Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

I decided that putting my hair in medium/large twists would be faster than a curlformer set. Wrong. It took just as long to install, but at least I don't have to sit under the dryer.

I did like seeing my twists look plump and juicy from roots to ends. Last week's trim was exactly what my hair needed.
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We were at my aunt's house when My DD got some icing in her hair. I had to do a quick rinse then braided her hair in 2 French braids. My aunt had no hair products (she's a salon junkie) so I used Vaseline and baby lotion in DD's hair.

I took it down today. Her hair is so soft and she has a great defined braidout! Lol.
My hair is in twists and I doubt I'll remove them until Friday. Trying to figure out how I'll get away with wearing my slap to work all day at least 2 days this week. 2 days, I'm not in office. 1 Day is a casual day. My supervisor is a yt man and he made a stupid comment about my hair once.

I just might get away with this.
My hair is in twists and I doubt I'll remove them until Friday. Trying to figure out how I'll get away with wearing my slap to work all day at least 2 days this week. 2 days, I'm not in office. 1 Day is a casual day. My supervisor is a yt man and he made a stupid comment about my hair once.

I just might get away with this.

What did your boss say??
So. I had small setback. I was nursing 3-4 inches of thin weak ends from my past year of near total neglect..and was doing a good job until this week I decided to wear a wig cap instead of my usual satin bonnet under my half wig. My hair length felt so moisturized having been tucked away in celies. However upon closer examination...I had splits galore :/ some huge and even some midshaft.

Ugh. Im pretty sure its from all that friction taking the stocking cap off and on everyday. Im mad at myself. I know my hair doesn't like stocking caps but I used it anyway cause I wanted to try something less bulky.

The ends had to go anyway but I wasn't ready to let them go so soon. I spent a hour doing selective S&D trying to save as much as I could but the ends were too crazy. I had to cut. 2 inches at least. Im too mad to measure.

Lesson learned.
My hair is feeling so moist and juicy right now with Bask & Bloom Silky Aloe Hair Pudding. I really like that stuff. I mixed the last of my APB Ayurveda hair Cream in it and it's perfect together. I believe the Pudding will be perfect with anything moisturizing in my opinion actually.
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Bought a pack of marley hair so my buns would be even more protective. The other day I sewed satin around my bun donut because it was wreaking havoc on my ends. Next thing to get is either a puffcuff or a cheap round banana clip. Also my crochet box braids are here, so sometime next year I'll be able to do individual crochet braids. 2017 will be the year I get the front of my hair to cbl at least :pray:
I love my puff cuff.

He said "you did your hair" and when he saw how I turned to look at him he caught himself and said "you did your hair differently". Like that's what he was saying in the first. I don't think he will say anything if reference to my hair again without it going to EEO.
I want to wear hair turbans and my SLAP but the environment really isn't fit for it. There's really nothing in the dress code that says I can't but I'd be reaching to wear it. But, my head stays cold in the office.

Nothing in my stash gives me elongation like MyHoneyChild Sophia's Hair Grease so far.
Got my twists all long and juicy :love:
You use it to seal? I'll try it next time I twist. I've been using QB AOHC.
My hair kept getting caught in the zip of my dress today. I was cringing at the though of my ends getting all chewed up by my clothes. Getting rubbed up by my wool-lined hood of my coat and scarf. Between the zips and the wool and the cold, I think I'm ready to try some twists on the part of my hair that is currently loose. The top half is still canerowed in two.

#longhairproblems :afro:
Babassu oil has done for me what coconut oil never did. It is an absorbing oil that doesn't break me out or make me itch. And the dry detangling/prepoo last night was AMAZING. Ya'll can keep the coconut oil. I'm over here with my new bae. :blush2:

Ooh, what does it smell like?