this thread for future reference when I've got my hair care under control and decide to venture out and try other things.
Oh trust me, if you greenhouse effect with a conditioner+ oils, it will benefit you ALL WEEK. I left grapeseed oil all over my hair for like 2 hours, and then took the ors yellow pack mixed with sweet almond oil and peppermint oil, and i put a shower cap on. in the morning when i rinse it out, my hair keeps that 'just conditioned softness all week. and my ends have never been so nice. so it actually helps you control your hair.
So the "Real Queens Regi" is baggying (she's trying to coin a new phrase for the same old thing), wearing a protective style, and only washing/ wetting your hair once a month :look:? Once I get the courage and discipline up, I want to try this routine. I love cowashing sooooooo much though! :lick:. But then I remember in my pre-natural/ hair care days, washing once a month is what I used to do along with daily heat and grease :nono:. I do really want to try using headwraps as a protective style 'cause they're super cute.
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But her hair is not long. Why would I want to do all of those kazillion steps just to have short' ish length hair?:perplexed
But her hair is not long. Why would I want to do all of those kazillion steps just to have short' ish length hair?:perplexed

I personally wouldn't mess with this regimen because it's not enough actual moisture for my taste.

I don't see anything wrong with her hair though. It looks healthy and is of medium length. Maybe she is growing her hair out like many members here :)
Wow, I recently started this "green house effect" last week (I do it nightly)
The reason I make a habit out of because it aides to keep my hair disciplined during my stretches. It restores moisture doing the night and keeps my hair feeling moist and supple all day :lick:, With the winter months fast approaching....this method is ESSENTIAL to helping me retain moisture/length.
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The "greenhouse effect" or baggy method, caused breakage for me, but others have raved about it. And oil only makes my hair feel like greasy hay, no matter what oil it is. This regimen would not work for me.

Just putting it out there: what works for some doesn't work for others.
Maybe I misunderstand this regimen though...

She baggies with the castor oil... how does she style on a day to day basis? I imagine that the hair would be very oily... does the oil sink in some?
First off, I think a "greenhouse effect" is no different from baggying like it was previously mentioned by curlyninjagirl. To me, it's the same thing, but correct me if I'm wrong. How can she go 1 month without washing her hair? Wouldn't the oil provide major buildup?

My baggy method includes a moisturizer, typically that's scurl or care free curl gold. I apply my moisturizer, baggy for a few hours or overnight, remove bag, then seal. You mentioned you applied grapeseed, baggied, moisturized. I thought sealing first would block out moisture.

I'm stretching now and baggy frequently. Overnight baggies saturates my hair. How are you wearing your hair the day following an overnight baggy? Does overnight baggying not make your hair damp?

JBCO does sink in some but I've never baggied with it only so I don't know if it sinks in all the way. I normally moisturize, baggy, then seal. Be interesting to have someone chime in that might know how the "greenhouse effect" with jbco works as for oil absorption.
divachyk: I just throw my hair up in a bun, nothing special (so lame i know lol). But it does leave my hair pretty saturated for like 15mins. after I take off the cap. Personally I love it when it's satuarated, it gives my buns a sleeker look :yep: lol.
^^^@D.Lisha, I can't seem to slick my strands down good enough to have a sleek looking bun when my hair is damp that way. I guess I should pull it all back at night before it becomes damp, that way it's already preset for a that what you do? I too bun non-stop because I'm in the HYH challenge.
But her hair is not long. Why would I want to do all of those kazillion steps just to have short' ish length hair?:perplexed

most non-lhcf black women (the majority of her subscribers) would indeed consider her hair long
My baggy method includes a moisturizer, typically that's scurl or care free curl gold. I apply my moisturizer, baggy for a few hours or overnight, remove bag, then seal. You mentioned you applied grapeseed, baggied, moisturized. I thought sealing first would block out moisture.
It doesn't. I naturally have a problem with being moisturized. But my hair has been amazing. My hair's never been like that before to be honest. My hair is super moisturized. so IDK how it works. But it works perfectly for me. I see what you mean tho. I don't put too much. just enough for it to feel oily.
I've use the "greenhouse" method since February. it really turned my hair around. I still do it about 5 nights a week. I don't know about the amount of oils she uses though. I oil my scalp about 5 nights a week but I don't use as much oil as her. I don't think your hair needs to be completely saturated with oil. I can't put that much oil in my hair without also using a water based moisturizer too. Otherwise my hair just feels hard and greasy..
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Ok, I went to her blog. I want to see updated pics of her progress because if she's retaining most of her length then she should be past MBL right now. She's not growing super fast. she's just retaining length. which i can see with her braid outs and moisturizing. I still think she should wash AT LEAST twice a month and DC each time. But that's just me.
Hmmmmmm looks like Ive been "greenhousing" consistently since August 09.:grin: My version is different... I actually LIVE under a baggy with ceramides, leave-ins, conditioners, creams, and a moisture/protein balance... I wash twice a month, no mushy or sour smelling hair, and ive retained just about every millimeter of hair I grew in that time with the exception of my "dusting" spells.:look:
But her hair is not long. Why would I want to do all of those kazillion steps just to have short' ish length hair?:perplexed

I'm pretty sure if you have ever bc'ed or transitioned, your hair was once this length. Unless you just snapped your fingers and your hair was down to your hip!
I'm pretty sure if you have ever bc'ed or transitioned, your hair was once this length. Unless you just snapped your fingers and your hair was down to your hip!

Ummmmm no! My hair is natural and beautiful as is! No chemicals needed. No big chopping needed! And I don't have to do a 25-step hair regimen to have long hair either. I have real world long hair not the black women's blog definition of long hair.:lol:
Her hair is short, no big deal thogh!
Hmmmmmm looks like Ive been "greenhousing" consistently since August 09.:grin: My version is different... I actually LIVE under a baggy with ceramides, leave-ins, conditioners, creams, and a moisture/protein balance... I wash twice a month, no mushy or sour smelling hair, and ive retained just about every millimeter of hair I grew in that time with the exception of my "dusting" spells.:look:

I've use the "greenhouse" method since February. it really turned my hair around. I still do it about 5 nights a week. I don't know about the amount of oils she uses though. I oil my scalp about 5 nights a week but I don't use as much oil as her. I don't think your hair needs to be completely saturated with oil. I can't put that much oil in my hair without also using a water based moisturizer too. Otherwise my hair just feels hard and greasy..

Do you mind explaining your process and the products used?