Random Interpretation Question


Well-Known Member
I used to have a platonic, flirtatious, near fwb relationship with a guy.

We still have a really good friendship. He's like one of those platonic soul mate situations.

Today, mid conversation about something unrelated, he sends me a yt link to No Doubt's Don't Speak. I ignored it and went on with the conversation. What could he mean? We have a pretty explicit relationship so I'm caught off guard. I don't want to address it without knowing wth he's coming from.
I want to but I'm afraid it's some lovey dovey stuff I don't want to address. I'm not a fan of the song and reading the lyrics bored me...
We're not in a relationship tho. I should reply with musiq soulchild's Half crazy lol. Or I'll just pretend I never saw it. ...
a lot of people like that song. i'll bet he just sent it because he thought it was a hot old school song. i don't think he meant anything by it...especially if you aren't in a relationship with him.
the song means "i know youre going to dump me, so don't even say it, i get it, please stop" so maybe you were saying something at the time it hurt him to hear.
I'm going to ignore it. I don't want to address it with him... ever I think...
Has he been flirting with you or giving you the impression that he wants more? If so, I wouldn't expect this to be his last attempt. It might be better to have the conversation and get it over with or at least put it out there indirectly that you don't date friends.
Has he been flirting with you or giving you the impression that he wants more? If so, I wouldn't expect this to be his last attempt. It might be better to have the conversation and get it over with or at least put it out there indirectly that you don't date friends.

Our conversations are about 90% flirtatious. We actually met under those types of circumstances. However he was seeing other ppl and I'm not/wasn't about that life. We've been pretty platonic ever since. Hence my confusion about the song.