Ready for the Hide Your Hair Challenge to END!


New Member
Is it Christmas yet?! I'm so ready for the Hide your Hair till Christmas Challenge to be over, and I'm not even on it. There are at least five heads of hair that I'm dying to see but the fotkis are locked :ohwell:

I'm sure you ladies are making some great progress. It's probably even harder for you than it is for me :lol:. And I know I'm not the only one who's ready for it to be over. Oh well, something to be excited about. Good Luck!!!
GIRL I can't wait, I am soooo excited to see the :Flahsssss of everyone..This ish is KILLING me. I keep telling myself...1 more month to go...I more..I can't believe I made it this far...there was soooo many times I wanted to cave in especially in the beginning and then in the middle I was cool and now that we are almost through it's killing me again....I can't wait...COME ON XMAS :yep: :yay: :drunk:
I know that's right! I am sooooo ready for this to end.

Tsmith let me get a quick peek.:sekret: I won't tell nobody.
I am a part of the challenge and I can't wait for it to end, my progress hasn't been very dramatic, I am just anxious to post photos.:)

I don't think I will ever hide my hair again:look:
i cant for it to be over either. hair process is awesome in your siggy!! :up:
e$h said:
I know that's right! I am sooooo ready for this to end.

Tsmith let me get a quick peek.:sekret: I won't tell nobody.

You're silly e$'s only 1 more month then there's going to be alot of progress pictures to see:) I don't want to spoil it cuz it's only a month away:grin:
Oooh I can't wait either!! It's getting hard because I want to see updated pics of everyone's hair that is on this challenge and plus I'm anxious to see if my hair has made any progress within 6 months. Letitica, I may need your help with the pics :lol:
tsmith said:
You're silly e$'s only 1 more month then there's going to be alot of progress pictures to see:) I don't want to spoil it cuz it's only a month away:grin:

I'm just kiddin witcha girl. Can't wait to see them pics though!!!!!:grin:
Hi Ladies!

Sorry I haven't been on LHCF in a while. I really need to start a update thread for the challenge. Well I have been doing great! Since I started the challenge I haven't worn my hair out one time. Only 4 people have seen my hair because they've helped me to take out my weave.

Anyway I'll start a check in post for everyone right now!
RabiaElaine said:
Hi Ladies!

Sorry I haven't been on LHCF in a while. I really need to start a update thread for the challenge. Well I have been doing great! Since I started the challenge I haven't worn my hair out one time. Only 4 people have seen my hair because they've helped me to take out my weave.

Anyway I'll start a check in post for everyone right now!

Don't worry Rabia I been keeping the challenge up for ya. I been updating and checking to see how everyone's doing...I gotta;)