Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

GettingKinky that's a three day old twist out! My wash and go's have yet to be mastered. I plan on trying the mhm method sometime next month to see if that helps. If not, I'll just be a twistout girl.

MileHighDiva I try to complete 30 minutes of blogilates videos on YouTube every day. I signed up for her calendar so I don't have to make any decisions about which videos to complete. They're hard, but you can do them at home and you rarely need anything other than your body weight. I started with the beginners calendar in June and I have really seen a change in my body. That, along with 30 minutes on the elliptical or an incline treadmill walk 3 times a week has changed my body.
Aw thank you everyone! I'm honestly kind of shocked. I had no idea my hair was getting as long as it is, but I'm super happy and excited for next year.

ronie You know my regimen is easy as pie. I cowash twice a week, deep condition and detangle, twist it up for a twist out or bun. I shampoo twice a month and on shampoo days I prepoo with a moisturizing conditioner. I do a protein prepoo once a month.

I use Trader Joes conditioner and shampoo, pantene dc, and JASON biotin protein conditioner. I twist with Cantu creamy hair lotion and seal my ends with shea butter. Every night I spritz with Cantu coconut spritz and seal with shea butter.

That's really it.

This keeps to inspired to stay consistent with my simple regimen. :yep:

Do you do regular trims? toaster
I'm not really sure where to put this... But this is exactly 1 year of growth.

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Aw thank you everyone! I'm honestly kind of shocked. I had no idea my hair was getting as long as it is, but I'm super happy and excited for next year.

ronie You know my regimen is easy as pie. I cowash twice a week, deep condition and detangle, twist it up for a twist out or bun. I shampoo twice a month and on shampoo days I prepoo with a moisturizing conditioner. I do a protein prepoo once a month.

I use Trader Joes conditioner and shampoo, pantene dc, and JASON biotin protein conditioner. I twist with Cantu creamy hair lotion and seal my ends with shea butter. Every night I spritz with Cantu coconut spritz and seal with shea butter.

That's really it.
WOW! And you make it sound so easy. That's some beautiful hair right there. I'm going to look into that blogilates too. :yep:

I usually trim my hair once a year. About 1/2 an inch to 3/4 of an inch. I'm going to re-evaluate my trimming methods because I've started to wear my hair down more and not always in a bun. So far my ends seem okay but I'll be looking at them closely over the next year.
I was about to color my hair, had it all sectioned off for the brown and the blonde areas, mixed the brown color and...after I squirted it on my hair...it smelled like somebody had thrown 100 bottles of ammonia at me. Now I expected an odor because it comes with a level 20 developer and I've had my hair colored many times both professionally and at home so I know it can smell bad. One year I colored my hair at least 6 times going from jet black to blonde to red back to black then bleached to go purple then to a chocolate brown so I'm no stranger to chemicals and their smells. But this scared the hell out of me. My eyes watered and my nose started to run. I'm mad I couldn't smell it until I actually put it on my hair. I grabbed the nearest bottle of shampoo and scrubbed that one lil section like my life depended on it then got in the shower and washed two more times. I have never smelled any hair product that strong in my life. The smell is still lingering in the bathroom and this was nearly an hour ago and the window is open. Damn you Dark & Lovely!!! Let me go get a refund and write the longest complaint email in the history of forever smh
I finally washed my hair lol. I did a Aphogee 2 step treatment for the first time. That smell is...something. I was supposed to blow-dry, but I'm not really in the mood, so I'm just Celie-ing until tomorrow. I'm excited to do my touch-up (is that weird?).
Why in the world did I wait so late to wash my hair ?! I'm sitting here dreading rinsing out my deep conditioner because of the hour long blowdrying process. Lord help me.
I finally washed my hair lol. I did a Aphogee 2 step treatment for the first time. That smell is...something. I was supposed to blow-dry, but I'm not really in the mood, so I'm just Celie-ing until tomorrow. I'm excited to do my touch-up (is that weird?).

It smells awful! i will never forget the first time i used that stuff.
I was so tempted to give a few people hair products for Christmas this year, but then I had to remind myself that no one cares about hair like me.
Little do they know, a few DCs could change their hair completely.
Question: Does anyone's hair itch if they air-dry it in braids? I've noticed that if I don't blow-dry while my hair is semi-damp in Celie-braids, my hair gets the itches. However, if I do blow-dry my hair won't get itchy until it's time to wash again.
I imagine my new-growth bursting out of my head saying in its 300 voice "This. Is. New-growth!" *clears throat* Carry on.
My head hurts so bad that every single hair on my head hurts. Don't know how I'm going to do my hair for work. Can't even take down my twists. Wish I could wear hats to work.
Question: Does anyone's hair itch if they air-dry it in braids? I've noticed that if I don't blow-dry while my hair is semi-damp in Celie-braids, my hair gets the itches. However, if I do blow-dry my hair won't get itchy until it's time to wash again.

My scalp itches if left moist too long in any style especially if certain products are on it. It could be the styler you're using for your celies
Stupid question:

Let's say your dc doubles as your leave-in. What would happen if you dc'd and got under the dryer, let it dry into your hair, DID NOT RINSE, maybe spritzed with some water, and simply applied gel?

Would that result in the most moisturized wng ever?

I'd try it out myself but I'm still holding on to some relaxed ends, wouldn't want to over-moisturize.
Stupid question:

Let's say your dc doubles as your leave-in. What would happen if you dc'd and got under the dryer, let it dry into your hair, DID NOT RINSE, maybe spritzed with some water, and simply applied gel?

Would that result in the most moisturized wng ever?

I'd try it out myself but I'm still holding on to some relaxed ends, wouldn't want to over-moisturize.

Maybe if youre low porosity it might be ok. Id think normal to high you might end up with breakage from over moisturized hair. Or worse if it has protein, hay hair.
Oh mom...you can't ask me to buy hair growth aids for you to use but then complain about how your hair is growing too much from the growth aids! :whyme: :lol:
Stupid question: Let's say your dc doubles as your leave-in. What would happen if you dc'd and got under the dryer, let it dry into your hair, DID NOT RINSE, maybe spritzed with some water, and simply applied gel? Would that result in the most moisturized wng ever? I'd try it out myself but I'm still holding on to some relaxed ends, wouldn't want to over-moisturize.
if it is a rinse out condtioner or is formulated to double as a leave in, it will be ok. And only if your natural.