Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Lol. I can't even..

So I went to Target to stock up on my shampoo. Spotted the bottle and its yellowy content, checked the ingredients, still the same, bought 'em, came home. Once at home I look at the front as the label has changed, and I notice that instead of "Nourishing shampoo" these bottles say "Hydrating Shower gel". I'm like what the hell...so I check the ingredients again, and yep, they're exactly as the (previous) shampoo. These people are allasudden marketing this poo as a shower gel with the same shampoo ingredients! :lachen: What. The. Hell!

I'm still using it I guess! *shrug* Moral of the story: if your favorite product goes poof, check other products in the line in case it really only got an identity/sex change. :lol:
I'm 6 weeks post and my hair is starting to laugh at a regular mohawk Rollerset.I'm sure the Dominicans could giv me a good set but I can't seem to get the tension right in the middle of my head. Guess I'll be ponytail roller setting for the rest of this stretch.
What's the appropriate response when someone says "wow, your hair is long" ? It's not a compliment so thanks isn't right. I usually just end up muttering "yeah"

Good question. I thought yeah was appropriate until my cousin told me it sounded weird/vain. Then I started saying yeah I need a haircut. Which I dont...

So! Now I just say yes I can't believe it/yes it's almost 2ft.
Packing up yet another box of products to give away. I gotta stick to what I know and pass up these sales.

I'll send you my address :lachen: LOL
What are you giving away?

Don't feel bad. I uesd to be a product junkie. Now I only have 1 bottle of conditioner, one deep conditioner, and one shampoo in my bathroom. Those sales will get ya every time. I try to only buy from Target so I can take it back if I feel buyers remorse.
Well my hair didn't tangle up this week. I guess my hair is recovering from that henna. Even my ends feel really dry and when apply the conditioner it seemed not to soak it up. Hopefully this over night conditioning and plus I will get under the dry 20 minutes later on today will help.
Today I will attempt to roller set my hair on the plastic velcro rollers because a couple of people said you can get type 4a straight with those rollers because it has enough tension and they said black women have been doing it for years. We will see. I seriously doubt this will work and hope they don't get stuck in my hair
I for darn sure ain't putting those rollers in my hair. I tried a few out in mannequin hair and it felt like I pulling hair out. It was so stuck at root. She lost a few hair too, better her than me. I'm taking them things back. I have to figure out what to do to my hair today now smh. At least I had something to try it on
I blow dried my hair this weekend randomly. I loved seeing all the length, but this morning I cowashed to revert my curls back to normal, etc. However I noticed that my hair felt SO much smoother and my ends didn't have any knots on them, etc. So I'm wondering if blowdrying my hair every so often would be beneficial to stretch out my curls to keep them from tangling as much. I'll keep experimenting.
I am beyond tired of my hair. Everything is an ordeal. A simple twist out this morning was disastrous, it took a headband and pinning it up to make it look presentable.

And my edges are thinning so I'm trying to stay away from buns/ponytails for it bit, but that leaves me a total loss as to what to do with it. :wallbash:
I need to give myself a hair allowance. Right now I just buy whatever, whenever. $50 a month is a good start. But I have to wait until May. I'm way past that this month lol.
SO Liquid gold products sent me a tracking number that doesn't work... first time ordering and not a great way to start off.
This white girl is asking me about box braids :/ she said she's going to Alaska over the summer and needs a style so that she won't have to do her hair. Whyyyyy does she sound like a black girl looking for a protective style for a vacation? Lmaooooo her hair doesn't even have a wave it has a "bend", basically bone straight. Bye.

And this black lady isn't -ish she dodged the questions so I would have to answer. I'm not about to recommend some white girl a hair braider so she can come back bald and blaming me for it. She better wash n blowdry. They look crazy with braids anyway, it's not for their texture and imo box braids in particular are appropriation. I know too many women in my family that have gotten pulled to the side at work for those braids, don't like how whites can wear whatever without the criticism, stereotypes etc. Just my opinion

But anyway I told her to google search and do them herself instead of a salon lol
Ladies help me out. im confused about the procedure for checking hair porosity. I'm talking about the water glass thing. I know you get clean hair and put it in a glass of room temperature water. I watched multiple YouTube videos but I noticed one thing which is a single strand of hair vs. A clump of hair. I noticed that when the girls would use just one strand of hair it always floated and read as low porosity. When they would use a decent sized clump of hair the hair always sunk and read as high porosity. I couldn't find a video if a single strand of hair that sunk. I'm wondering if the strand floats because it's light and the clump sink because it's heavy and it's unrelated to porosity? I want to do a test but I don't want false readings. I don't know if I should use one strand and a clump. What say you?
There are no good transitioning tips or journeys on YouTube. I'm looking for real ness! People are recycling the same info and I just see a bunch of big chop videos, or relaxed heads with but length hair, deciding to tell everyone they are transitioning, and being 20 months post relaxer! "Hey guys, sorry I have been MIA, but I'm going natural in two weeks!" Face arse...smh
Ladies help me out. im confused about the procedure for checking hair porosity. I'm talking about the water glass thing. I know you get clean hair and put it in a glass of room temperature water. I watched multiple YouTube videos but I noticed one thing which is a single strand of hair vs. A clump of hair. I noticed that when the girls would use just one strand of hair it always floated and read as low porosity. When they would use a decent sized clump of hair the hair always sunk and read as high porosity. I couldn't find a video if a single strand of hair that sunk. I'm wondering if the strand floats because it's light and the clump sink because it's heavy and it's unrelated to porosity? I want to do a test but I don't want false readings. I don't know if I should use one strand and a clump. What say you?

I wouldn't discount doing it (I tried it) but from what I've read, this test just isn't accurate. There are too many factors to consider to give you a true result.

You are possibly right about the surface tension theory- that a lot of strands will sink vs a single strand floating.

Look up how low porosity hair responds vs normal/ high, and see how yor hair compares (if you haven't already noticed certain things).
There are no good transitioning tips or journeys on YouTube. I'm looking for real ness! People are recycling the same info and I just see a bunch of big chop videos, or relaxed heads with but length hair, deciding to tell everyone they are transitioning, and being 20 months post relaxer! "Hey guys, sorry I have been MIA, but I'm going natural in two weeks!" Face arse...smh

LOL :lachen:. Yeah there really isn't anything new in terms of tips anymore, seems like most if not all the information is regurgitated nowadays.
There are so many oils for me to try... every time I turn around I'm adding to my list. I don't think I'm going to be able to effectively try all of them this year.
I don't know what I did to piss my hair off but I'm sorry :cry3:My detangling session was horrible this morning. I can usually fully detangle in under 15 minutes with a hand full of conditioner and my fingers. Today I had to pull out the wide tooth comb, 3 different conditioners, hold my hand under the shower stream and pray for forgiveness. I was ready to sacrifice my first born lol. My hair was not having it. It took me 30 minutes. The only thing I thought it could be was this strawberry suave conditioner but then I remembered that I used it last week too and my tangles melted away like butter. I have to give my hair some TLC this week because she is so unforgiving.
I can't believe how long it takes a wash n go to dry. I can't take it!
LOL...I've been doing mine at night since the mornings are still a bit cool. But when it gets warmer, I won't even care! Nothing like a fresh washngo. The one time it dried really quickly was when I blotted w/a tshirt before quickly adding my products, but my curls weren't as tight as I like because less water means less shrinkage.
Well I did a roller set with the regular magnetic rollers to see if I can get my hair straight. It was a no go and turned out exactly how I thought. Sometimes stuff is just common sense even though a couple of people plant beliefs in your head. I can get my hair straight unless it's just freshly relaxed with no new growth or I use direct heat. I knew you couldn't get 4a hair straight with just a roller set. Also those self stuck ones just pull out your hair. I did it on the mannequin and took them crap back