RAVE: Creme of Nature Shampoo


New Member
I just can't get over how awesome Creme of Nature (Ultra Moisturizing Formula) Detangling and Conditioning Shampoo is on my hair. I have been using it for about a month now. It feels moisturized even before a conditioner, and my scalp feels clean. Its also a plus that most of the ingredients are natural! And its cheap too! I can honestly say that this is the best shampoo that I have ever tried, and I am a recovering PJ. :D
I have to co-sign with you on this. This is a staple. I always keep it in the house.
Ive been using this for awhile and it is pretty good. My old stylist actually recommended it.
I really love CON too, it has great slip and is very, very moisturizing also. I have the extra large bottle in my shower, holla!
Jewell said:
I just can't get over how awesome Creme of Nature (Ultra Moisturizing Formula) Detangling and Conditioning Shampoo is on my hair. I have been using it for about a month now. It feels moisturized even before a conditioner, and my scalp feels clean. Its also a plus that most of the ingredients are natural! And its cheap too! I can honestly say that this is the best shampoo that I have ever tried, and I am a recovering PJ. :D

YES!!! I agree I switched from the red to the green bottle about a month ago as well. I can tell the difference it! I thought it may have been the Affirm Lye relaxer but maybe its the poo! My hair is so easy to comb after I wash with this stuff. This is my staple poo!
I'm actually a crackhead with my poo...cause I LOVE my CON (Green and White bottle)...I knew that before I knew anything else...(I also love my Keracare Detangling and my NTM - sometimes I mix it with the CON)

Anyhoo, just hopping on the thread to say it is the ish...

had to throw a bottle in the bag for my moms for mothers day...she loves it too.
CON is the bomb!!!! I have been using it for years. A great moisturizing shampoo and a great price. When shampooing, I have to detangle in the shower or it's a war. This is the only thing that has worked and does not play.
This used to be a staple of mine about 10 years ago in jr. high/high school. It worked great then and always left my hair very clean and moisturized. I guess I eventually strayed away because I had never tried anything else and was curious about other products.

I recently went back to Cream of Nature and Love, Love, Love it. I didn't remember which one I used to use so I bought the cream colored one with red writing - detangling and conditioning regular formula for normal hair (the smell was familiar :smile: . Dangit!! I didn't see any others except for one for fine and limp hair. I guess I should have checked another store... this bottle works great so far, but when I done, I think I'll look for the formula that everyone else is raving about.

Although I've stated that I like it, I have a concern... when reading the ingredients I noticed the poo contains Sodium Hydroxide. I may be mistaken but I thought that this was the damaging ingredient in no-lye relaxers? It's named pretty far down in the list so I'm sure it's not that much... what are your thougts?
I also stopped using CON about a year ago to try other shampoos. Lately, my hair was feeling dry and not looking good. I went back to it and my hair feels great again. It's a great moisturizing shampoo. I love it!!
nubian_rose said:
Although I've stated that I like it, I have a concern... when reading the ingredients I noticed the poo contains Sodium Hydroxide. I may be mistaken but I thought that this was the damaging ingredient in no-lye relaxers? It's named pretty far down in the list so I'm sure it's not that much... what are your thougts?
I've read that the sodium hydroxide isn't harmful. There are also lots of soaps that contain sodium hydroxide.
I also have to chime in on CON Shampoo. I used to use it as well and then the product junky got into me and I switched to another shampoo. I recently purchased a bottle, tried it once more and I'm in love again. I'm currently using the red and white bottle, may need to check out the green & white when I'm finished up with this one.
aww man why did you have to post this??? Now I am tempted to try it especially since it's cheap and my hair needs moisture desperately. I always thought that conditioners were for moisture not shampoo. Does anyone with coarse hair see results from this.
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I've heard nothing but good about this product from the board and I have good memories of it from high school, so I think I'm going to make this my staple shampoo, since it's so inexpensive. Hey, CON shampoo, MNT conditioner- can't get a cheaper regimen:)
Just cosigning with everyone else. I love CON. I washed my hair with it last weekend and it is soooo soft!!!! And it's within my broke student budget!!!! :yay:
I have not used Con in a couple of years and this was my staple poo once.
I will have to pick up a bottle I forgot how much my hair loved it.
I love CON. I can't believe that it took me so long before I picked up a bottle. Whenever I need to detangle my hair easily and get great slip, CON is always there.
I think I'll have to go back to this. NOthing.......NOTHING compares to its slip. I'll just have to worry about clarifying, but it'll be worth it.
Oh, how I love this particular Creme of Nature shampoo! It provides great results every time. Last night it came to my rescue once more after a disastrous encounter with Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Shampoo.
It's good to hear this. I've been using this shampoo for a couple of months now. But I have braids so it's kind of hard to tell how really affects my hair. But my scalp always feels really clean and my braids feel soft.