Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

hate my hair:mad:

It's not thick or full looking. And the texture of the strands is so annoying. (Not the curl pattern) Product just sits on my strands. Nothing will hold my curls right now either. I have to wash and go daily or wear or bun so my hair doesn't looks crazy. It doesn't grow fast even though I'm retaining. It just sucks. :cry3:

Your hair sounds like mine. :(
For a while, I lost interest in watching it, and just did my daily wash and gos and then when I paid attention again finally, I noticed it got sort of long. I mean it was longer than it ever was before... below APL. Then, of course, a stylist cut off 4 years of slow progress >sucks teeth<

I don't hate my hair though. I have pretty curls. And I've never been a beauty queen, so I accept looking crazy.
I have spent years nursing my edges and crown of my hair with scalp massages, applying JBCO & extra condioner on wash day. My edges and crown area are filled in beautifully. And I just realized how thin and fragile my nape is. It's a really loose texture than rest of my head. I will apply JBCO for the next 3 months to see if there is any difference.
For me, they block out moisture instead of keeping it in. So my hair dries out instead of staying moisturized. I didn't realize that for myself until I started going to a particular salon that's anti oils & butters for hair.
This. Does not matter if it's prepoo, "sealing" the ends, on wet/dry hair, It dries out my hair and blocks moisture. I can tolerate it when it's mixed in with other ingredients in hair products, but on it's own it just doesn't work. It's not just coconut oil, other oils have the same effect.
This. Does not matter if it's prepoo, "sealing" the ends, on wet/dry hair, It dries out my hair and blocks moisture. I can tolerate it when it's mixed in with other ingredients in hair products, but on it's own it just doesn't work. It's not just coconut oil, other oils have the same effect.

Yes. Oil or butter in something is fine because usually water is the first ingredient. Just by itself, not so much.
I'm here, mostly lurking, randomly posting in other parts of the forum. I had a major mysterious issue inflame my scalp and lost over 50% of my hair at the root. I had to BC, but it's growing back, no bald spots. I don't know what happened; I thought it was an allergic reaction.

I miss seeing you post! Glad to hear its growing back. @Sharpened :2inlove:
I can’t wait for my hot head to arrive. I think I’m going to use it to do a cellophane treatment.
i LOOOOVVVVEEEE my hot head. I use to never use heat either but then got a hot head and use it every wash day. if i don't use it i def notice a big difference. I do 3 cycles of 45 sec at 80% power flipping it inside out and shaking the beads around to evenly distribute the heat at every cycle. Its nice and toasty for the 30 min i dc. It gets cool on the outside after a while but every time i take it off to rinse my hair is warm (which is all that matters to me).
Got my nails done. Thinking I’m all fancy. Ya know....well...hadn’t took into account the whole aspect of how BAD these things snag my hair.

I swear if my right pinky nail and left middle finger nail get caught on ONE. MORE. HAIR.

That's how I felt when I had crystals stuck on. They looked so pretty but I had to wear latex gloves when doing hair. And they were just restricting in general.