Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

i LOOOOVVVVEEEE my hot head. I use to never use heat either but then got a hot head and use it every wash day. if i don't use it i def notice a big difference. I do 3 cycles of 45 sec at 80% power flipping it inside out and shaking the beads around to evenly distribute the heat at every cycle. Its nice and toasty for the 30 min i dc. It gets cool on the outside after a while but every time i take it off to rinse my hair is warm (which is all that matters to me).

Thanks for the tips on how to heat it up. I don’t think I’ll use mine every wash day, I’m waaaay to lazy for that. But I’m going to aim for once a week and if end up DCing every other week, I’ll be happy.
My hair has been so easy these past few months. Not so much in the upkeep because it's never been particularly difficult, but in the webbing and dryness from going so long without washing. Definitely will keep up with the BKT, it's only difficult buying things to ship to my country because of the customs limitations. End up paying for than double in fines over a certain limit and all these products are so expensive.
I wish I didn't have such an obsession problem. Now that I am back on this HHJ and so close to APL I can't help but do a length check everyday and then being sad when I don't see a difference. I didn't even notice that I was retaining length until that day and so it wasn't something to focus on.
To combat this I will continue to keep my hair up in buns or braids. And will not allow myself to untwist my hair unless it is to retwist one that looks kinda wonky.
Yall i rediscovered hair grease after i pulled out some old doo gro from my hair products arsenal. I was applying it to my scalp because its the mega long revirtilizer. Anyway i had some excess on my hands and my hair had leave in conditioner in it so i wiped the excess on my hair. My hair stayed so moisturized and sleek. My hair is always dry, hair dressers always complain about my dry hair. My hair has not felt this moisturized in years.

I bought softee herbal gro yesterday (because i added the doo gro to my mn mix that i am also now revisiting). Today i got a bowl filled half with boiled water and the other half with warm. Sprayed my hair with water, applied leave in and put the grease on starting at the ends smoothing up. Dipped my detangling brush in the water and was able to detangle from the roots. The shedding was next to nothing. I am sold. I called my sis and told her the revelations of our childhood friend hair grease.
My DC isn’t going to be delivered until Monday and I won’t be home next weekend so I can’t try for a long time. :cry3:I should have just driven to Sephora and bought it on the ground.
This past weekend I was in New Orleans for a friends event, I got in early to hang out in the French Quarter on Friday. I had a twistout from mini twists the prior week. It was hot and I sweated my behind off the majority of the day. My hair grew big and full over the course of the day. I was waiting for my Uber that evening and this couple walked up to me. The lady said your hair is gorgeous, it that a twist out. I said yes, she asked what products I used and I told her. The guy steps in and says your hair looks so healthy and your ends are amazing. I am a cosmetologist and I have to say your hair is beautiful. I was flattered and it just remind me how much I love this forum and the information shared here has done for my caring for my hair.