Real life HITCH


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A friend of mine and i had a great conversation about his new business - he is going to start consulting the single marriage minded ladies in Atlanta! We discussed our views and he had some good points. So i want to pose one of the best questions he asked me last night.....

Ladies how do you set yourself apart from others in a dating relationship situation? What do you do to ensure a unique experience with the man that you're dating or in a relationship with?

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A friend of mine and i had a great conversation about his new business - he is going to start consulting the single marriage minded ladies in Atlanta! We discussed our views and he had some good points. So i want to pose one of the best questions he asked me last night.....

Ladies how do you set yourself apart from others in a dating relationship situation? What do you do to ensure a unique experience with the man that you're dating or in a relationship with?

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In short... just being myself.

Anything else is unacceptable. I'm in a serious relationship now, but when I was dating, I never actively tried to set myself apart.
Maybe not what you are doing on purpose...he was saying that women should find out what the man lacks in his life and try to accommodate ... I wanted to see if other ladies agreed

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Well I agree that when a woman fills a void it opens his heart but that should happen naturally. Looking for his void and then trying to fill it IMO is trying too hard. I think that is how people get tricked into marrying someone. It is very upsetting when people stop being who you thought they were.
hopeful I thought the same thing. I don't want to feel like I am infiltrating his world only to flip the script.

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Maybe not what you are doing on purpose...he was saying that women should find out what the man lacks in his life and try to accommodate ... I wanted to see if other ladies agreed

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So what does your friend say about what men need to do? Serious question...
He says that a man should find out what a woman likes and try to incorporate romance in every interaction.

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Not trying to be mean in any way towards your friend. But it seems kind of like taking advantage of the women and the situation in Atl for profit. I just get kind of suspicious of all of these books and relationship experts popping up for the plight of the poor single black woman.
How is this different than a singles ministry that includes non-members?
Where is he gonna get the man pool from?:look:
Does he think people will pay more than a service fee?
Good luck....
Hitch actually worked with men to land women who they thought were out of their league. This doesn't sound Hitch-like at all.
And this movie ended with this moral of the story

"Finding love has no formula, be yourself and be open to love"

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Man pool is from his investment club, fraternity, singles ministry and flag football team.

He would just have events and the extras (coaching, wardrobe, etc) are a la carte.

And yes, he is doing it to make money. But I did think that some women could benefit from it. I posed the question he asked me because I had no answer for it when he asked me. Like an earlier poster, I just be me and try to get to know folks and have fun.

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I'm guessing he lives in Atlanta. This doesn't really seem to be a new concept here, so I hope he has a twist. I hear about quite a few playdate-type events, networking events, etc. here in Atlanta. And because it's Atlanta, most of them cater to black singles. Two of my girlfriends went to an event a couple of months ago.

Anyway, I agree with the other posters. Be YOU.