Question for the non believers.......


Well-Known Member
If you dont believe in anything higher than yourself, if you believe that we are just a shell with no real purpose in life.

What keeps you going?
What gets you through the hard times?
What makes you get up in the morning with a want to live?

I am not trying to judge anyone it is mearly out of curiosity.

Also to the believers:

Do you think its right to negatively judge people who don't believe?
Can you be friends with someone who doesnt believe?
Do you believe your struggles have a purpose and if so what?
Do you think negatively of people who dont believe in any one particular religion but believe all religion has some truth to it and some false?
I am a christian, but I can try to answer. Human equals believer. We are made believers. We are all believers. When someone does not believe in God, he believes in other things to keep going.

If you dont believe in anything higher than yourself, if you believe that we are just a shell with no real purpose in life.

What keeps you going? Life is fun!
What gets you through the hard times? focus on purposes (or suicide).
What makes you get up in the morning with a want to live? Purposes : family, children, friends, money, job, title, fame, house, idols...

I am not trying to judge anyone it is mearly out of curiosity.

Also to the believers:

Do you think its right to negatively judge people who don't believe?
Bad choice : it's sad.
Can you be friends with someone who doesnt believe?
Talk? Yes! Friend? Meaning of friend?...
Do you believe your struggles have a purpose and if so what?
Yes! A better me for God.
Do you think negatively of people who dont believe in any one particular religion but believe all religion has some truth to it and some false?
Religion is human, only God is God. I don't believe in religion, I believe in God, in the Bible.
Do you think its right to negatively judge people who don't believe?
I refrain from judging anyone that is not a believer. They have there reasons why they dont believe. I just share my faith with them in love and wait for the Lord to present opportunities for me to welcome them to the family.

Can you be friends with someone who doesnt believe?
Jesus had dinner with tax collectors and others that werent believers, so why cant I? Its through showing non-believers the love of Christ that they can see just how much the Lord loves them and wants them for himself. However, its important not to get emotionally attached to un-believers because they can lead you down a path you dont want to go.

Do you believe your struggles have a purpose and if so what?
My struggles strength my character and also remind me that this world has nothing for me. God uses hard times to show you who he is, reveal to us who we are, and ultimately is all for His Glory. My purpose is to serve him, live a life that pleases him and win other souls to the Kingdom. Enjoying spending time with him on earth is a prerequisite for whats to come in heaven... only better...

Do you think negatively of people who dont believe in any one particular religion but believe all religion has some truth to it and some false?
I used to be like this. I believed all religions had some truth to it and that some how we'll all make it there. But Jesus clearly states, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). If I am to follow Christ, belief in his commands has to be narrow. If I believe anything other, I am opening myself to live one foot in the bible and one foot in the world.
Do you think its right to negatively judge people who don't believe?
I refrain from judging anyone that is not a believer. They have there reasons why they dont believe. I just share my faith with them in love and wait for the Lord to present opportunities for me to welcome them to the family.

Can you be friends with someone who doesnt believe?
Jesus had dinner with tax collectors and others that werent believers, so why cant I? Its through showing non-believers the love of Christ that they can see just how much the Lord loves them and wants them for himself. However, its important not to get emotionally attached to un-believers because they can lead you down a path you dont want to go.

Do you believe your struggles have a purpose and if so what?
My struggles strength my character and also remind me that this world has nothing for me. God uses hard times to show you who he is, reveal to us who we are, and ultimately is all for His Glory. My purpose is to serve him, live a life that pleases him and win other souls to the Kingdom. Enjoying spending time with him on earth is a prerequisite for whats to come in heaven... only better...

Do you think negatively of people who dont believe in any one particular religion but believe all religion has some truth to it and some false?
I used to be like this. I believed all religions had some truth to it and that some how we'll all make it there. But Jesus clearly states, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). If I am to follow Christ, belief in his commands has to be narrow. If I believe anything other, I am opening myself to live one foot in the bible and one foot in the world.

AWESOME! Thanks for posting this!
I'm a Christian now, but wasn't always, so I'll answer as a believer and non-believer.

What keeps you going? My family and friends. Hope and dreams for the future.

What gets you through the hard times? Belief that things will get better. "This too shall pass" was my mantra.

What makes you get up in the morning with a want to live? The innate will to live, survival instinct, I suppose.

I am not trying to judge anyone it is merely out of curiosity.

Also to the believers:

Do you think its right to negatively judge people who don't believe? No, I don't think it's "right" to judge in general. All you can do is pray for them if you feel compelled.

Can you be friends with someone who doesnt believe? Yes, and I am friends with non believers. But I think I would have a deeper friendship with someone of the faith, to share very personal/spiritual information with.

Do you believe your struggles have a purpose and if so what? My struggles in life have led me to God, plain and simple. It took some really dark days for me to come crying back to Daddy like "help me please!".

Do you think negatively of people who don't believe in any one particular religion but believe all religion has some truth to it and some false?
I was that person, a little bit of Islam, Buddhism, African Traditional Religion, astrology,New age, taking what I liked and leaving the rest. I don't think negatively of a person like that, but feel compassion, because I know coming from there, that it represents a lot of inner confusion..spiritual and mental. IMO, a person will not find true peace.
If you dont believe in anything higher than yourself, if you believe that we are just a shell with no real purpose in life.

What keeps you going?
What gets you through the hard times?
What makes you get up in the morning with a want to live?

I am not trying to judge anyone it is mearly out of curiosity.

Also to the believers:

Do you think its right to negatively judge people who don't believe?
Can you be friends with someone who doesnt believe?
Do you believe your struggles have a purpose and if so what?
Do you think negatively of people who dont believe in any one particular religion but believe all religion has some truth to it and some false?

I very rarely venture into this forum BUT you guys in here kind of fascinate me and I'm willing to answer your question anywho.

I DO believe (actually I know) but the difference between you and me is that I question the books, bible, Koran, Torah, etc. For me, and I do not mean to question anyone here, I have more belief in myself then a bunch of men from ancient times.

I don’t need a book to guide me, I have God in my heart and am therefore secure in what I need to do and when. I do know love and I know what’s wrong, I think we all do, believers or non….

Yes, I’ll slip into my family church and pray, and I do feel my ancestors at my side.

I try not to judge but I do. I’m human.
I feel sorry for those who question but won’t open up to feel the answer.
I feel sorry for those who live their lives after a book.

But in the long run we all feel the love, somehow.

I will now continue to fondle my NG and be (semi)content.

Then again Imma treadkiller.
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Also to the believers:

Do you think its right to negatively judge people who don't believe?
Can you be friends with someone who doesnt believe?
Do you believe your struggles have a purpose and if so what?
Do you think negatively of people who dont believe in any one particular religion but believe all religion has some truth to it and some false?

As a believer in G-d, no, I do not judge people negatively who don't have the same belief system as myself and I absolutely believe that all religions have elements of "the truth." As far a judging religions as false, I don't dwell on that. I just want to hang out with people who are positive and just. I am friends with people who don't believe in G-d. I do believe that struggles are a tool used to develop a person.
As a person who is now a converted believer I'll answer both although I was never an atheist, I didn't become a true believer until 12 or so years ago.

If you dont believe in anything higher than yourself, if you believe that we are just a shell with no real purpose in life. I didn't believe in God everyday, most days I did but even then rarely REALLY thought about Him. He was out there in heaven someplace doing God stuff and not THAT involved in human lives because we were screwing up so badly. When I did believe, He was the God of the bible and that everyone believed in the same God but just according to their culture and that He was fine with it.

What keeps you going? My children did.

What gets you through the hard times? Plain endurance did. Everything comes to pass. I would pray but knew God may not always answer my prayers because of my lifestyle. I hoped and prayed for mercy and received it. I knew He would consider my prayers because my grandmother was holy and He would honor the prayers she prayed for her family while she was alive.

What makes you get up in the morning with a want to live? Didn't really want to but had to for my children's sake.

I am not trying to judge anyone it is mearly out of curiosity.

Also to the believers:

Do you think its right to negatively judge people who don't believe? No. No one is in any position to judge anyone for anything they done no matter how evil. I just pray for them and remember how long it took for me to convert.

Can you be friends with someone who doesnt believe? No. God says to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers and come out from among them. In order to be friends with an unbeliever I would have to choose them over God's Word, ain't happening. I DO have folks who aren't saved that I love but they know that we aren't friends because they're not saved. No exceptions.
Do you believe your struggles have a purpose and if so what? I don't have the same types of, or as many struggles as I did when I was unsaved or even as when I was a babe in Christ. Those struggles helped me overcome the next ones and those help me to overcome the few I have now. Through struggles, the Lord strengthens me because I know I'm going to make it through with the victory because when I trust and obey Him because He's given me proof that He's faithful.

Do you think negatively of people who dont believe in any one particular religion but believe all religion has some truth to it and some false? No, I can relate. I used to believe the same. It's just part of human nature for man to conform to the world. It took for Jesus to tell me Himself that He was one God and not a generic God adaptable for the masses for my belief in that to change. However, I do not get into deep religious discussions with folks who don't practice the tenets of their own religion or try to mix other religions with Christianity because it's confusion and chaos. If you can't even choose one and do what that religion says you should do, you really have nothing you can enlighten me on when you yourself are walking in darkness.
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Actually, on second though, there is something very negative I feel concerning christianity. It's the White presentation of it and the imitation by whomever of the White man's ways in this country, Africa and all over. It's as though the religion has been hijacked by a European psyche. The negativity I feel is not so much aimed at their faith and base doctrines, but at their arrogant actions as they proclaim to be the bearers of truth. They claim to preach the gospel but seemingly, the only lives worth living are White. Does that make sense? They don't have room for anyone else is what I mean. In painting Jesus and faith in G-d as white, they don't truly see how they transgress the teachings they supposedly are following. That's truly the negative thoughts I would have regarding those who are different from my peoples' ways.
Actually, on second though, there is something very negative I feel concerning christianity. It's the White presentation of it and the imitation by whomever of the White man's ways in this country, Africa and all over. It's as though the religion has been hijacked by a European psyche. The negativity I feel is not so much aimed at their faith and base doctrines, but at their arrogant actions as they proclaim to be the bearers of truth. They claim to preach the gospel but seemingly, the only lives worth living are White. Does that make sense? They don't have room for anyone else is what I mean. In painting Jesus and faith in G-d as white, they don't truly see how they transgress the teachings they supposedly are following. That's truly the negative thoughts I would have regarding those who are different from my peoples' ways.

I don't understand, sorry :perplexed. Can you re-phrase please?
I don't understand, sorry :perplexed. Can you re-phrase please?

LOL. It's really clear but I'm not coming from your perspective, most likely. I see Jesus as a Jew. I find Judaism, aside from being part of my family heritage down the line, closely linked with Native American traditions. It's an earthy religion, balanced, intellectual, mystical whatnot.

Christians were a Jewish sect, a MIddle-easter/African religion...they soon were flooded by gentiles. It has a gentile feel now, particularly, a gentile face. It is somewhat antisemitic. But it's from Jewish tradition....became a hijacked religion by Europeans who say they practice Jesus' ways, but don't. They have given it a white coated paint job in order to kill and destroy for their benefit only. They are disrespectful and prejudiced and hateful, yet they preach the gospel. White christianity has done a lot of evil while preaching that so-called gospel (genocide, slavery etc., segregation, discrimination). I suspect those weren't christians, not really.

If I look at Ethiopian christianity, then I see those Jewish traditions. They don't have an unblemished history either, but they were more "humane" than their recently arrived European brethern (christianity is 2,000 years old, in Africa). In other words, the negativism I look down upon is mainly from those who have white-washed the religion.
Also to the believers:

Do you think its right to negatively judge people who don't believe?

No, never. We were all there at some point.

Can you be friends with someone who doesnt believe?

Yep. Jesus came for the unsaved. I believe the best way to evangelize/to raise awareness of Christ is through the way you live your life and I need to have non Christian friends to achieve that purpose. As for real close friends/confidants, I would preferre Christian as we are more likely to share the same values.

Do you believe your struggles have a purpose and if so what?

Yes. They help build my character, test my faith, teach me lessons, and prepare me for God's next plan for my life.

Do you think negatively of people who dont believe in any one particular religion but believe all religion has some truth to it and some false?

No, I don't.

Answers above.
Actually, on second though, there is something very negative I feel concerning christianity. It's the White presentation of it and the imitation by whomever of the White man's ways in this country, Africa and all over. It's as though the religion has been hijacked by a European psyche. The negativity I feel is not so much aimed at their faith and base doctrines, but at their arrogant actions as they proclaim to be the bearers of truth. They claim to preach the gospel but seemingly, the only lives worth living are White. Does that make sense? They don't have room for anyone else is what I mean. In painting Jesus and faith in G-d as white, they don't truly see how they transgress the teachings they supposedly are following. That's truly the negative thoughts I would have regarding those who are different from my peoples' ways.

I just went to a workshop on this very topic. This semester has been fully of intellectual religious insight for me and this was one of them.

Here is something to remember: Religion as we seen and interpret it today is heavily based on our surroundings. Every generation/era does it. As Y-love (African-American Jewish rapper) said to our group, there are many EXTERNAL things that can influence our perception of religion and its important to always try and get back to what the text is really saying without trying to impart you views on it or view it through your perspective in the 21st century. Y-love talked a lot about Jewish scriptures because he is Jewish, but he talked about how Judaism has been negatively influenced by Europeans (since Jews moved north and remained their for extensive time). Now, there are issues of race in Judaism (like Christianity) and people want to quote scriptures. But in the end, the people of ancient times were talking about something totally different that what we think.

Back on topic a little: Even before I became stronger in my faith I had lots to live for. I think the difference now is I have a different purpose (to fulfill God's will for me)...but my amount of drive is still equal as before.
LOL. It's really clear but I'm not coming from your perspective, most likely. I see Jesus as a Jew. I find Judaism, aside from being part of my family heritage down the line, closely linked with Native American traditions. It's an earthy religion, balanced, intellectual, mystical whatnot.

Christians were a Jewish sect, a MIddle-easter/African religion...they soon were flooded by gentiles. It has a gentile feel now, particularly, a gentile face. It is somewhat antisemitic. But it's from Jewish tradition....became a hijacked religion by Europeans who say they practice Jesus' ways, but don't. They have given it a white coated paint job in order to kill and destroy for their benefit only. They are disrespectful and prejudiced and hateful, yet they preach the gospel. White christianity has done a lot of evil while preaching that so-called gospel (genocide, slavery etc., segregation, discrimination). I suspect those weren't christians, not really.

If I look at Ethiopian christianity, then I see those Jewish traditions. They don't have an unblemished history either, but they were more "humane" than their recently arrived European brethern (christianity is 2,000 years old, in Africa). In other words, the negativism I look down upon is mainly from those who have white-washed the religion.

Got it now!
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I just went to a workshop on this very topic. This semester has been fully of intellectual religious insight for me and this was one of them.

Here is something to remember: Religion as we seen and interpret it today is heavily based on our surroundings. Every generation/era does it. As Y-love (African-American Jewish rapper) said to our group, there are many EXTERNAL things that can influence our perception of religion and its important to always try and get back to what the text is really saying without trying to impart you views on it or view it through your perspective in the 21st century. Y-love talked a lot about Jewish scriptures because he is Jewish, but he talked about how Judaism has been negatively influenced by Europeans (since Jews moved north and remained their for extensive time). Now, there are issues of race in Judaism (like Christianity) and people want to quote scriptures. But in the end, the people of ancient times were talking about something totally different that what we think.

Back on topic a little: Even before I became stronger in my faith I had lots to live for. I think the difference now is I have a different purpose (to fulfill God's will for me)...but my amount of drive is still equal as before.

Exactly! It's interesting and very important aspects to remember. I cannot forget, however, the recent imposition of christianity on my people. It was genocide. I know a guy who's 50 and he was removed from his family as a child and sent to an Indian school, hundreds of miles away from home. They cut his hair, told him he had to worship as they worshipped...cultural genocide. They tried to make us First Nations White christians...emphasis on WHITE. This was legal to do and it happened to 10's of thousands of people.

There is the Native American CHurch which implements Native spiritual practices and sacred ceremonies alongside christian teaching. People think we are pagans. Haha. They couldn't be further from the truth. So, according to our recent history, yes, christianity has been a very ugly and negative controlling tool. Those white folks didn't have any interest in the true christian faith. They wanted to remove the Indian problem...our existance. That's why I say that true christianity is so Jewish because I see and feel the connections, which mirror Native American spirituallity so easily.

BTW, I listened to someone just the other day addressing this issue as well. The message was that one doesn't truly have to know and understand all the cultural background to comprehend the simple message of the gospel. That, I agree with. What I don't understand is that, if the gospel message is so simple, why those who think of themselves as superior in intellect can manipulate it's purity to serve themselves? Attempting to damn others for earthly gain, they damn themselves. . Hence, the white-wash I was referring to. Shrugs.
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GV, I have a few quick questions about Judaism for my understanding. If you could answer, that'll be great.

1) Do you not believe Jesus is the Messiah because you were brought up that way, it's your culture and tradition/ are there other reasons? If yes, what?

2) What disqualifies Him as the Messiah?
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I know and are related to people who don't Believe in G-d. They are the nicest kindest people on the planet. They know the Universal law of Cause and effect and to treat others the way you want to be treated. Yet on the other hand I have met so-called believers who pray all the time they are always up in their house of worship and they are triflin and sad.

So to me I don't care if you believe or not. Just a long as you are good person. Because I've seen a lot of people diguise themselves in the cloak of Piety to cover up their gross hypocrises.
Judiasm, unlike the Christianity, does not believe that the Messiah is Jesus. The noun moshiach (translated as messiah) annotatively means "annointed one;" it does not, however, imply "savior." The notion of an innocent, semi-divine being who will sacrifice himself to save us from the consequences of our own sins is a purely Christian concept that has no basis in Jewish thought or scripture. In Judaic texts, the term messiah was used for all kings, high priests, certain warriors, but never eschatological figures. In the Tanach, moshiach is used 38 times: two patriarchs, six high priests, once for Cyrus, 29 Israelite kings such as Saul and David. Not once is the word moshiach used in reference to the awaited Messiah. Even in the apocalyptic book of Daniel, the only time moshiach is mentioned is in connection to a murdered high priest. The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha never mention the Messiah.
The man destined to be the Messiah will be a direct descendant of King David (Isaiah 11:1) through the family of Solomon, David's son (1 Chronicles 22:9-l0). He will cause all the world to serve God together (Isaiah 11:2), be wiser than Solomon (Mishnah Torah Repentance 9:2), greater than the patriarchs and prophets (Aggadah Genesis 67), and more honored than kings (Mishnah Sanhedrin 10), for he will reign as king of the world (Pirkei Eliezer).

Amongst the most basic missions that the Messiah will accomplish during his lifetime (Isaiah 42:4) are to:

Oversee the rebuilding of Jerusalem, including the Third Temple, in the event that it has not yet been rebuilt (Michah 4:1 and Ezekiel 40-45)

Gather the Jewish people from all over the world and bring them home to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 11:12; 27:12-13)

Influence every individual of every nation to abandon and be ashamed of their former beliefs (or non-beliefs) and acknowledge and serve only the One True God of Israel (Isaiah 11:9-10; 40:5 and Zephaniah 3:9)

Bring about global peace throughout the world (Isaiah 2:4; 11:5-9 and Michah 4:3-4).
There are over a dozen additional prophecies which the Messiah will also achieve (there is no mention of any “second coming” in the Tanach or the New Testament). In order to avoid identifying the wrong individual as Messiah, the Code of Jewish Law dictates criteria for establishing the Messiah's identity (Mishnah Torah Kings 11:4):

"If a king arises from the House of David who meditates on the Torah, occupies himself with the commandments as did his ancestor King David, observes the commandments of the Written and Oral Law, prevails upon all Israel to walk in the way of the Torah and to follow its direction, and fights the wars of God, it may be assumed that he is the Messiah.

If he does these things and is fully successful, rebuilds the Third Temple on its location, and gathers the exiled Jews, he is beyond doubt the Messiah. But if he is not fully successful, or if he is killed, he is not the Messiah."
Over 1,000 years before the attributed birth of the historical Jesus, it was recorded in the Tanach:

Numbers 23:19: God is not a man, that He should be deceitful, nor the son of man, that He should repent. Would He say and not do, or speak and not confirm?

Psalms 146:3: Do not rely on princes nor in the son of man, for he holds no salvation.
Even the New Testament concurs that Jesus, in fact, is not the Messiah:
Matthew 20:28: Just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve.

I hope that this does not offend. I am just answering your Question. If you have anymore please dont' hesistate to ask. As far as me I too was brought up that way. It is my religion my culture and my tradition.


It is so funny that you said that because in Ethiopia we used to see this Chrisitan Missornaries from foreign countries come in all the time and try to talk to the Christians about Jesus. Everyone Christian, Jew, Muslim, Baha'i, Zoroastrian, Animist. WE would laugh at these people because we are like. Do you know that Ethiopia is one of THE OLDEST CHRISITIAN Coutries in the world? DUHH Do you know that Ethiopian, Eritreans and some Southern Kenyans were Christians when Europeans were still living in Caves Scribbling horses on the walls. Then they would come to our school taking about saving us. The Christian Ethiopians. were like Saved from What? These are some of the most DIE Hard Christians you can find. I mean Really Die Hard. WE have Churches that are older than some countries that came into being. We have some churches there that have stood the test of time and have been there since the waning of the Roman Empire.

So yeah it does kind of bugs me that I see these white faces in my country trying to tell my Christian brothers in Sisters in my homeland that they need to be saved. These are some of the ORIGINAL Christians. The nerve.

They set up schools and what not. The people fake it to get the extra education but up come Sunday Morning they are right back in the EO church chanting in Geez and Aramaic.
I am happy to answer the questions for the believer...

1. Do you think its right to negatively judge people who don't believe?

No, absolutely not. Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

2. Can you be friends with someone who doesnt believe?

Yes, I can. We will, however, diverge when it comes to certain actions or practices because true Christianity is a lifestyle.

3. Do you believe your struggles have a purpose and if so what?

Yes. It teaches me to depend on God. In the end, trials and tribulations will strengthen my faith in God and build my character, if only I trust Him.

4. Do you think negatively of people who dont believe in any one particular religion but believe all religion has some truth to it and some false?

No, an individual has every right to believe what he or she does. There is much truth mixed with error in the world. However, I do believe that there is truth without error.

Happy Sabbath-Shabbat Shalom!
Judiasm, unlike the Christianity, does not believe that the Messiah is Jesus. The noun moshiach (translated as messiah) annotatively means "annointed one;" it does not, however, imply "savior." The notion of an innocent, semi-divine being who will sacrifice himself to save us from the consequences of our own sins is a purely Christian concept that has no basis in Jewish thought or scripture. In Judaic texts, the term messiah was used for all kings, high priests, certain warriors, but never eschatological figures. In the Tanach, moshiach is used 38 times: two patriarchs, six high priests, once for Cyrus, 29 Israelite kings such as Saul and David. Not once is the word moshiach used in reference to the awaited Messiah. Even in the apocalyptic book of Daniel, the only time moshiach is mentioned is in connection to a murdered high priest. The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha never mention the Messiah.
The man destined to be the Messiah will be a direct descendant of King David (Isaiah 11:1) through the family of Solomon, David's son (1 Chronicles 22:9-l0). He will cause all the world to serve God together (Isaiah 11:2), be wiser than Solomon (Mishnah Torah Repentance 9:2), greater than the patriarchs and prophets (Aggadah Genesis 67), and more honored than kings (Mishnah Sanhedrin 10), for he will reign as king of the world (Pirkei Eliezer).

Amongst the most basic missions that the Messiah will accomplish during his lifetime (Isaiah 42:4) are to:

Oversee the rebuilding of Jerusalem, including the Third Temple, in the event that it has not yet been rebuilt (Michah 4:1 and Ezekiel 40-45)

Gather the Jewish people from all over the world and bring them home to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 11:12; 27:12-13)

Influence every individual of every nation to abandon and be ashamed of their former beliefs (or non-beliefs) and acknowledge and serve only the One True God of Israel (Isaiah 11:9-10; 40:5 and Zephaniah 3:9)

Bring about global peace throughout the world (Isaiah 2:4; 11:5-9 and Michah 4:3-4).
There are over a dozen additional prophecies which the Messiah will also achieve (there is no mention of any “second coming” in the Tanach or the New Testament). In order to avoid identifying the wrong individual as Messiah, the Code of Jewish Law dictates criteria for establishing the Messiah's identity (Mishnah Torah Kings 11:4):

"If a king arises from the House of David who meditates on the Torah, occupies himself with the commandments as did his ancestor King David, observes the commandments of the Written and Oral Law, prevails upon all Israel to walk in the way of the Torah and to follow its direction, and fights the wars of God, it may be assumed that he is the Messiah.

If he does these things and is fully successful, rebuilds the Third Temple on its location, and gathers the exiled Jews, he is beyond doubt the Messiah. But if he is not fully successful, or if he is killed, he is not the Messiah."
Over 1,000 years before the attributed birth of the historical Jesus, it was recorded in the Tanach:

Numbers 23:19: God is not a man, that He should be deceitful, nor the son of man, that He should repent. Would He say and not do, or speak and not confirm?

Psalms 146:3: Do not rely on princes nor in the son of man, for he holds no salvation.
Even the New Testament concurs that Jesus, in fact, is not the Messiah:
Matthew 20:28: Just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve.

I hope that this does not offend. I am just answering your Question. If you have anymore please dont' hesistate to ask. As far as me I too was brought up that way. It is my religion my culture and my tradition.

No, of course it doesn't offend! I've always wondered about this and as I don't know any Jews personally have never had the opportunity to ask. Thanks for shedding light on this for me.
Oh the pleasure is all mine. It is just that with a lot of people on here you really have to walk on egg shells as to not offend people who are believers that is never my intent. I totally accept and understand that because I would not want anyone to offend my faith either.
