Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

taking my braids out

as much I like flipping around my 'long' hair. I'm ready to have access to my short hair.

braids out, deep conditioning session and style.

I might need a trim though...
I installed Sengalese Twists all by myself. This is the first time I ever installed twists in; all these years I thought it was difficult. Simple as pie, time-consuming....but easy.

My parting is horrible. But who cares.

Thank God for Youtube. I learned so many tips.
I need some help. There is an Esty vendor (pretty sure) who sells scented shea butter...I remember looking at the product pics and they were so cute, I think some were dessert scented and they were packaged to look like dessert? Does that even make sense? :lol: like the package/shea butter looked like ice cream scoops?? Ugh somebody help me!!

They always used to get me with those damn pictures LOL then the package arrived and it looks nothing like the picture.
I am getting box braids for the first time, actually weave for the first time and I wanted to know will putting the hair in boiling water damage my real hair. My real hair comes down to my areola (lol) and I want to get them to below my chest so my hair will get wet. But I don't want to get it burnt because I don't like the hard blunt look.
FMIL came over yesterday just as I was getting out of the shower. I had dried off, but my hair was still dripping. She was like, Ooooh, your hair is so curly. Mind you, straight out the shower, I have a lot of coils but it's still fluffy type 4 hair.

She, otoh, has fine type 3 hair, maybe 3a-c which she wears in a picked out puff.

I have to say, I'm glad she's not 'texture-struck'. She wasn't responding to my hair type, she was responding to its health. I picked a good family to marry into. :yep:
I'm growing out my 4c hair and it's looking a mess. Everyone keeps asking when I'm going to do something with it. I want to get braids but I'm scared they will do it too tightly. I can comb coils but they take forever to do. I only have 2 inches of hair so I'm kinda limited with styles.
3 Reasons You Don't Go To A Waterpark On A Sunday And Come Home At 8:00pm When You Know You Have To Work Tomorrow....
1. Cowash
2.Deep Conditioning
3. Styling
Think I will wash my hair today, but I'm just starting to get over a cold. But at the same time it's summer so it shouldn't bother me that much.... Idk, I'm just itching to do a roller set...
Now that I have started locs, I am learning the true meaning of patience. It is a long, long process! I am guessing it is because I am starting with long hair. The journey is interesting--that's for sure.
I'm growing out my 4c hair and it's looking a mess. Everyone keeps asking when I'm going to do something with it. I want to get braids but I'm scared they will do it too tightly. I can comb coils but they take forever to do. I only have 2 inches of hair so I'm kinda limited with styles.

I'm getting braids for the first time too and I'm nervous about loosing hair. But I know I worked too hard not to say your braiding to tight or any other complaints you might have while getting braids.
What they told you to do?
Weekly protein treatments, followed by a short (10 minute) moisturizing conditioner WITHOUT heat. My analysis showed that I have high porosity hair with lifted cuticles. I have no need for heat to get a conditioner to work. Plus, long conditioning treatments may counter the protein treatment....which is probably a big part of my issue.
I've also incorporated the daily protein spray into my routine.

Anyhow, my hair feels strong AND soft. I like it.
You know what annoys me? When you want to do something new to your hair; whether it's relax it, weave it, straighten it, color and etc and someone says..." It's only hair, it will grow back if something happens". First off, MY HAIR GOAL is not that easy to obtain that quickly, shoulder length is not something I will be happy with, and I'm not taking advice from one who relies on weave when something goes wrong. I work too hard to prevent myself from damaging my hair to say "oh well if my hair falls out". It takes seconds to damage your hair and several months to see a difference in health and years depending on your hair goal length. ***
The new black female boss asked the inevitable question: Where do I go to get my hair "done?"

I said I didn't know. I should have said, "You Tube."

She said my hair looks good so maybe she could come to me. Yes, I have fabulous hair thanks to LHCF. I need a good haircut though. I really don't know where to get a good one around here.
I had a throwback Monday and deep conditioned with Silicon Mix. Mmmmm hmmmm! Now what exactly horrible thing did I do to my hair using this stuff?

I forget why I stopped using it. My hair felt great and hadn't been that easily detangled in recent memory!

That stuff made my hair revert. It's curlier than ever and I'm relaxed. I don't know about whether my hair has low porosity or not. Maybe. But this is horrible. I'm going to try and correct it with sodium and keep with those. Maybe it was the Eden relaxer I used. A stylist told me to use mild on my hair but with the way it reacts now, geez. Silicon mix is something else.
People rave on silicon mix here. I tried it to use the cones for heat styling. Man my scalp REBELLED. And my hair felt weird.