Qhemet's Amla and Olive Cream was just OK. How about you?


New Member
Does anybody else agree? Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I washed and deep conditioned with ORS PAk then used it too twist my damp 4a/b natural hair. My hair wasn't super soft. I've gotten better results from cowashing with AO Honeysuckle condish.

Any suggestions, I really wanted to love this product:nono:
Does anybody else agree? Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I washed and deep conditioned with ORS PAk then used it too twist my damp 4a/b natural hair. My hair wasn't super soft. I've gotten better results from cowashing with AO Honeysuckle condish.

Any suggestions, I really wanted to love this product:nono:
I don't airdry anymore (I get under a hooded dryer), so I don't know about for you, but I'm natural and my hair loves it. I apply it, and then seal it with coconut oil. Maybe you need to seal in the results.
I love it! Keeps my hair soft feeling all day. I cant keep my hands outta my hair! Neither can my friends:wallbash:, but thats a different story! lol :lachen:

Have u tried using it mixed with a lil shea butter or essential oils?
I love it, but since it's oil-based I have to use it on almost dry/dry hair with a leave-in for it to really work for me. And you don't need much.
my hair does not like heavy cream at all

the olive one I could only use on damp hair

I then realized my hair doesnt like oils at all
Maybe the Burdock Root Butter would work better for you.

Personally I love it, I've been using it for a couple years now
Maybe I will try to use it on dry hair. Does Heavy cream improve your hair over time? Maybe I will continue to use it to nourish my hair and try a different product for softness. Thanks for your replies ladies. I love this forum.
I tried it when the line was relatively new, I also just thought it worked "ok" for my hair.
My dd's natural hair loves the AOHC, Olive detangler, and the Honeybush Tea gel. I've only been using them for a few weeks, but the difference is phenomenal. My mom asked what I'd been doing lately because it looked like dd's grade was "changing". I told her it wasn't changing, I've just finally found some prods that keep her hair moist all day so you can really see her texture. After spritzing her hair w/distilled water, I use just a bit of the AOHC or Olive detangler and brush thru and then apply some of the gel. Wave city! I think main thing to remember is they aren't lying when they say a little goes a long way. Try using on slightly damp hair opposed to wet.
I agree...I didnt like it enough to repurchase.

I heart my mix of Carols Daughter Mimosa Hair Honey and Healthy Hair Butter. Qhemet just didnt woo me away.
Talk about soft city! I love this stuff, mainly on dry hair or almost dry hair. It makes my ends super wavy and curly but the only negative for me is it makes my twists unravel at times due to the intense moisture. But still, it's definitely a keeper for me. :yep:
I loooove this stuff! I've been using this as a leave-in for about a year now and have seen a great difference in my hair. I too, seal it w/ Vatika or coconut oil. Nothing else I've tried compares to it.