Quick and dirty poll for bone straight heads.

Do any bone straght relaxed heads still have matting and tangles?

  • Yes I still have matting and tangles 247.

    Votes: 4 7.7%
  • Yes only mattingand tangles when i have new growth.

    Votes: 22 42.3%
  • Matts and tangles whats that?

    Votes: 7 13.5%
  • No

    Votes: 19 36.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
I have not been straight in a while so help me out pretty please.
Does anyone still have problem with matting and tangles with bone straight hair?
I made a poll not sure if it will work never made pne lol.
I'm thinking of doing another corrective to get my length even straighter. Only because i still have issuses with matting and hair that is not easy to detangle.
But would it be worth it. Thats what i would like to know from you guys.
the only time i ever had a problem with matting is when i had A LOT of ng, wouldn't wash for 2 weeks, wouldn't moisturize, and i slept without a satin scarf. All things i did pre-lhcf. But to answer your question, no i don't have a problem with matting now-a-days
Been relaxed for 30 years. (Damn, saying that makes me feel hella old). I don't tangle. Closest I ever got to a tangle was when I used too much protein. My hair kind of stuck together as it dried. Made it hard to comb.

But maybe you should consider switching conditioners before you relax again. I'm no expert but there should be something you could use to give your hair "slip".

How do you wash? You don't pile all your hair up on your head and smoosh in the shampoo do you? I know that can cause tangles too.
And there have got to be some good leave in sprays to help you with detangling as well. Re-relaxing seems drastic.
CW, CW, CW, I do not get tangles even at 12 weeks post and I think I owe it to DC once a week and CW at least once a week
My hair is more prone to tangle when it's wet, or airdried, but it only matts towards the 10th week of my stretch, and that's just the NG.
Been relaxed for 30 years. (Damn, saying that makes me feel hella old). I don't tangle. Closest I ever got to a tangle was when I used too much protein. My hair kind of stuck together as it dried. Made it hard to comb.

But maybe you should consider switching conditioners before you relax again. I'm no expert but there should be something you could use to give your hair "slip".

How do you wash? You don't pile all your hair up on your head and smoosh in the shampoo do you? I know that can cause tangles too.
And there have got to be some good leave in sprays to help you with detangling as well. Re-relaxing seems drastic.

*crying* i have wasted so much money on products lol. I have just to name a few mane n tail detangler, Pantene detangler, kids organise (sp), paul mitchell both types of detangles none of that stuff works. Ors packs don't work nothing works for my hair lol. Now i did 1 corrective and got my roots good. But i still have matting and tangles in the length. I used to cowash way back when i newly texlexed/underprocessed and that did not work.
I have found that if I detangle my hair before washing I do not have matts and tangles. I usually do this after I have saturated my hair with some type of pre-poo concoction. Usually I use, Elucence MBC, AO HSR, Vatika Oil and maybe a squirt of Aveda Sap Moss. I apply that mix like a relaxer and then I detangle. I only need to do this when I have alot of ng. I also use a quick moisturizing conditioner (i.e., usually AOHSR) that I comb through under running water, BEFORE I DC. I am currently 15 weeks and 2 days post relaxer and my hair is holding up well. I've even cut my washing down to 1x per week. The key for me is to detangle and get rid of alot of the shed hair BEFORE I wash. HTH!
when I do perm I have never had any matts or tangles, and i've been relaxed for a loooooooong time, when I am freshly relaxed my hair is even easier to manage and I have thick hair. even with stretching, you have to find the right condish and poo for your hair. I have tried so many poos and conditioners on my head, and i've narrowed it down to pantene, and mizani products seem to be really good. i'm 18 wks this past sunday and I can shockingly detangle my hair.
Only time I get tangles is if I need a trim or if I have lots of new growth. But I don't stretch anymore and I get my trims, so I'm good to go.
I couldn't select one of the choices because my hair matts and tangles mostly when its wet but not 24/7. Cowboy magic has really seemed to help.
I wouldn't re-relax because that can cause its own very serious problems. What I suggest is to wash with a chelating and/or clarifying shampoo. And then get a really good, thick deep moisturizing conditioner that is expressly for deep conditioning. It should say 15 minutes, use heat etc. Put this on your hair, put a bag/cap on your hair, sit under the dryer for at least 30 minutes. If you don't have a dryer, wear that plastic cap around the house for at least an hour. Then rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, and rinse. When you think your hair is all rinsed, rinse some more - leave no product in your hair. Then apply your leave in and seal with a light oil. Or get that spray bottle ready and roller set.

On the very rare occasions I get tangles, the water pressure rinsing the conditioner takes them right out - but I get the tangles because (like for the last two days) I'm a lazy bum having a three-day pajama event because I'm on vacation.
My hair is more prone to tangle when it's wet, or airdried, but it only matts towards the 10th week of my stretch, and that's just the NG.
I second this, except it would be 15 weeks or more post relaxer before I start getting massive tangles. Airdrying is the devil. :nono:
I wouldn't re-relax because that can cause its own very serious problems. What I suggest is to wash with a chelating and/or clarifying shampoo. And then get a really good, thick deep moisturizing conditioner that is expressly for deep conditioning. It should say 15 minutes, use heat etc. Put this on your hair, put a bag/cap on your hair, sit under the dryer for at least 30 minutes. If you don't have a dryer, wear that plastic cap around the house for at least an hour. Then rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, and rinse. When you think your hair is all rinsed, rinse some more - leave no product in your hair. Then apply your leave in and seal with a light oil. Or get that spray bottle ready and roller set.

On the very rare occasions I get tangles, the water pressure rinsing the conditioner takes them right out - but I get the tangles because (like for the last two days) I'm a lazy bum having a three-day pajama event because I'm on vacation.

Ok can you suggest a good deep conditioner? Nothing online though lol. I can go to Trade Secret, Ulta or something with no problem.


Thanks ladies.
I have not been relaxed straight since i first joined this site. I under processed by accident after my first stretch years ago. I was thinking to myself that when i was straighter and not taking care of my hair i had no problems with matts.
If you shop at the stores, perhaps you can try Redken All Soft. I received a gift of it recently, and it works fairly well. My best conditioners are phytojoba, phytosesame, and phytospecific intense nutrition mask, but I don't know if you can buy those at UTLA or Trade Secrets. What about the Aubrey Organics?

I reread your original post - what did you end up doing with your hair? On the next relaxer touch-up, did you pull the relaxer through the length or are you still working with two textures - one straighter than the other?