Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Also carried on Ama.zon too

I'm going to get a small jar and see how it goes...

I use some collagen that you add to water. I know it made me gain about 3lbs, but Im sure its helping with my muscles skin and hair and nails as they arent breaking as much and appear stronger. I need to be more consistent with it though.

I do and dont take collagen for hair. I take it so that my hair doesnt get cheated. If that makes sense.
I really don't have time to answer a million questions about what will work for someone's hair. I don't know. I've never seen it wet, I've never done your hair and I'm pretty sure I've never even touched it. And don't get mad when I say I use different things in my hair and don't give you an exact list. Nobody has time to list 50-11 products and why I use each one and how my hair reacts to it. I don't have time. I can not. I will not.
Well one week later And that hair piece has gone from 16 3/4 to now almost touching 17 1/4! I got an inch in one month with no growth aides. Who knew that anemia could wreck your hair? My anemia, even though it wasnt severe, seems like it was the source of my excessive shedding and slow growth. For years Ive been a slow grower. Im pissed I only just now figured it out. I could have been at my goal length by now if I knew this from the start. Welp, better late than never. Hopefully this boost continues for as long as possible.

What are you taking for your anemia?
What are you taking for your anemia?
I had 2 iron infusions in October. I need to have a surgery done in December so I'm taking 2 iron supps at a higher dosage than normal because if my iron is low they will cancel my surgery. So I'm taking 20ml of Floradix first thing in the morning on an empty stomach ( I also avoid dairy products because calcium can impede absorption) then in the middle of the day I take 2 Feosol CARBONYL iron tablets. The carbonyl is important, it is gentler than the iron salt ferrous sulfate and is the only iron tab that helps me. I was on feosol ferrous sulfate for 3 months and my iron levels dropped instead. I remember taking a different brand of carbonyl iron last year and my levels improved. I also take one 500mg vitamin c tablet with the iron tablet. If it wasn't for the surgery coming soon I would just take 1 carbonyl iron tablet and that's it. That with the iron infusion would have raised my iron levels over the course of a few months.
I've decided to transition to natural. Last relaxer was 10/7/16, I got braces on 10/28/16 and have to wear them for a year. I will have my relaxed hair cut off the day my braces are removed. My transition plan is to wear french braids, dutch braids, buns, and ponytails, I will also see a stylist for an occasional rollerset, or rodset, I'm trying to avoid heat as much as possible.
Need to take my braids down since I'm off Black Friday. But don't really want to because I don't have an appointment until the next week. I haven't done my hair since May and I'm loving it. But I do need to give my hair a little break. Ugh. I don't want to comb my hair!
I have to keep reminding myself. I have a long back. Being able to pull my hair from the back stretched, I have to be BSL and it is what it is.

APL and BSL for me is a longgggggggg milestone. It is what it is. Its disappointing but oh well.

I just need to figure out how to get over this hump without chopping my hair off. I get here all the time and get fed up. 10 years in and honestly I know , I'll never relax again , Im just at the point where I want to wear my hair out and have it frame my face.
I just need to figure out how to get over this hump without chopping my hair off. I get here all the time and get fed up. 10 years in and honestly I know , I'll never relax again , Im just at the point where I want to wear my hair out and have it frame my face.
I plan to do mini-braids or headwraps over cornrows to keep from cutting.

You should be proud; you got A LOT of nice hair.
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I plan to do mini-braids or headwraps over cornrows to keep from cutting.

You should be proud; you got A LOT of nice hair.

Thank you. I hope next year to retain at least 6 inches of hair. I need to find a style that allows me to wash frequently, and not have a lot of tangles.

Any ideas? Maybe I can get mini box braids and keep them bunned. @Sharpened
I have to keep reminding myself. I have a long back. Being able to pull my hair from the back stretched, I have to be BSL and it is what it is.

APL and BSL for me is a longgggggggg milestone. It is what it is. Its disappointing but oh well.

I just need to figure out how to get over this hump without chopping my hair off. I get here all the time and get fed up. 10 years in and honestly I know , I'll never relax again , Im just at the point where I want to wear my hair out and have it frame my face.

Stay encouraged SB. We all go through this phase. Just reassess your regimen/products and try to figure out how to get over the hump.

Like @Sharpened suggested, maybe mini twists/braids are the way to go. You can still wash them and the twists/braids keep the hair from tangling too much.

I just found THE craziest split end in history. Yeah, kinky twists absolutely chew my ends. Im replacing them with box braids and I found a split, 3 inches long, 13 splits on it!! WT absolute F?? I was so shocked. As I'm taking down the twists the hair is tangled up with my real hair so badly. Ugh. 13 splits on one hair, that's brutal. Never doing kinky twists again.
I just found THE craziest split end in history. Yeah, kinky twists absolutely chew my ends. Im replacing them with box braids and I found a split, 3 inches long, 13 splits on it!! WT absolute F?? I was so shocked. As I'm taking down the twists the hair is tangled up with my real hair so badly. Ugh. 13 splits on one hair, that's brutal. Never doing kinky twists again.
OMG!! I'm sorry that happened! It's a good thing you are observant of your hair and learned that that style doesn't work for you! Imagine if you kept wearing it back to back without realizing and it slowly ate all your hair!
OMG!! I'm sorry that happened! It's a good thing you are observant of your hair and learned that that style doesn't work for you! Imagine if you kept wearing it back to back without realizing and it slowly ate all your hair!
I think twisting my hair in general has done more harm than good. Ill be braiding and bantuing exclusively next year and see how i fair
my hair is still very happy with the protein and DC BEFORE shampoo. way more retention and almost no hair loss during wash.

and if the x-cel 21 is any indication, she seems to like and tolerate liquid leave ins. ok... so liquid=yes and creamy or heavy = no. Got it, queen hair!

wish I knew this year's ago! I'd be classic length by now:pullhair: