Question about Biotin....sorry to be redundant...


New Member
As a person clueless to all this Biotin stuff, I have some questions that may seem stupid, but bear with me.

Could someone please tell me exactly what 5 mg's looks like? Is it one pill, is it 3 pills? I don't get it. Secondly, is taking this 5 mg's by itself enough to speed up hair growth, or do you have to take a ton of other things with it to see any kind of results. Finally, how much does this stuff cost on a monthly budget and where do you buy it from? I'm a poor student, so I have to be economical.
puritans pride is having a 3 for 1 sale about $7 I think. 5000 mcgs is 5mgs
5mg is 5 pills all 1mg each, they are quite and very easy to swallow as they are coated. A lot of the ladies on here take 5mg a day, and see great results on that alone. As icandey has posted you can get a good deal at puritans pride. They as well as freedmans seem to the best source for Biotin out there.

It depends on the pill and brand. For example, GNC sells a biotin pill that each contains 2.5mg. Therefore, you would need to take 2 to get the 5mg. Whereas, Puritan Pride sells its biotin pills in 1mg dosages. So you would need to take 5 of them to get the 5mg.

IMO, taking a ton of other vitamins may not be necessary if you eat well and exercise regulary. A good multivitamin and b-complex along with biotin may be all you need.

In terms of costs, I would GUESS $30 covers the vitamins described above.


Also, I will try to bump Bargello's Vitamin Recs for Growth
Hi Savgal!,

Okay, I'm gonna answer your questions to the best of my abilites:

1. What does 5 mg's look like? Well, it depends on the mcgs. For instance, right now I'm taking biotin from GNC. It has only 600 mcg's so I have to take seven to get close to 5000 mcg's. Some ladies on this board use a brand called Puritans Pride. They have different potencies. Some have 1000 mcg's, they have one that's 5000 mcg's. 5000 mcg's= 5mg's.

2. Is taking 5mg's by itself enough to speed up hair growth? I really think it is. I take less than 5000 mg and my hair has started growing an inch a month. My hair only grew the average rate (half an inch) before.

3. How much? Well, the biotin I got from GNC cost me about $10-$11. There might be cheaper brands out there.
What's most important is to find a brand that works for you. It might be a Wal-mart knock off. Good luck!
Thanks y'all, for being so patient with my questions. Biotin sounds so great and the price is right for me.
hi i have gnc biotin 300mcg i take 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening i'm i taking enough or should i take more or less to have results?

I think I read somewhere that in order to see results you have to consume at least 2000mcg. I was taking two of the 600 mcg, which did nothing for me. How do I know? I looked at my nails as a guide. They weren't growing and they were brittle. Once I upped my dosage to 4200 mcg, my nails became strong and hair began to grow. But you really have to play around with the dosage. You may need more/less than I need .
that would amount to 1.2mg I personally would say take more to get about 5mg per day. That means you'd have to take 16 of them a day....YIKES. I'd say get a bigger sized tablet after you're done like a 1mg or 5mg tablet from puritans pride. They do the 5mg size now
Although I don't think they include it in their offer.
<font color="purple">Nacai, I have purchased some 300mcg biotin from GNC today. The label says that you take 1 or 2 a day. I took 2 of the tablets after my meal. How many mcgs should I take in order to see results in growth for the nails and hair? I was thinking 3000mcgs, which is 10 of those little buggers. </font>
nooniecakes it depends on the mg content of the tablet. if you get a 5mg tablet then only 1. If you get a 1mg tablet then 5 a day.
Just to let you know nooniecakes 1mg=1000mcgs. So if your goal is to take 5mg/5000 mcgs, you'll just have to do the math and figure out how many mcgs/mgs are in each pill.
Savgal, here's a comparison for you...

I used to take GNC Ultra Nourishair which the Biotin has 1200 mcgs. I didn't really notice an increase in hair growth (no more than usual), but then again I didn't take the recommended dosage of two a day either because I thought it was too much for me. I did notice that my nails improved ALOT!
No more chipping and peeling. Very strong indeed! So long I have to cut them from time to time.

Now...I recently switched to the GNC Hair, Skin, and Nails formula and the Biotin in these is 2500 mcgs. Now I do take the recommended dosage of two a day (I found out it was the multivitamin that I was taking that was too much for me, not the Biotin). I've only been taking them for a little over a week so I'll post some results once I've been taking them for awhile. I can say that they are smaller than the Ultra Nourishair, easier to swallow and I like that!

Hey on another Biotin post someone was asking if anyone noticed any hair growth in other places since taking them? Well...I went for an eyebrow wax today and normally it takes the lady 1 minute (if that long) to do my arch. Today it took 5 minutes! I had hair all between my brows which I don't normally have. I've also noticed my legs need shaving too. I NEVER used to have to shave my legs! It's really not that noticable, but I'm not used to having ANY hair on my legs so I think I will shave them. I just better not grow a moustach or a beard!
Hi Savgal

I take Country Life Biotin, at 5mgs each (that 5000 mcgs). It's a thin capsule, coated, very easy to swallow.

At 5mgs I have noticed accelerated growth. I'm 8 wks post touchup &amp; I have about the same new growth as if I were at about 12-15 wks. The new growth is very, very soft &amp; manageable

All I take is Flintstone's Complete Chewables &amp; Country Life Biotin.

I purchase the biotin from a local health food / vitamin store called Webers. I get 60 capsules for $11.00... that's enough for 2 mths.

<font color="purple">Peachtree, since no one answered my post on the subject, maybe you can help me out. I recently purchased some biotin 300mcgs tablets from GNC at $2.99 for a bottle of 100. The package says that you take 1 or 2 a day, preferably after a meal. Instead of taking 1, I took 2 of the tablets to see if it'll give me results in nail and hair growth. At 300mcgs, will that give me accelerated growth in weeks time, or do I need to up on the mcgs for even better results? Thanx in advance, and may God bless you.

PS, can I take them again after dinner? </font>
Hi BabyCurls,
I think that your posted question was just overlooked, not intentionally though luv.

I'm very far from being knowledgeable about what dosages promotes "X" amt of growth.... I would think that it really depends on your diet, for instance if u r getting enough vits &amp; nutrients in your diet, then you can take a lower dosage of biotin &amp; still see results. Another thing, I've noticed members speak that the brand of biotin makes a difference also. Some have switched from Country Life Biotin to Puritan's Pride Biotin &amp; their growth has accelerated.

Another thing, I've taken 5mg of biotin, that's 5000 mcgs, ever since beginning my vits regime about 7 weeks ago. I've notice that a lot of members here take this amt, so maybe this is the "average" amt to begin seeing accelerated growth.

U are taking 300 mcgs or 2 pills making that 600 mcgs..that's .3 mgs or .6 mgs. That's still 10x less than the "avg" taken here. At any rate, u could be among those whose diet provides all of the necessary nutrients, making this lessor dosage work for u.

The best advice I can give u is to allow about a mth-6 wks. If u don't see any addl growth, then consider uping the dosage. Again, cuz I started so high (5mgs) I saw results fairly soon (mth's time). Another piece of advice, don't rush it kiddo....give the vit time to adjust to your system

BTW, Yes, take it after meals.

I hope I thoroughly answered your questions....if not, then let me know sweetheart.

Much luv,
Oh, I'm sorry! I don't stay on the board night and day, 7days a week, so If I don't reply right away don't get all nasty.
<font color="purple">No, no problem. I think Peachtree helped me out on that already. What I'm going to do is increase my dosage on the 300mcgs. If it doesn't give me results, I'm going to switch to PPB. I just put in an order for their catalog to be sent to my home so I can take advantage of their buy 1 get 2 free offer until Sept. 5. Thanx, though. Toodles. </font>