Question to those women who want to get married...

I wanted to get married so I can have a family. I'm young but old school but nowadays I'm just thinking is it even worth doing it. Everyone's getting separated or divorced but all I can do is see what God sends my way. LOL

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I want to have someone to share my life with and raise a family with. I don't want to be 40+ and still out here trying to date.

I definitely don't have a lot of examples of healthy, functional marriages in my life, but I do still believe in it.
I want to have someone to share my life with and raise a family with. I don't want to be 40+ and still out here trying to date.

I definitely don't have a lot of examples of healthy, functional marriages in my life, but I do still believe in it.

Same way I feel.
I admit tho, the longer that I live alone and comfortable w/ being responsible for only myself and having tons of ME time, I fear loosing some of it when I have children. At least when I get married, I can still wake up regular time and get myself ready and do as I please when I come home, but all of that will change when I have a child. I do want to get married, and share my life with someone though. I just ran into my married coworker in the ladies room and she's 35 and has 2 kids and a hubby. She's always tired, and she was telling me how happy she is just to have Monday to herself b/c her kids and hubby will be at work. She and I talk about marriage a lot and she indirectly tells me to wait :lol: .
I want someone I can make be my sex slave and buy me things. And drag places for company.

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I want someone I can make be my sex slave and buy me things. And drag places for company.

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Basically this is my motivation to get married :look: I really don't care about kids (if I have them). Steady, good sex and go places with. I really enjoy familiarity (aka I'm boring lol) so I think marriage (i.e. being with the same person) would be great for me. :lol:
I want to get married for many reasons...

-I really want to share the rest of my life with my SO. I cannot picture my future without him. He is truly my best friend.
-I want to form my own family. Even if it's just the two of us and our two dogs, we will still be family.
-If we do choose to have kids, I want them to grow up with the benifit of both parents like me and my SO both did.
-I don't want to grow old alone.
-I want to be able to have sweaty, hot, buck-nasty, guilt free sex.
-I want our relationship to be legit before the eyes of God and the United States government.
-If something happens to one of us, I want the other to be able to legally serve as power of attourney, collect benifits, insurance money etc.
I want to have a family
I want someone to snuggle up with every night
I want the consistent company
Most of all I want a lifelong partnership with an awesome man!
I think one of the potential benefits of marriage has to do with balancing out my life, so to speak. In other words, when I'm down I hope to be married to someone who can lift me up. When I'm doing well in life I hope to have someone who pushes me to work even harder and to be an even better person. If I am about to make a wrong choice I hope my spouse is someone who helps me to reason towards making a better decision. I could list other things as well, but need to mention that I want to be able to provide all the things I just mentioned, and more, for my husband. I think I can be a great person and live a great life by myself, but I see marriage as an opportunity to live an even greater life with another person. So for me it is also about sharing my's also about improving my life and his through the benefits we provide to each other.

If I have children I want to be married because I want to raise children in a two parent household.
I'm with someone I want to build with, spend my life with, encourage and love forever and wants the same with me.

I want to have someone who has my best interest at heart that I can trust to make decisions on my behalf 100%.

Also as MzLady stated, I don't want to be dating and having serial boyfriends in my 40s.

I want to have another child but this time with 2 dedicated married parents. I want to create memories and traditions.

I want the marriage perks.
Great topic!

At this stage in my life, I've done everything I wanted to do as a single gal. I've accomplished all I've wanted and now I want someone to share that with as well as new adventures. I want someone who has my back and I have his.

I'm tired of making all the decisions and being the pilot all the time. I want to sit back and just be the co-pilot sometimes.
I would like to get married so that I can have a family, although I am from a single parent household myself and believe that there is nothing wrong with raising children solo, I just want to give my children something I didn't get to have myself.

But if I never marry, I will still have children.
I'm currently separated and plan to divorce. So I'd like to get remarried to give it another try with a better match. I like having a family unit and want more children and believe that it does make a difference having a committed husband and father in the home.
I want to get married because it's what I've wanted ever since I can remember.
I want to get married because I'm in love
I want to get married because I like being with one person and I hate dating
I want to get married to be with my soulmate (I've found him)
I want to get married so that I can confide in someone who will listen to me complain about my co-workers
I want to get married so that my children have a stable home
I want to get married because I don't want to be alone
I want to get married because if I didn't my mother would think I've been cursed (she's old school African)
I want to be married because...
--I want someone to share my life with, to go on adventures with
--I want children and I refuse to procreate without being married first
--I don't want to grow old alone
--I've watched my parents sustain a three decade long marriage and go through all the ups and downs and I want that too:yep:
--I want to know if something happens to me, someone will care
--I want to have that one special person who knows me, supports me and cares for me beyond all others, as I will do for him
I want to be married because...

--I want someone to share my life with, have adventures with, who's my best friend
--I want children and I refuse to procreate without being married first
--I don't want to grow old alone
--I've watched my parents sustain a 3-decade long marriage with all the ups and downs and I want that too:yep:
--I want to know if something happens to me, someone will care
--I want to have that one person who understands, cares and supports me above all others as I will do for him
I just want someone to share the bills with... Nowadays its almost impossible to own property or anything without a dual income... especially if you live in NY

oh and someone who knows how to fix things would be great.
To have a family.
I do want to get married eventually,but i know that marriage is no joke. Divorce is not an option for me so i'm in no rush! My parents have been married for 35 years and although they have been happily married for the last 20 years the first 15 seemed like hell (from what my mum tells me). I don't know that i would have stayed but like mum says, they "made vows" and things did get better. Also from watching all of my married friend it just seems like a whole lot of work and sacrifice that i'm not willing to get into yet lol. Right now i like being selfish and only having to think about myself and what i want. It just sucks because SO want to get married and as much as i adore him, i'm not ready. I feel like a guy sometimes :-(

Essay over.
I want marriage because I dont see a purpose in loving me but I want to serve someone one.
Sex is a great thing as well.
I would like children daughters for that matter that I could truly give all that I never ever got or will ever get.By having them they will have the opportunity I will never be afforded.
I want someone that can care for me and have a support system.

ETA just to clarify on my first point I feel that in life ppl go so gun ho about me me me but for me I want a man that I can serve play my role as a woman.Not in a dumb arse way but in a way that is appreciated properly..for me something dont matter to me but if I have someone else that Im concerned about it will motivate me to keep pushing.
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I want marriage because I dont see a purpose in loving me but I want to serve someone one.
Sex is a great thing as well.
I would like children daughters for that matter that I could truly give all that I never ever got or will ever get.By having them they will have the opportunity I will never be afforded.
I want someone that can care for me and have a support system.

Wait, what???

Girl.....I don't even know where to begin with this statement. :nono:
I want marriage because I dont see a purpose in loving me but I want to serve someone one.
Sex is a great thing as well.
I would like children daughters for that matter that I could truly give all that I never ever got or will ever get.By having them they will have the opportunity I will never be afforded.
I want someone that can care for me and have a support system.

You have absolutely no business with a partner until you get yourself some therapy. I am saying this wth love. You are opening yourself up to all kinds of bad men coming your way and usibg you. You wod be the perfect woman for any predator.

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Wait, what???

Girl.....I don't even know where to begin with this statement. :nono:

Im not crazy but life isnt always about me having a man that I can be what I was made to be a help meet.

To Mortons your comment comes off a bit brash but I see your pov but since you dont know me and my pov on this matter.
I want to build a legacy with someone, have a bond with someone. Really grow together in spirit and also physically (grow old together). I want to have children with that man, build a family.:)