RANT: My scalp is a desert!! Ahhhhhh!!!


Well-Known Member
I can't take it anymore. Ever since we moved to SoCal a month ago my scalp has been a hot MESS! I got some great suggestions to get a steamer and a shower filter but to be honest I can't afford that right now.

I took my kinky twists out last week and tried the kinky curly products--> no go...at least the first time around. I just started grad school and I don't have time to be foolin with my hair, so I decided to put mini twists in. Everything was going well...halfway done, when yesterday my scalp starts itchin and flakin!!!! How do people with natural hair live out here?!??!???????!!!! It's the desert and now my scalp is the desert too!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!

I don't even know what to do. I feel like my only option right now is to wet my hair and scalp everyday. Has anyone done wash and gos on the daily with minimal SSKs? Please point me to the thread! I am at my wit's end out here!!
Ohh. Kinky curly did NOTHING for my hair but sit on top of it. I think you need a moisturizer with a heavier consistency. You can start doing deep conditioning/co washes or oil rinses once a week.
I spray my hair with Infusium 23, and then seal it with some type of oil. I also use Hawaiin Silky Moisture spray. that stuff is a miracle to me. :love3:

ETA: Shampoo and Wash and Go's do not work well with my hair.What does your daily/weekly hair regimen consist of?
OP, drink more water, take omega oil supplements and baggy your head. A dry scalp is a sign of dehydration and if you're in a drier climate than you're used to, then you need to supplement your moisture intake and your sebum production.

I don't believe in applying products to the scalp. I think they lead to more dryness and may even cause problems. I believe if your diet is supplying good oils and water, and if you baggy, your scalp will remember how to take care of itself.
Find a moisturizing spray that u like. I like oyin juices & berries. Since its super dry there. Dry heat. U dont necessarily have to cowash everyday but definately moisturize everyday & wet your hair & that should sink down to your scalp
DrC I have been a heavy protective styler under half wigs mostly for almost two years, while growing my hair out. So, I usually cowash once a week an shampoo once a month. I used to have itchy/flaky scalp but after stopping the relaxers and cowashjng it practically went away.

Unfortunately it has returned!

Nonie I will look into getting some omega supplements and try to drink more water. Thanks for the tips.
I tried my moisturizing spray for the first couple weeks and that did not work since it has glycerine in it and there is no moisture in the air. I've just been using water.

One of the problems is how to do my hair since I can't do it in twists for right now. I feel the twists are exposing too much of my scalp to the dry air and hot sun. Any styling suggestions?
MsAminta, I do believe conditioner residue on the scalp will make you itch. It may not have done so before but our bodies do go through changes that make them start to react to things they never had issues with before. Heck, I was losing hair from eating lettuce, eggs, pineapples...and those are not bad foods. I never used to have problem with those things then all of a sudden, BAM.

I don't know if you ever use shampoo. I do and getting my scalp clean is the highlight of my wash day. It frees my pores to produce sebum so my scalp is never dry. When I CW or even condition, I skip the inch closest to my scalp and focus just on my hair and mostly ends. I consider CW a moisturizing procedure not a cleansing one and do not believe a product that is supposed to coat hair and protect it will not also coat scalp and make it itchy. So I don't use conditioner on my scalp ever. Perhaps that change will make a difference. Maybe use a product like Wen if you don't want to use shampoo and then for your CW to style, don't apply to scalp. Apply to hair and see if your scalp doesn't feel better when it's left clean.
Thanks for the tips Nonie. I do wash at least once a month. I just washed a few days ago as well. I guess I need to up my hydration. Researching some different styling options now. I gots to look presentable when I leave the house! lol
I live in the Valley (which is an especially arid part of the Los Angeles metro area) and I wash weekly, moisturize nightly and baggy most nights. The combo of those things keep my hair acceptably moist (cool to the touch is what I am looking for)

Good luck and welcome to SoCal!
How about just doing an oil rinse with castor oil (or the oil of your choosing). They are great for scalp & hair health and rehydrating period. There is a good thread on oil rinses titled, "Don't sleep on oil rinses"
MsAminta said:
I tried my moisturizing spray for the first couple weeks and that did not work since it has glycerine in it and there is no moisture in the air. I've just been using water.

One of the problems is how to do my hair since I can't do it in twists for right now. I feel the twists are exposing too much of my scalp to the dry air and hot sun. Any styling suggestions?

I think glycerin gets a bad rap lol. Even though there isnt moisture in the air because its dry there, you will get moisture everyday because the glycerin is combined with water. The spray isnt 100% glycerin. Its mostly water with glycerin added to it. So you would spray with a moisturizer & a bit of water every day then I follow with a small dab of oil. I spray with water too because I have alot of hair and I would run through the juice too fast if used it solely. lol.

Heres the link about glycerin moisturizers in the winter which is similar


Or if for some reason you still arent comfy with glycerin then get a glycerin free moisturizing spray and you should be great.

I dont know if you still use a shower cap or not but a get time to get moisture is to go without a shower cap when showering or for half your shower. You dont have to cowash but just the wetness your head naturally gets from the steam and splashing water is great for refreshing 2nd, 3rd... day hair & scalp.

Good luck :-)
There may be a need to shampoo the scalp more often like Nonie suggested. Maybe there's an allergic reaction to something that's being applied to the hair/scalp. When my scalp is like this I usually do a shampoo or I will dry deep condition with Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose for an hour and it really helps. I will also spray CJ Smoothing lotion mixed with water in a spray bottle and spray it all over and it really helps my dryness and itchiness. Hopefully this helps-let us know what ends up working for you.
Thanks for all the helpful replies ladies. :)

ManeStreet I LOVE gylcerine. And I was using it up until a few weeks ago. I would spray it on in the steamy shower (in the form of one of those curl juices), follow up with water spritz, and...nothing. It's all good though...a simple water spritz helped with the moisture in my hair...it's just my scalp now. Hopefully I can resolve that soon.

virtuenow Gonna go try the oil rinses right now. Been researching for a few hours on here and youtube...gonna take these mini twists out and hit the shower.

geejay thanks for reminding me about baggying! Off to grab some produce bags out the fridge. lol

Thanks again lovely ladies! :)