
Well-Known Member
A while back, maybe about 3 years ago, I was using TCB Shampoo, Ms Clariol Conditioner, and TCB Grease. I didn't have any problems, until I used wax to curl my hair one day, and for like about 5 months my hair was shedding A LOT. SO, one by one, I changed the products, and I started to use Creme of Nature Shampoo, and Castor Oil grease, the shedding stopped but I had dandruff problems. So then I switched the grease to Creme of Nature grease, but then I still had the same problems. Right now, I am using TCB again, because that was the only product that I could remember that didn't give me dandruff. I have used two times, but now, my hair is shedding again. (Before I didn't know which product was making my hair shed). Is it possible for a product to make your hair shed a lot?
Thankyou to whomever responds!

It's hard to tell if one product is making your hair shed. If you're using this grease and experience shedding, build-up could be a problem. In which case you would need to clarify. what is your haircare regimen and what other products do you use? Also, how often do you wash? The answer to these questions will help everyone to help you figure out what the problem could be.
The thing is, I always have used grease, and I always washed my hair every three weeks. Back 3 years ago, I washed my hair every month. My hair is pressed not permed, so I can't wash my hair everyday because then I would have to press it all over again, and that's too much heat. If I could say that I washed my hair twice a week back then, and now I'm starting to wash it every three week, then I would know how to take care of this problem. Right now I use TCB Shampoo and Conditioner, Apex pressing oil, and TCB grease.
The very last time my hair was shedding, was 3 years ago, when I was using TCB products. Any other products that I have used, never gave me a problem.....except dandruff. I am washing my hair tomorrow, and I am going to use Creme of Nature, and see what happens.
Anyway, thanks for responding Armyqt!