Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Stupid question:

Let's say your dc doubles as your leave-in. What would happen if you dc'd and got under the dryer, let it dry into your hair, DID NOT RINSE, maybe spritzed with some water, and simply applied gel?

Would that result in the most moisturized wng ever?

I'd try it out myself but I'm still holding on to some relaxed ends, wouldn't want to over-moisturize.

I'm low porosity and for some reason leaving a DC in does absolutely nothing for my hair. It still does better rinsing and using a leave in.
My hair must really be getting noticeably long. My SIL, who's "short" hair is MBL while curly, actually said "Dang, Girl! Your hair has sprouted!" I guess my hair anorexia makes it hard for me to see it. Plus, I've been at APL for awhile so I was getting annoyed. I think that instead of growing down, my hair has been filling in the past 6 months or so, so it's thicker APL now. Woot!
Stupid question: Let's say your dc doubles as your leave-in. What would happen if you dc'd and got under the dryer, let it dry into your hair, DID NOT RINSE, maybe spritzed with some water, and simply applied gel? Would that result in the most moisturized wng ever? I'd try it out myself but I'm still holding on to some relaxed ends, wouldn't want to over-moisturize.

I do this a lot in the summer with SM raw shea butter deep treatment masque. It's the only DC I use. I've never had an issue with "mushy" or breaking hair. It could be because I do a light-medium protein treatment almost every time I wash. I add some to my hair for a cowash, rinse about 70% of it out, add some more, sit under the dryer for 30 mins with a cap on, take the cap off and diffuse. I've also done the same steps minus the diffusing when I'm doing a twist out.
I don't know why I keep buying the Oyin juices and berries. I think it's the smell that gets me because it doesn't do much for my hair. I do miss the honey hemp conditioner. Think I'll buy a liter or two when they have their next sale. And a few jars of whipped pudding. And some more sugar berries pomade now that I know how to use it for my hair lol. Let me go make a wish list.
My grandmother complimented me without weave checking me. Love it. I think I'm gonna buy my grandma a table top so she doesn't have to go to the hair dresser. She always complains that her hair is dirty but she doesn't want to go to the hair dresser.
I finally did a style under than straight up curls. I did four flat twist in the front and did a ponytail in the back with a big black perm rod in the back. I am so proud of myself!
Think I'm going to go from washing my hair every week to every 2 weeks then putting it into some sort of protective/low manipulation style, remoisturizing and switching to a new style after one week. This will be my experiment for January-March and if that works well this will become my new fall/winter routine. Thinking about washing every 10 days in the spring/summer. 5 days of loose hair and 5 of a ps.
so....i know i said i'd do the big chop last weekend. It didn't happen.

Had a LONG talk with the bf on Friday. I mean long. Like hours, I think. I demanded we come to an agreement over this hair situation. He finally, after much discussion, saw my side of things....

His man brain: She wore weave for me for a long time, almost all year. She's over it. Women like to change up their hair. He understands now.

So we are on the same page about that. But he still had his one request: Please do not cut your hair short. He doesn't care if i'm natural or relaxed. At all. He just prefers past SL hair with volume. That's it. Anything and everything else in between he can live with. So after much headbutting, that's our agreement. I can AND WILL do whatever I want with my hair short of cutting it under SL.

I know this disappointed some of my RL friends and probably will disappoint some of you, but I feel like in a relationship, I have to consider the feelings of my SO. He may be stubborn but so am I. I'm just glad we are on the same page about things. Cuz yall, I was stressed!!

So I'm gonna revise some of my 2015 hair goals lol.
so....i know i said i'd do the big chop last weekend. It didn't happen.

Had a LONG talk with the bf on Friday. I mean long. Like hours, I think. I demanded we come to an agreement over this hair situation. He finally, after much discussion, saw my side of things....

His man brain: She wore weave for me for a long time, almost all year. She's over it. Women like to change up their hair. He understands now.

So we are on the same page about that. But he still had his one request: Please do not cut your hair short. He doesn't care if i'm natural or relaxed. At all. He just prefers past SL hair with volume. That's it. Anything and everything else in between he can live with. So after much headbutting, that's our agreement. I can AND WILL do whatever I want with my hair short of cutting it under SL.

I know this disappointed some of my RL friends and probably will disappoint some of you, but I feel like in a relationship, I have to consider the feelings of my SO. He may be stubborn but so am I. I'm just glad we are on the same page about things. Cuz yall, I was stressed!!

So I'm gonna revise some of my 2015 hair goals lol.

naija24 Don't feel bad girl. I was just having a discussion about something similar with a friend of mine. Men are very visual creatures and while we like to change things up, I personally don't see anything wrong with a man saying he prefers the way you looked when he met you. Now if he comes in the door with earmarked issues of Hype Hair magazines and new hairstyles he wants you to try then that's different. My SO for instance told me I can't cut my hair shorter than APL-BSL. He has no issue with me going natural if I choose, I wear my scarf to bed almost every night, and I hide my hair when I want. He just doesn't like short hair. I respect you for taking his input into consideration and I'm glad you guys were able to come to a compromise.
so....i know i said i'd do the big chop last weekend. It didn't happen.

Had a LONG talk with the bf on Friday. I mean long. Like hours, I think. I demanded we come to an agreement over this hair situation. He finally, after much discussion, saw my side of things....

His man brain: She wore weave for me for a long time, almost all year. She's over it. Women like to change up their hair. He understands now.

So we are on the same page about that. But he still had his one request: Please do not cut your hair short. He doesn't care if i'm natural or relaxed. At all. He just prefers past SL hair with volume. That's it. Anything and everything else in between he can live with. So after much headbutting, that's our agreement. I can AND WILL do whatever I want with my hair short of cutting it under SL.

I know this disappointed some of my RL friends and probably will disappoint some of you, but I feel like in a relationship, I have to consider the feelings of my SO. He may be stubborn but so am I. I'm just glad we are on the same page about things. Cuz yall, I was stressed!!

So I'm gonna revise some of my 2015 hair goals lol.

I personally think you are giving him too much control over your hair for him just being a BF, but that's just my opinion. My ex used to have all of these stipulations for my hair. Eventually I got tired of it, especially when none of them came with a ring/commitment.:ohwell: Eventually I cut my hair the way I wanted and shortly after that finally broke things off with him. Whatever works for you! Good luck on your journey.
I was so tempted to give a few people hair products for Christmas this year, but then I had to remind myself that no one cares about hair like me.
Little do they know, a few DCs could change their hair completely.

PlainJane, this brought up bad memories from last Christmas. So I bought all these cute little lunch boxes, two were zombie themed, last year and used a couple of things for putting gifts in for my mother and sister. The one I used for my mother had a photo of SPAM laid out on a plate. My mother unwraps the lunchbox, gives and obligatory "Oh. Okay," then puts it down. I ended up asking her what did she think was it in. She said, "Oh a little ham like that (pointing to the picture of the SPAM)." :nono: I told her no, that's just what's on the outside and to look inside. I had shampoo bars, beauty bars and a couple of other things I'd paid good money for.

A couple of months later, she asked me about the bars. I explained how I used the shampoo bars. She said, "I guess that's why when people give you something you have it for so long because you don't know how to use it." Don't know if she ever used any of the things I gave her.

It's just going to be some cheap earrings from here on out for gifts. :yep:
That cocasta shampoo bar did great for my hair! I still have some itching going on here and there but overall, my scalp is getting better slowly but surely.
Had I known I'd be stuck in this class by myself doing a 90million hour video training I would've brought some oil to work and massaged my scalp or my shears for a search and destroy session. Guess I can still do a scalp massage without the oil. Happy my hair is in a puff today.
My stylist Jausalyn moved again..now she's at So Vain Salon (in Chicago on 100th and Western). Thank goodness for style seat, because this woman is on the move lol. I really need my hair done but I'm soo broke :sad face:
Flat-ironed my hair over the weekend. Overall, I'm pleased with the progress. As much as I love the ease of protective styling, I think I take better care of it when I'm wearing it out. Maybe I can actually hit full APL by this time next year if I get serious.
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I thought I used too much oil in the LOC method last night, but my hair has no signs of frizz today. I guess more oil is better.
I had a plan all worked out for my Xmas hair do but that's not going to happen cuz I'm lazy lol. Rocking my 8 jailhouse twists under a bonnet and beanie until Xmas, m&s my ends every day with water, Oyin juices and berries and sugar berries pomade. On Xmas I'll take them down and do a textured halo twist or a bun.
Can I just say I love my new hair (thank you Vitale Sensitive Scalp. Me and you must never part..Makedada * does appropriate hand gestures*). I can touch my scalp! Also I would like to thank Jesus for not letting my hair fall out because I just blow-dried and flat-ironed the other day before I relaxed lbs.
I decided to try out LCSO-ing my hair while baking a few pies. After I finished I noticed a little chunk of SM raw Shea moisture masque on my arm so instead of wasting it, I rubbed it on my ends. Something told me to sniff my arm (I am addicted to sniffing products)..

It was not the masque. It was butter :look:
Looking at threads talking about hair products and feeling out of the loop bc I have no idea what anybody is talking about:look:

I stopped ordering online a very long time ago...so I'm not "hip" to all the new companies online now. :/
I decided to try out LCSO-ing my hair while baking a few pies. After I finished I noticed a little chunk of SM raw Shea moisture masque on my arm so instead of wasting it, I rubbed it on my ends. Something told me to sniff my arm (I am addicted to sniffing products)..

It was not the masque. It was butter :look:

:lol: did your hair feel like "buttah"?
Looking at threads talking about hair products and feeling out of the loop bc I have no idea what anybody is talking about:look: I stopped ordering online a very long time ago...so I'm not "hip" to all the new companies online now. :/

Neither am I. I've heard of a few but others I'm just like ummmm who!? I feel so left out lol
My twistout has lasted three days with no need to retwist! :yay: This will be my staple style to grow out this heat damage
I had it all planned out to wash, rollerset and flat iron today but now it looks like I won't have time. I don't want to rush through it.

Why do people always want to make elaborate plans on the days I need to wash my hair?!
I am super excited to flat iron my hair this week. I did a protein treatment last week and I plan on doing a mid week cowash. This time around, I plan on not putting too much heat protectant. Last time I straightened, my hair had wayyyy too much heat protectant and it made my hair stiff.
can't wait to get paid tomorrow so I can buy all my new hair stuff. I am going for professional grade stuff so it'll last me longer. I am also so happy about getting my hair colored professionally for the first time.