Question for the NATURALS

My hair has definitely gotten looser the longer it's gotten. Or it could be the henna. I don't know. :grin: I'd have to let it dry loose and uncombed in order to REALLY tell, as the least bit of manipulation stretches out my strands, and I haven't had enough spare time to do that lately. Even in twists though, it seems to be - smoother? Maybe that's just an indication of it being healthy and moisturized, more so than my curl loosening though.

I think that I'm expecting my curl to loosen as my hair gets longer though, because my locs got straighter the longer I had them, and that's the only thing I have to compare to. I also have relatively fine hair, so I would expect that with more weight, the curls closer to my scalp will get looser, but I'll always have the ubertight pincurls at the ends of my hair.
I do believe that my hair has gotten just a tad bit looser in pattern since I first went natural. But I'm not sure why???

I think at first, it was due to "scab hair". Nowadays, I wear my hair stretched out in a bun ALOT, so maybe that has something to do with it (maybe I'm never really seeing the true texture of my hair because it's always in a bun. I never wash it and allow it to shrink all the way up.)