Question for the married ladies


Well-Known Member
Just a question I was talking about with some girlfriends of mine. I decided to ask here since there are more women on here. Would you be okay with your husband going to a female friend's house that he works with to go have a drink with, without you?
funny, i read this question to DH and as the word "nope" was coming out of my mouth in response, he meanwhile was simultaneously asking, "well, with just the coworker; or would there be other people there?".....
touché, DH, touché.....what say you? is this scenario with just DH and the work chic or more like a work event involving others just at "her" house?
I'm not married but...

Why would a husband not ask his wife to come along?
Why would a female co-worker invite a married man over without inviting his wife to come along?
I'm not married but...

Why would a husband not ask his wife to come along?
Why would a female co-worker invite a married man over without inviting his wife to come along?

This :yep:
I am married and feel that's a little odd for the wife to not be invited since it is at someone's house.
However, knowing my husband he would want me there so there's no issue in my house :yep:
LOL uh sure - if we were 'married' but separated AND in the process of getting a divorce. That's the only way a man married to me will be drinking it up at some woman's house-- with MY consent.

And if there will be other people there, fine. I, however, will want to be invited along...even though I know I wouldn't go along, it's the mere 'thought' that counts.
No, its not alright. If it were a childhood or college friend then it might be ok but just a "work" friend - no way. Common sense dictates that a happily married man wouldn't entertain a friendship with a coworker of the opposite sex - I'm the only female friend he needs .
The only way this would be ok is if this was a group event. For example my mom used to host happy hours at her house for her team of managers. 3 of them are married men and they have come without their wives before.
I agree with the others. I wouldn't mind if it was a group gathering, but one on one--nope. Don't think it's proper to be at someone's home for that.

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Just a question I was talking about with some girlfriends of mine. I decided to ask here since there are more women on here. Would you be okay with your husband going to a female friend's house that he works with to go have a drink with, without you?

Ummm no. :nono: Not appropriate IMO. I don't really think it's appropriate in any scenario - whether other people are there or not. If I can't be invited then why go?

I'm not married but...

Why would a husband not ask his wife to come along?
Why would a female co-worker invite a married man over without inviting his wife to come along?

THIS!!! Whatever happened to etiquette?? Seems like our generation has no clue about the proper way to go about things. I'd NEVER invite a married man ANYWHERE without at least extending the offer to his wife. :nono: I don't care how cool we are. At least make the offer!! Now if she declines that's on her.
Generally it would be unacceptable to me. The only way it may fly is if its a group project, and they all take turns going to different members houses but generally speaking, nah. She can come to mine-maybe:look:
I'm not married, but if I were I wouldn't be okay with my husband going to female co-worker's to have a drink and I'm not invited, even if other people were going to be there. It's already a huge leap of faith these days to trust when your husband says he's going out with his "homies" to have a drink that he's telling the truth. Having a drink with a female co-worker at her house? I don't have THAT much faith.
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Absolutely not ok with it. My husband would also have problems with me going to a male co-workers house for drinks as well.
Ya i dont think it would be appropriate unless there were others or they were really old friends im talkin 15+ years and i knew her
Absolutely not. Alcohol, man, woman, intimate setting, evening time? Who would think that's okay? Open marriage? On the rocks?
Yeah that will be weird. I am pretty laid back and don't feel I have to go everywhere with my husband but this scenario is different. I'll have to say if it isn't a group thing then NO he can't go. He knows better though. I just asked him and he was like no way I am going without you.
Absolutely not ok with it. My husband would also have problems with me going to a male co-workers house for drinks as well.

This is another thing that irks me about men. When they come out of pocket and ask you a question like this (in the OP) and they KNOW they wouldn't be cool if it were the other way around!!! :lachen: Not saying this is the case with this particular scenario. But men are a trip sometimes, I tell you...
No, its not alright. If it were a childhood or college friend then it might be ok but just a "work" friend - no way. Common sense dictates that a happily married man wouldn't entertain a friendship with a coworker of the opposite sex - I'm the only female friend he needs .

I agree. And I would need to think twice with the childhood/college FEMALE friend.

Although, I'm not married. IF MY HUBBY knows me....he wouldn't pull it.
Nope he ain't going. Don't start none won't be none.

***I wouldn't even have to worry about that. My husband doesn't like going anywhere but to the couch after work. Unless he could ride his couch and take his tv he wouldn't even consider it.:lachen:
Just a question I was talking about with some girlfriends of mine. I decided to ask here since there are more women on here. Would you be okay with your husband going to a female friend's house that he works with to go have a drink with, without you?

Alone? Just he and her? Nope. Not happening.

But for a get together with other folks (not couples), then OK, but I would wonder why spouses weren't invited.
I would have a problem because why do they need to go to her house, if they were going out in general after work, perhaps no, but to her house is too intimate imo.
Nope he ain't going. Don't start none won't be none.

***I wouldn't even have to worry about that. My husband doesn't like going anywhere but to the couch after work. Unless he could ride his couch and take his tv he wouldn't even consider it.:lachen:

Oh my goodness, this has me cracking up!