Question for Natural 4a/b's


New Member
I did my bc a little over a year ago and now my hair when stretched is chin length in the front and in between sl and apl in the back. My question is, how long did take for your hair to begin to "hang" when dry? My hair hangs now when wet but then shrinkage kicks in and then it's in that awkward phase where it's just beginning to want to almost nearly commence hanging. :spinning: I'm starting to get impatient, since when I first went kind of natural years ago, I did about 3 minutes worth of texlax to get it to hang, leaving me with no idea how long it will actually take to hang without chemical manipulation. Thank you for any input!
Back in 2004 I had MBL natural hair and it never hung when dry. My current BSB hair doesn't hang. My mom has 4a hair that's past BSB and it doesn't hang when dry. Does 4a or 4b hang? I know I have like 80% shrinkage. 13" hair looks like 2-3".
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My hair doesn't "hang" and I'm not sure that it every will. Hanging hair requires a bit of weight to it, and my hair isn't heavy at all when it's dry.

If I do a bantu-knot out, the hair in the back hangs a bit if I use a lot of product. But left to its own devices, there's no hang whatsoever.

As long as my fro gets bigger, I don't mind.