Qucik But Funny & Sad Story!


New Member
Okay I am gonna make this quick, I was talking to my Sister n Laws today after doing some work on my house and playing around with my horses & dogs!

Anyway we were talking hair and they wanted to know what I had done to my hair because I had it in a Scarf for a few days I said I chopped it a couple months ago again, and they just rolled their eyes:spinning: anyway this is how it went:

SIL#1- "Well I gotta keep my hair permed"
ME- "How often you perm it?"
SIL#1- "I perm my hair Once A Month from Root to Tip"
ME- "Why you do that"
SIL#1- "Because I want & like my hair straight"
ME- "So your Relax your hair 12 times a year?"
SIL#1- "Yes Ma'am!" "I gotta leave it on for 30 minutes"

SIL#2- "I relax mines Every Week:burning: to keep it straight & smooth, I can't be around here with No Nappy Hair":lachen:

Then we got on the subject of washing hair, I told them I cleanse my hair Daily or every other day & they HAD THE NERVE to tell me " Girl what are you trying to do Be Bald Headed? "Yo' Hair Gone Fall out doing that mess":pity::lachen:

You can only Educate those who want to be Educated about hair! I just fell out laughing I was laughing so hard, Like are you kidding me? But you know how some people are, by me washing my hair it was gonna fall out, but by them relaxing so often theres wasn't!!!!!
RIGHT!!! what a great and funny story. THIS IS A GEM! Reminds me of some tore up hair friends that my mom has and they way they were acting b/c I wash my hair every other day, and yet, they every 4 weeks, faithfully relaxing, and heads bald and you can almost see their scalp LOL!!

You are right! You can't educate those who do not want to learn!
That is so crazy! You can talk until you are blue in the face and they won't listen to nothing, some people are just so set in there Hairways and won't see it any other way!!
That is hilarious! I would love to be there the day yall all sitting around and they stroking your hair with their mouths wide open like "how did you get your hair so long"? LOL
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Wow!! relaxing EVERY week!?!?!? That seems dangeorus. I could only ever relax every 12 weeks and sometimes I'd try to stretch that with a sew in weave.

I am so shocked at the number of people who think washing often (with conditioner not shampoo) will harm hair. I have always conditioner my hair often (since high school) and even then people had something to say. Some do say that dirt makes hair grow but I never personally subscribed to that theory.

When I started up cowashing again a few times a week in 2008, DH also thought I was crazy....but he gets it now.
Once a week?!?!?!

So instead of just washing her hair she would rather relax it .....(sighs and shakes head) lol...

With infrequent washing, the frequent relaxing probably doesn't hurt her. All the buildup acts as her base and protectant! :lachen:
Okay I am gonna make this quick, I was talking to my Sister n Laws today after doing some work on my house and playing around with my horses & dogs!

Anyway we were talking hair and they wanted to know what I had done to my hair because I had it in a Scarf for a few days I said I chopped it a couple months ago again, and they just rolled their eyes:spinning: anyway this is how it went:

SIL#1- "Well I gotta keep my hair permed"
ME- "How often you perm it?"
SIL#1- "I perm my hair Once A Month from Root to Tip"
ME- "Why you do that"
SIL#1- "Because I want & like my hair straight"
ME- "So your Relax your hair 12 times a year?"
SIL#1- "Yes Ma'am!" "I gotta leave it on for 30 minutes"

SIL#2- "I relax mines Every Week:burning: to keep it straight & smooth, I can't be around here with No Nappy Hair"

Then we got on the subject of washing hair, I told them I cleanse my hair Daily or every other day & they HAD THE NERVE to tell me " Girl what are you trying to do Be Bald Headed? "Yo' Hair Gone Fall out doing that mess":pity::lachen:

You can only Educate those who want to be Educated about hair! I just fell out laughing I was laughing so hard, Like are you kidding me? But you know how some people are, by me washing my hair it was gonna fall out, but by them relaxing so often theres wasn't!!!!!

With infrequent washing, the frequent relaxing probably doesn't hurt her. All the buildup acts as her base and protectant! :lachen:



I am laughing till the tears run forth.


my husband thinks i am crazy

he's looking at me in the den asking me what is wrong LOL!!
With infrequent washing, the frequent relaxing probably doesn't hurt her. All the buildup acts as her base and protectant! :lachen:

That could be true because she use her grease, But I can tell ya'll this the one that relaxes once per month hair stays the same length, and the Weekly relaxer keeps her cut very short.
WOW. I guess I was not too bad when I was relaxing every 4 weeks. WOW!

OT: SB your hair is growing girl, good job!
I couldn't imagine putting a relaxer on once a week. How "straight and smooth" does she need it? Her hair is not growing that fast.

This makes my head hurt. Please tell me she's doing this herself, and not a stylist.