Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Just off hand it sounds like you either have build up and need to clarify or you need protein.

Any more details that can help?
I haven't washed in a long time (3 weeks) as I have been trying to stretch washes and I use silicones so that's probably it. It's just strange because even when I had dirty hair (natural) as a kid, it was never sticky when wet. When I say sticky, I mean like the texture of honey or glue. I typically wash with a sulfate shampoo.
My hair/scalp feel so much better now that I've washed/DC-ed. My flat iron worked but it didn't get my hair as straight as I'd like but I think it was my technique. I suck and I'm on my period and I was tired when I flat ironed so I rushed. But luckily it's straight enough and long enough so I can style it in a way that looks halfway decent. And it's so cold that most people are wearing hats anyway.

I cannot wait to get my hair braided next week so I can wear my hair down again. I also forgot how much maintenance straight hair requires. I've gotten used to getting braids and then leaving my hair alone for 2 months lol.
Going natural has really tested my confidence level and patience! I had no idea I would spend this much time on my hair. I thought I could just spray it with water and go (Lol! umm..no). There are some days I want to give up but I am determined to make this work!

I bought some rollers this week to change it up. I used to have a fierce roller set when I was relaxed and want to experiment with how my natural hair will respond.
I also haven't had a protein treatment in probably a month and a half or two.
That sounds about right. My hair will continue to feel unclean even after clarifying until I give in and do the protein treatment. Do you have other sources of protein in your reggie?
My hair/scalp feel so much better now that I've washed/DC-ed. My flat iron worked but it didn't get my hair as straight as I'd like but I think it was my technique. I suck and I'm on my period and I was tired when I flat ironed so I rushed. But luckily it's straight enough and long enough so I can style it in a way that looks halfway decent. And it's so cold that most people are wearing hats anyway.

I cannot wait to get my hair braided next week so I can wear my hair down again. I also forgot how much maintenance straight hair requires. I've gotten used to getting braids and then leaving my hair alone for 2 months lol.
I feel the same way, but for me I feel like I can't wear braids forever.
Forgot to add: I let someone cut my hair into an actual shape for the first time since going natural. Even though I lost some length, I wish I had done this long ago! Major difference!
I want to get my hair shaped, but I don't trust anyone to do it :/ my natural hair is easier to style now that it's long (I'm waist length stretched), I can throw it in 4 twists, unravel, and BAM! Natural luxuriousness :afro: even my messy/lazy buns are cute. It gets better, I promise. The only aspect that takes more time is detangling since I have to be very gentle.

ETA: I'm 4a btw
I haven't washed in a long time (3 weeks) as I have been trying to stretch washes and I use silicones so that's probably it. It's just strange because even when I had dirty hair (natural) as a kid, it was never sticky when wet. When I say sticky, I mean like the texture of honey or glue. I typically wash with a sulfate shampoo.
As a kid you may not have used as many silicones so you did t have the same issue. You may be able to just use the sulfate shampoo but you might need a clarifying shampoo. After you wash it again you will know. You may want to do a protein treatment but you may need to clarify before that as well.
I want to get two goddess braids but I don't think my hair is long enough so I may need 4 braids. Not sure if I should do it myself.
I've been struggling for years trying to make a puff with a section of pantyhose. This morning I tried a pant sock instead and that made a huge difference. It was no struggle at all.

Lesson learned. Pantyhose are too wimpy to hold down all this hair.

I found the same thing for ponytail holders. Trouser socks are perfect.
Kinky textured naturals, is it normal for you to get 4 uses or less from an average sized product? I get 1-2 uses out of an average sized bottle of rinse out conditioner. And I've gotten about 4 uses out of this $25 Camille rose twist butter. o_O.
I was just complaining about this in another thread and im only SL with high porosity and medium to low density. Cant imagine with high density hair. Lord...
I can't decide what to do for workout hair. I've been sleeping in two flat twists, but I'm thinking I may need to workout in a high bun secured with a lot of Bobby pins. And a wide headband to keep my roots flat while I sweat?

I take group fitness classes so there's a lot of jumping and lying flat on my back. Need my hair out of the way and secure.
I was just complaining about this in another thread and im only SL with high porosity and medium to low density. Cant imagine with high density hair. Lord...

This is exactly why I switched to Pantene and Trader Joe's for deep conditioners and rinse outs. I was literally washing my money down the drain using enough product to saturate my hair. Now I keep the pricy products as leave ins. If it's not in my hair for more than 2 days, it needs to cost less than $5.
My twist out looks cute today, but again, I know tonight it's retwisting and bonnet. I love the look of my hair when I have a bomb twist out, it's just the maintenance that goes into it daily and feeling restricted. I want more freedom and styling options.
That in between length just before sl is a nightmare. At that time I contemplated texlaxing and heat training too. A lot! Lol. Im SL now and its better.

Do you have a go to up do that looks good on you?

I have a life too (work a lot, single mom, socializing) and found a 3 minute tuck and roll is a lifesaver. I keep a few bobby pins and a decorative comb on me when I need to wrestle it into a roll. Sometimes I leave the bangs and/or crown loose.
This is exactly why I switched to Pantene and Trader Joe's for deep conditioners and rinse outs. I was literally washing my money down the drain using enough product to saturate my hair. Now I keep the pricy products as leave ins. If it's not in my hair for more than 2 days, it needs to cost less than $5.
Yep. I just cowashed and did a 2 min rinse with V05. My hair loves it so I love it. PLUS my daughter has HL hair. I'd have to budget in way too much to keep her hair clean and styled. I will spend a little on protein DCs since my hair is so particular about protein and more on stylers but that's it . I get moisture DCs from the regular stores at regular prices.