RAVE: Anyone else in love with Shea Moisture Organic Curl Enhancing Smoothie? YUM!

Re: RAVE: Anyone else in love with Shea Moisture Organic Curl Enhancing Smoothie? YU

Update for the UK ladies: I got in touch with them to ask why the company won't ship the hair range to the UK like they do with the rest of their stuff.

Answer: They have a contract with Target for this haircare range, which is due to expire in August and they should start selling from their own website in August. Looks like we in the UK will have to be patient...

Wow. That's some accolade... I wonder how I can get hold of this in the UK? I have an aunt in the US perhaps I can get Target to deliver to her then she can post it to me?
Re: RAVE: Anyone else in love with Shea Moisture Organic Curl Enhancing Smoothie? YU

I also tried the Curling Milk. It has a harder hold, and dries faster, but my hair isn't as moisturized with it. I might take it back and get another smoothie or keep it and use it on the days that I need my hair to dry fast. The Restorative Mask DC is also wonderful.

I just bought the restorative mask and it didn't do well on my hair. It made my hair feel gummy. I'm going to try it again this weekend because I did like the ingredients and it was super cheap. Thanks for the great review! :yep:
I've never tried any of their other products but I love the Curl Enhancing Smoothie. I use it on dry hair and sometimes my twists. I love the smell and it does help with curling the ends of my twists a little when I don't want to wet them. When it gets warmer I'll try it on a wash n go. Once I use up the tons of products I have I'll try some of their other products.

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Re: RAVE: Anyone else in love with Shea Moisture Organic Curl Enhancing Smoothie? YU

I went directly to my local SuperTarget and picked up both the CE-Smoothie and the Deep Trtmnt Mask by Shea Moisture. I was very pleased to see that my local Target carries the whole hair care line as well as the body care line with natural soaps.

The CE-Smoothie did not enhance my curls (nor did I expect it to, as I'm usually a cynic when it comes to products/companies saying they will do a certain thing for hair :look:), but I LOVE THIS STUFF. IT IS THE BEST HAIR BUTTER/MOISTURIZER I HAVE EVER TRIED! I will be going back to stock up so I don't run out. A little goes a long way, indeed. Makes my hair soft, silky, moisturized, and gives a light sheen for the whole day. I can apply and add an oil to seal and my hair just feels sooo good.

The Deep Trtmnt Mask I just used today, and I must say I'm pleased. I wish it went on a lil' thicker (it is shea butter, but it actually goes on like a cheapie or light conditioner), as I like my hair to be heavily coated. I rinsed out, and my hair felt very soft, detangled, and moisturized.

Next time, I will try this as a leave-in cond, not rinsing out but sealing with oil and styling my hair. I will apply in the shower on damp hair, then comb thru, let it sit for about 30 mins, add my oils and serum to seal, and style my hair in my usual wet bun or twist with a clip. Will be back to update on how that goes.
Re: RAVE: Anyone else in love with Shea Moisture Organic Curl Enhancing Smoothie? YU

I bought this a couple of days ago and used it after a cowash. I DEFINITELY used too much of the product, so I can't really give it a proper review. I will use it again when I wash my hair. But next time I won't be so heavy handed. A little DEFINITELY goes a long way.

So I had to quote myself as a reminder of how I used to feel about this product ... because my opinion has definitely changed.

Like I said upthread, I used too much of the product at first, so it weighed my hair down and made it limp. Therefore, I didn't want to review it until I got a chance to use it in the proper way.

So I gave the product another chance a couple of weeks ago and used it when my hair was soaking wet fresh out of the shower. I also made sure that I used a smaller amount (I put my hair in 4 sections and used about a quarter size of the product on each section). I've used it consistently for the past couple of weeks, and now I think it's great! It makes my hair dry incredibly soft and moisturized.

I'm so glad I tried this again. It has become one of my staple products that I use almost every day now.
Re: RAVE: Anyone else in love with Shea Moisture Organic Curl Enhancing Smoothie? YU

this did nothing for my hair!

it only made my hair drier!

i tried it on wet hair, dry hair, damp hair layered with leave in conditioner, and sealed with coconut oil. i was not impressed! it only smelled good.!

i rubbed some on my hand just to see if it was really creamy...that same spot was dry not only 10 minutes later.

i am glad it worked for some..

i am sticking to my holy grails..
Re: RAVE: Anyone else in love with Shea Moisture Organic Curl Enhancing Smoothie? YU

I just bought the Curl Enhancing Smoothie yesterday because of the BOGO sale at walgreens. I used it for a WnG last night. It did make my hair super moisturized, but it wasnt really any more hold or defination than if i had used any other leave in. A little does go a looooong way though which is really great for the price. And my hair is super moisturized. Actually its still wet. And it never takes this long for my hair to dry.
Re: RAVE: Anyone else in love with Shea Moisture Organic Curl Enhancing Smoothie? YU

I just bought the Curl Enhancing Smoothie yesterday because of the BOGO sale at walgreens. I used it for a WnG last night. It did make my hair super moisturized, but it wasnt really any more hold or defination than if i had used any other leave in. A little does go a looooong way though which is really great for the price. And my hair is super moisturized. Actually its still wet. And it never takes this long for my hair to dry.

I purchased it as well. Someone suggested (I apologize I don't know who), that if I wanted hold I could use it in combination with a gel like product. They said it worked well with KCCC or Ms. Jessies. Probably would work well with any holding product you have.
Re: RAVE: Anyone else in love with Shea Moisture Organic Curl Enhancing Smoothie? YU

I'm thinking of using this to replace my Donna Marie Superbuttercreme. I use a tiiiiiny amount to moisturize my straight hair, and am hoping this smoothie can take its place. I'm so over ordering online, it's not even funny.