Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Hey guys... I've been complaining (often and loudly) about getting a lot of my hair cut off by an evil stylist. But you know what? I have also always dreamed of having hair all the same length. I never actually asked for it because I knew I have to have too much cut off.

Well here I am. Now I have hair all the same length. What do you think about that? It looks REALLY cute straight. Unfortunately, I don't wear my hair straight.

Do you think it's worth the risk of triangle hair? Would you have someone (not evil) go in and add some layers? Or if you had the opportunity to have hair all the same length, would you keep it?
@LadyRaider if I had the opportunity of hair all the same length, I would keep it that way with a U hemline. My hair is layered throughout and it has been bugging me trying to grow it out. At some point I should probably cut it to make it even- it could probably get me to longer lengths quicker but I dont want to cut to my shortest point. I want my hair to look and feel thicker and one length adds to that. I too, mainly wear my hair coily and the layers add shape to my loose hair so I'm mostly ok with taking what I believe to be the slower route for me.
For years I have wanted shiny, bouncy natural curly hair. I’ve tried so many things to get it: LOC, MHM, shea butter, oil rinsing, curl cream, refresh spray and none of it gave me the hair I wanted. I had finally given up and accepted that my natural hair wasn’t meant to be shiny and bouncy.

I read about squish to condish a month or so ago and I started incorporating that into my wash days, but it didn’t really seem to make a huge difference . For whatever reason, probably because it’s quick and easy, I kept doing it. Then one day the pump stopped working on my conditioner so I had to take the top off to get the conditioner out. I ended up using waaay more than usual and then squish to condish started working. My hair absorbed sooooo much water. And the water stays in my hair. Even though my hair is soaking wet, it doesn’t drip.

After squish to condish, I add my leave in and gel as usual and voila my hair is bouncy and shiny.

All this time I thought I needed my hair to be “heavy” to swing so I added lots of product to try and get there. It turns out that it needs to be full of water. When I get out of the shower, and for hours afterward my hair feels heavy. But after it dries it’s actually very light. And it bounces and shines.

There are a few other small changes I made that might have contributed .to my results, but I really think squish to condish was the main game changer.

  • I use shampoo EVERY time I wash (2-3 times a week) a shampoo that makes my hair squeaky clean
  • I apply my gel in at least 10 sections usually 15

I’m am soooo happy with my hair that I want to sing it from the mountain tops and become a squish to condish evangelist.

Here are a few things that I read about the technique and it makes so much sense to me.


Recently, I came to the realization that I don’t use enough conditioner when I do my hair. Couple this with only recently realizing I wasn’t getting enough water in my hair...it’s no wonder my hair was always dry.

Increasing the amount of conditioner I use to cowash and then leave in has already yielded results of softer hair.

I need to REMEMBER that I need to use a lot of conditioner or else I’ll fall back into using less than enough.
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My work wife (a Caucasian woman) kinda hurt my feelings a bit when she said that our hair usually grows slower. Then I tried to prove her wrong by showing her pics and she said “That’s long hair for a black girl.” So we’re getting divorced :lachen:I can’t be in a work marriage with someone so close minded. The point I was trying to make was that everyone’s hair grows at different rates... there are exceptions to every rule too.

Basically in my life I have noticed that mixed hair grows faster/longer than black hair. In our defense, we don’t have super long hair because of the texture. I’ve kept my hair between ball/mbl for years... Any longer and I would need a private stylist. However, some of us break all those rules and have hair to our bums. Carry on y’all. I’m a little bit buzzed right now. If you read this to the end bless you. I hope you get that Summer growth spurt too.
My work wife (a Caucasian woman) kinda hurt my feelings a bit when she said that our hair usually grows slower. Then I tried to prove her wrong by showing her pics and she said “That’s long hair for a black girl.” So we’re getting divorced :lachen:I can’t be in a work marriage with someone so close minded. The point I was trying to make was that everyone’s hair grows at different rates... there are exceptions to every rule too.

Basically in my life I have noticed that mixed hair grows faster/longer than black hair. In our defense, we don’t have super long hair because of the texture. I’ve kept my hair between ball/mbl for years... Any longer and I would need a private stylist. However, some of us break all those rules and have hair to our bums. Carry on y’all. I’m a little bit buzzed right now. If you read this to the end bless you. I hope you get that Summer growth spurt too.

I'm working on getting buzzed too. Happy hair growing!
Thinking of giving in to the creamy crack. Havent relaxed since about dec 2016. Hair has been in a bun er'day except for a wedding I was in and I had a sew in. I miss wearing my hair down. I know if I get my natural hair straightened it will revert like no other.
Thinking of giving in to the creamy crack. Havent relaxed since about dec 2016. Hair has been in a bun er'day except for a wedding I was in and I had a sew in. I miss wearing my hair down. I know if I get my natural hair straightened it will revert like no other.

Have you tried wash n gos? I was wearing buns ALL the time, but now that I’ve figured out the wash n go, it’s my everyday style. Of course that won’t really help if you prefer straight hair.