Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

I love the shine I get from Oyin Handmade sugar berries pomade. My hair after taking my twists down for wash day.


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I forgot how many unopened hair products I left at my house (been staying with my mom after a$$holes kept breaking into my house). Feels like I just got a new Black Friday order in lol. Let me go dig through this bag so I can pamper my hair. Determined to end this year on a good note and in great spirits in hopes that next year will be better than this year was.
I just realized that I left my bag of hair products at the Dominican salon. I had Keracare shampoo, Humecto conditioner, Nexxus Emergencee, Chi Silk Infusion and my comb. I hope no one takes it. Those were new bottles :sad:

Did you get them back?
I twisted my hair on Sunday. My roots don't look "tight" anymore. I thought that my twists were unraveling, but that didn't make sense to me since my hair never does that (it'll unravel at the ends, but never at the roots). I looked closely and it's because there is noticeable new growth present. Yes, I said that I twisted my hair on Sunday. I don't know if it's just my normal growth or if the sulfur oil is doing something, but I'll take it.
I'm muy broke LOL! No pressies to myself this year, just going to buy some garlic oil capsules and folic acid... and maybe a DC. :ohwell: Merry Christmas my arse :lol:
I need to dig my satin pillowcase out. Think my hair could benefit from a few nights without the bonnet. And I need to take down my hair and retwist it tonight. That always helps me to get second day hair on day one.
random thought #1: Welp, all of the salt water that got in my hair from being in the ocean didnt ruin or kill my hair. I was a little worried but all of that Mexican sand and sun was worth it :yep:

random thought#2: I am putting my own mini salon in our very comfortable finished basement. Getting a professional hair dryer and professional steamer that will fit down there nicely.

random thought #3: Im dying my hair black again. Was trying to hold out just in case I ever wanted to go lighter but i cant take it anymore.

random thought #4: Ive been really good about using all of my products up lately...which of course means I am going H.A.M. on a hair haul in about 3 weeks.
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I want to try henna so bad but I'm scared of doing anything to my hair that is irreversible. Off to read henna threads.....
I have been reading henna threads for a good month now. I really want to introduce it to my regimen next year. Like you I am scared.

Don't be afraid of Henna. It has been one of the best things I have done for my hair. I started with a Henna gloss first. This is when you mix the Henna with a protein-free conditioner and it allows you to the get the strength and a little color benefits without the dryness. I do them one a month, at the end of the month. As a matter of fact I will be doing a treatment tomorrow. I think there is a lot of information available on Henna gloss treatment.
ronie havilland I second Rozlewis! When I firs started doing henna treatments, I did them every week for a month or two, then every two weeks, then once a month with a henna gloss once a month, halfway in between the monthly henna treatments.

Some people claim henna relaxes their curls, and i did notice this; however, I believe this is because of the weight of the henna-treated hair, which causes the curls to hang and become elongated.

I use a cheapie conditioner, like VO5, Spa Haus (DollarTree), or Silkience (DollarTree) for 1:1 henna gloss treatments. I add honey powder, essential oils, and grapeseed oil to my henna base, which allows me to skip the deep conditioning step.

My henna treatment includes ACV, tea tree oil, cloves, and cinnamon. I would like to try adding hibiscus and beet juice for additional color.

When I do a henna treatment, I apply it at night and let it work while I sleep. Then I rinse it out in the morning, apply a deep conditioner, and leave that in all day. When I do a gloss, I skip the deep conditioner step.

I've noticed that henna treatments really help to reduce tangling and thicken my hair. Also, I love how strong my hair feels afterward. Give it a try!
Dear Flax Seed Gel,

Why did I resist you for so long? Will you marry me? We can live with my Mama.

WYSIWYG's (soft, blingin') Hair
Ugh! I keep finding mid shaft splits! I'm not quite sure where they came from. I moisturize, condition, and do
Regular protein conditioning treatments. They're about 4 etches from the end of my hair. I refuse to cut that much hair off at once. :smh:
soulglo I'm with you on the funny funds. I need a trim so baaad, my poor hair is crying. However, I am not good with cutting enough to do it myself. I'm going to lose a lot of length but health before length. As for the protein preference, do you think it's a porosity issue?
I believe my hair is highly porous. I've tried acv rinses in the past. As well as a host of other things. I'm not sure how and if there is a long term remedy.
My same routine with the same products for my twist outs give me no fail twist outs. At times I would like a big stretched fluffy twist out but I haven't mastered that as yet. I sometimes want a twist out like MsVaughntv. I think she blow dries her hair though. The few times I have a big fluffy twist out I like, it's somewhat unintentional and difficult to duplicate exactly when I try again... hmmm. I do know the key is having it done on stretched dry hair, so I usually have a 'bigger' stretched twist out towards the end of the week, but the product usage is what leaves me stumped. If I use too much grease my stretched twist out is flat and greasy.

On a lighter note, I'm always flattered and it warms my heart when strangers ask what I use in my hair. Yesterday I went to a new nail salon in Harlem and literally as soon as I stepped in, the young black owner asked me what products I use. Then on my way home on the train, a girl sits beside me and asked me what I use in my hair.
Well what do you use lol
Ugh! I keep finding mid shaft splits! I'm not quite sure where they came from. I moisturize, condition, and do
Regular protein conditioning treatments. They're about 4 etches from the end of my hair. I refuse to cut that much hair off at once. :smh:

I have the same problem at times. Could be from new combs with too sharp teeth
ronie havilland I second Rozlewis! When I firs started doing henna treatments, I did them every week for a month or two, then every two weeks, then once a month with a henna gloss once a month, halfway in between the monthly henna treatments.

Some people claim henna relaxes their curls, and i did notice this; however, I believe this is because of the weight of the henna-treated hair, which causes the curls to hang and become elongated.

I use a cheapie conditioner, like VO5, Spa Haus (DollarTree), or Silkience (DollarTree) for 1:1 henna gloss treatments. I add honey powder, essential oils, and grapeseed oil to my henna base, which allows me to skip the deep conditioning step.

My henna treatment includes ACV, tea tree oil, cloves, and cinnamon. I would like to try adding hibiscus and beet juice for additional color.

When I do a henna treatment, I apply it at night and let it work while I sleep. Then I rinse it out in the morning, apply a deep conditioner, and leave that in all day. When I do a gloss, I skip the deep conditioner step.

I've noticed that henna treatments really help to reduce tangling and thicken my hair. Also, I love how strong my hair feels afterward. Give it a try!

What henna do you use?
so...many...hurr produks
