Question about overprocessing


New Member
What causes overprocessed hair and how do you keep your hair from being overprocessed? Thanks in advance.
I dont' relax anymore...but one way of becoming over-precessed is to apply the relaxer on preious relaxed hair and not the new growth only. Also leaving the relaxer in too long ..trying to get bone straight results...which is not good because you hair has no elasticity and breaks easily. I'm sure the ladies who do relax have more information for you.
Using a stronger strength relaxer for your hair than it can handle will cause overprocessing. Doing a strand test prior to relaxing will help prevent this from happening.
I also think that relaxing to frequently overprocesses the hair. Not having enough outgrowth to relax and trying to correct mistakes - such as underprocessed hair to soon. Only you can judge how soon your touch ups should be, but I think consistency is key to avoiding any major setbacks.